This Week @ PS 88Q
October 5th, 2023
No School Monday, October 9, 2023
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Fall weekend. Don't forget, tomorrow school is closed in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day/Italian American Heritage Day.
This first month of school is busy! Busy for our scholars, busy for our families, and busy for our staff. Somedays there doesn't seem like there is enough time in the day to get it all done. Always communicate with your child's teacher, our parent coordinator Ms. Ivett Perez-Lopez, or Ms. Lowe, Ms. Herman and myself if things are overwhelming. We are here to help.
Something I was thinking about this week, which was confirmed by one of our new kindergarten moms, is the transition from Pre-K to kindergarten. Whether you were with us in PreK, or elsewhere, your presence in the school was daily, while dropping off and then picking up. Kindergarten is the wave at the gate, and your little one enters. With the change from parent engagement to virtual, and Back to School Night being virtual, many families are feeling left out. That is what we do not want. Our teachers will host throughout the course of the year opportunities to come into the classroom to participate in various activities, but I wanted to create a time just for our new families, whether your child is in kindergarten, or another grade, at PS 88Q for the first time. What goes on daily is truly amazing. Whether in the classroom, the gym, the music room, the art lab, the coding lab, recess, lunch, the library, or the PBIS store (which our students will be naming), they are learning about every space in the building. I am hoping to see all of our new families at this weeks PTA meeting, and I can show you where your child goes every day! Always remember, reach out to me anytime if you have any questions.
Have a great week!
Requesting A Device/Returning a Device
Many families have inquired about receiving a NYC DOE device. During the pandemic, and the shift to remote learning, the DOE offered central devices. Students who received these devices take them to the next school, IF THEY REMAIN IN A NYC PUBLIC SCHOOL. If students transfer our of a NYC Public School, they are returned to the school and put back into circulation.
Currently, we have reissued any devices we have, but can request devices from Central DOE. The guidance we received is to collect the names of any students who would like to request a device and submit it to Central, as we do not have any inventory of Central devices. This is for students who have not received a device prior. This is for new requests.
If you would like to request a central device, please request on the link below.
We Are So Proud of Our Nest Program
This year we were chosen to be part of an amazing program. PS 88Q in one of the 83 schools in all of NYC (elementary, middle and high school) that host this amazing program. This is quite humbling, as there are 1800 schools in the city.
The program serves four students with autism in a classroom with eight general education students. The class is a small Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) class, with one special education teacher and one general education teacher. As students get older, the class size increases. There is no classroom paraprofessional. The act
Our inaugural class, kindergarten, is taught by Ms. Becker, Ms. Agostino and Ms. Prinzevalli. Ms. Baccarella supports the students as does Mr. Canales. Each year, this program will grow, allowing for more opportunities for our students. Our NEST staff take part in professional learning throughout the year, and just this past week, they visited another school in Queens where there are 17 NEST classes. For more information about NEST, click here: https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/metrocenter/asdnest/new-york-city
Our Nest Class has been busy! Check them out!!
Check out the amazing
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month
Every year from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and reflect on the contributions and histories of Latinx people in the United States. In New York City Public Schools, 41% of students enrolled (opens in new window) during the 2022-2023 school year were Hispanic, and schools have welcomed thousands of new students from Latin America since the summer. Celebrating our collective diversity is key to creating strong connections within healthy and inclusive school communities. Have you taken time to learn more about how the Latinx community has made their mark on history? Share the following resources with your school communities, including students—our newest generation working for a better future:
Coffee with Ms. Ivett: Every Friday
Middle School Fair
District 24 is proud to host our Middle School Fair
- Tuesday, October 17, 2023
- Location: I.S. 73 - Host Principal Michael Casale
- Fair will be held in the 1st Floor Cafeteria
- Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- https://csd24.com/MSapply
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me.
Class 5-310
PAC News
PTA News
Monthly General Membership Meeting: (That's YOU!)
Thursday October 12, 6pm-6:45pm In Person AND on Zoom
Zoom link and link to PTA Google Drive are always on the PTA page on the website.
Come make your voice heard!
**This is an important one.** We need you to vote on approving the Budget and ByLaws. And we'll be talking about the events tentatively scheduled for the rest of the year.
PLEASE take a moment to look at the material in the folder “Parents to approve on 10/12”. That way we can vote right away (or discuss any specific issues) and move on to new business!
Caring Closet, October Fall/Winter Edition:
Families of Students with Special Needs Peer to Peer Support Group:
Wednesday October 18, 5:30-6:30, in the Cafeteria
For more info, email Monica at PTA88.Monica@gmail.com
- Don’t forget to join our PTA email list and take our short survey here: https://forms.gle/giwhAU7FVfjM6FW19
(If your child attends PS88Q, you are automatically a voting member of the PTA. BUT we need to collect your email directly FROM YOU in order for the PTA to email you. We cannot get that information from the school.)
- The PTA page on the website always has updates and links to important information. Please take a moment to read the minutes and other information so we can always vote quickly and move on to new and exciting topics!
- Email Samantha (PTA88President@gmail.com), Sabita (PTA88Treasurer@gmail.com), and Camila (PTA88Secretary@gmail.com) with any questions or concerns … or just to say hi!
Picture Day was a great success! Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who made it happen!
Your portraits should be delivered in about 4 weeks.
If you ordered online, you’ll get an email from Lifetouch with a link to your digital images - these usually go out just before the physical packages ship.
Makeup day is Tuesday November 28th. This is for children who were absent as well as children who need a retake. **If your child is having a retake, you must return the original package/proof on Makeup day.** You should keep your class photo, though.