ROE Kindergarten - Week Nov. 11
We Are Better Together!
Greetings Kindergarten Families
Greetings Kindergarten Families,
We had a fun week working and learning together! Students are working hard at following directions the first time and enjoying lots of partner work. If your student is interested in joining a club (flyers sent home last week), please sign and return to school. Clubs will begin after Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Lunch which will be held on Tuesday, November 12. Flyers were sent home with a QR code to register in advance (see below for more information).
Following are some important reminders to keep in mind for this school year:
- School hours are 7:20-3:05. If you are dropping your child off after 7:20, please park in the front parking lot and sign your child in at the front office. If you are arriving after 3:30pm for pickup, please park in the front parking lot and walk to the office with your car tag.
- Transportation changes need to go through the office. Please call 972-617-3523 before 2:00 pm for any transportation changes.
- Contacting your child's teacher: If you call or email your child's teacher, they will respond within 24 hours as our focus during the day is your students.
- Lunch with your student: Parents/guests are only allowed to come to the campus on Fridays to eat lunch with your child. Please see the letter that is being sent home with your student for details.
- Birthday treats: Birthday treats will only be served on Fridays. Please see the letter being sent home with your student for details.
What We Are Learning
We will continue to learn about nouns, verbs and adjectives. We will use our inferencing skills and make personal connections to the stories we read.
We will continue to read, write and subitize our teen numbers using 10 frame models and number lines. Students are practicing the 'count on' strategy (i.e. if I know this set is 10, I can count on from there).
Social Studies and Science
Social Studies: We will learn about Veteran's Day and begin to talk about cultures and customs.
Science: We will learn about 'wind' and where it comes from.
Suite 360: We will learn about 'caring reactions'.
Dates to Remember
Tuesday, November 12 -- Thanksgiving Lunch
Friday, November 15 -- No school Staff Development
Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29 -- No School, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 9 -- PTA Tip Top Holiday Shop
Wednesday, December 18 -- Polar Express Day
Friday, December 20 - Tuesday, January 7 -- Winter Break
Ideas for Learning at Home
Read, Read, Read
Read with your child every day. Have your child identify the nouns in a sentence and the verbs -- "what is the noun doing?" Go on a noun scavenger hunt and make a list of all the nouns you found!
Math activities
Be a scientist
Order Your Yearbook Today!
See the attached flyer to order your yearbook.