MIU IV Presents: Amy Graham
"Choosing the Right Phonological Approach"
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV is proud to present another great speaker for Speech Therapists in our area!
Click here to check out her blog https://www.grahamspeechtherapy.com/blog
Choosing the Right Phonological Approach
COST $10
Cut off date for sign up: March 3, 2021
This course will provide an overview of several evidence-based phonological interventions, including cycles, complexity approach, contrastive approaches, and the stimulability approach. Strategies for choosing and implementing these approaches across therapy settings, along with videos of actual therapy sessions demonstrating implementation, will also be provided.
Friday, Mar 5, 2021, 02:00 PM
2:00-3:30pm Amy Graham presentation "Choosing the Right Phonological Approach"
How do I sign up?
1. https://www.edulinkinc.com/iu4registration/
2. Log in to Edulink or create a new account
3. Click "View Workshops" button
4. Search for "Amy Graham" training- click on "more info"
5. Click "register for course"
6. You will receive a Zoom link via email 2 days prior to the event
COST $10
General information: jaclyn.underwood@miu4.org