PLE Updates
November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
While I was aware of the potential winter weather on Monday, I did not imagine that we would have two days out of school this week. I hope that you all are warm and safe during this long storm. It still looks like a good bit of snowfall is yet ahead of us. I too hope that your children have been able to get outside and embrace the adventure and excitement of building snowmen, forts, sledding, and engaging in snowball fights.
Monday is Veteran’s Day! At Pine Lane, our Crew is very grateful for those who have served to protect the liberties and freedoms we enjoy in the United States. Monday we have planned a Special Veteran’s Day Performance by our 2nd Grade and 5th Grade classes. If you have 2nd or 5th-grade students, please encourage them to do a little practicing over the weekend as we lost two days of preparation for these performances. If you are a veteran, thank you for your service to our country.
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools yearly pauses to acknowledge DCSD staff that has had a tremendous impact on their school. This is through their Apple Award nomination. November 11th is quickly approaching; this is the due date for all submissions. I would encourage you and your child to submit a nomination for a Pine Lane Staff member who has had a positive impact on your child's growth and development. While the Foundation will narrow the selections down to one certified and classified elementary and secondary winner for the district, all nominations are shared with these staff members. These nominations mean a great deal to our staff. Please submit nominations here: Apple Awards Nominations
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to our community for your commitment to invest in the capital needs of our school district. With the passing of 5A, we will see improvements in our HVAC systems, upgrades to restrooms, and upgrades in technology. A big improvement to the Chap Fam will be the expansion of Sierra Middle School. This will afford for much needed upgrades to the building as well as enriching and expanding opportunities for our 6th grade students.
Have a safe weekend and thank you all for your partnership in empowering excellence in character, achievement, and contribution to a better world!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- November 11th - 2nd & 5th Grade Veterans Day Program
- November 13th - 3rd Grade & Littrell Colorado Symphony Field Trip
- November 13th - McTeacher Night @McDonalds 5pm-7pm
- November 14th - Picture Retake Day
- November 14th - PLEA Public Meeting 3-4pm
- November 15th - Fall Spirt Day - Hat Day
- November 22nd - PAWSitive Bear Assembly
- November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break - No School
- December 6th - PLEA Kids Night Out
- December 18th - SAC Meeting
Bus Cancelations
- November 11th - Bus 145 & 183
- November 18th - Bus 141
- November 25th - Thanksgiving Break
- December 2nd - Bus 142
- December 9th - Bus 151
- December 16th - Bus 146 & 186
- December 23rd - January 6th - Winter Break
Veterans Day Performances 2nd & 5th Grade
Visitors are Welcome and Encouraged!
Our 2nd and 5th Grades will be hosting a concert to celebrate our Veterans. If you will be joining us please let us know by filling out the links below. This expedites the check in process in our offices. Please use the links below to register if you plan on attending.
Let’s Honor our Veterans in the Pine Lane Community
Pine Lane Families - Make a poster commemorating the Veteran(s) of your family (or friends) so we can line our hallways for our Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 11, 2024.
Posters must be delivered to the Pine Lane Front Office by 4:00 pm Thursday, November 7th.
Here are some ideas to include on your posters:
- Veterans Name; Military Branch; Unit; Tours; Years served.
- If you don’t know any family members or friends who are veterans, please feel free to contribute by making a poster to honor or thank those Veterans who will be visiting our school on Veterans Day.
Apple Awards
Nominations Accepted through November 11th
Do you have a staff member that has impacted you or your students journey at PLE?
If so nominate and employee today here!
Nominations will be accepted through November 11th.
PLE Fall Spirit Fridays
Friday October 25th - Hat Day
Bring in $2.00 to participate as noted on the dates below:
as of today we have raised $1,083!
- Friday November 15th - Hat Day
- Friday November 22th - Pajama Day
These funds will be used to purchase turkeys for our families that have signed up for a Thanksgiving Food Box.
Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
Collections November 1st - November 20th
We are going to be working collaboratively as a school CREW to assemble Thanksgiving meal boxes for our Pine Lane families in need this season. We’re asking YOU to bring in the non perishable donation items beginning November 1st.
Each grade level please bring in these specific items:
Kindergarten: Boxed Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
First: Canned Green Beans and Canned Corn
Second: Canned yams, Marshmallows
Third: Boxed/Bagged Stuffing
Fourth: Canned Cranberries
Fifth: Cornbread mix
6th: Cream of Mushroom Soup & Fried Onions
Discovery: Boxed Brownies (nothing perishable)
Open Enrollment begins November 1st
The first round of 2025-2026 Open Enrollment begins Friday, November 1st at 8am and closes Monday, December 2nd at 4pm.
If you have a student at PLE through prior Open Enrollment or a Special District Program and have other siblings that would like to also attend Pine Lane, you would need to apply for 2025-2026 Open Enrollment
If you have a 6th grade student but do not live within the Chaparral Feeder boundaries, you would need to apply for Open Enrollment to Sierra Middle School in order for them to attend Sierra and Chaparral High School.
If you have questions about whether your student needs to Open Enroll, email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org or call 303-387-8325.
Kindergarten Online Registration opens December 2nd
Picture Retake Day - November 14th
Any student that has started with us after Aug. 7th, will get their photo taken.
- Order today on mylifetouch.com using Picture ID: EVTPXV4HF
- Complete details and ordering details is available here: PLE Picture Day Information
Families that want there student picture retaken will need to bring in your photos that you had previously ordered but want them replaced.
Original Works Art Fundraiser
Orders due by November 13th!
Hello Parents!
If for your student did not come home with their Personal Flyer of their artwork for our Art Fundraiser, PLEASE contact your student’s art teacher. Mrs. Hinrichs or Ms. Pizzano, they can then email you your students access code, then follow the instructions below.
Deadline for orders is November 13th, if you wish to receive your products before Winter Break.
Thank you again for your support in our Art Program!
PLE Holiday Opportunities
If your family has a need this season please complete all forms by the dates below:
Complete holiday details available here: PLE 2024 Holiday Opportunities
- November 1st - The Christmas Store at Parker Adventist
- November 15th - Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
Note that information filled out in the forms is shared with our Mental Health Team, and for the Family Adoption you will be contacted by a social worker that has worked closely with PLE the last few years.
Love and Logic Parenting Class
PLEA Updates
Spirit Night - McTeachers Night
- Wednesday November 13th
- 5:00pm - 7:00pm
- 9160 Crown Crest BLVD
- Parker CO
Kids Night Out - December 6th
Save the date!
Friday December 6th
6pm - 8pm
Details and registration will be sent out next week!
Field Trips
Before and After School
Chap Feeder Area Events
DCSD Community Updates
Upcoming Discounted Community Events Include:
- Air Force Falcons - 11/16/24
- CU Buffs - 11/16/24 and 11/29/24
- A Christmas Carol/DCPA - 11/22 - 12/29/24
- Mannheim Steamroller/DCPA - 12/8/24
- National Western Stock Show - 1/11 - 1/26/25
- Back to the Future/DCPA - 2/7/25 2/9/25
- Mean Girls/DCPA - 2/28/25, 3/2/25
- The Wiz/DCPA - 4/25/25, 4/26/25
General link to purchase tickets or for more information is: https://www.foundationdcs.org/community-events
Are you getting yours?
Parent Crew!
We are working on updating the contact information in our messaging system. If you are not receiving emails, texts or calls from us or if you are receiving messages where you do not want them to go.....email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org. We can double check your settings and preferences to ensure you are receiving the messages you want where you want them.
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277