October 1, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- September 9-October 4: STEMscopes Beginning of Year Assessment Window (2-12)
- October 14-18: Digital Citizenship Week (see more info below)
- October 22: Elementary Grading Window Opens
Promethean Spotlight
EdTech Updates
STEMscopes Canvas Integration
STEMscopes updated their Canvas integration, making the installed integration non-operable. In order for the integration to work moving forward, it needed to be updated, which means the integration in past assignments is broken and will need to be updated.
The new integration is called Content Item tool LTI 1.3 for Accelerate Learning. Please use this integration moving forward.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please reach out to Help Desk with any issues.
McGraw Hill Canvas Integration
In order to use grade passback and assign through Canvas, courses need to be set up properly. Please see the videos linked below for step by step instructions.
Digital Citizenship
Device Care
Digital Citizenship Week: October 14-18
Enter the Hapara Classroom Wishlist Teacher Giveaway by October 4th!
ITS Updates
Beware of Unsolicited Communications from Retirement or Benefits Companies
We are aware that employees are receiving emails offering opportunities specific to CalPERS and CalSTRS. These emails are not requested or sponsored by the District. District sponsored emails will come from a PUSD email address.
Financial institutions and investment companies will often reach out to staff members, claiming to be working with the District on retirement opportunities. When you receive an unsolicited email such as the email pictured, you can click on "Report Spam" or "Unsubscribe" to reduce the chances of receiving future emails from that vendor.
If you have questions regarding your benefits, reach out directly to the Benefits department at
Location: 351 South Hudson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, USA
Phone: 626-396-3699