Barbara Morgan S.T.E.M. Academy
September 3, 2024
Parent Newsletter
Upcoming Events
9 - 13 PTO Food Drive
10 - PTO Stella's Ice Cream Night
11 - 1st grade goes to the Ag Expo
11 - PTO Meeting in the library 4:15
14 - 5th grade hosting Observe the Moon Night 8pm-10pm
18- NO SCHOOL All Grades
26 - Picture Day (packets sent home week prior)
2 - Walk & Roll Safety School - Tully Park 8:30 AM
9 - K-12 Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences
10 - NO SCHOOL Grades K-8 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
11 - NO SCHOOL - All Grades - End of First Quarter Grades K-12
16 - PTO Meeting in the library 4:15
25 - PTO Walk -n- Treat
New BMSA Attendance phone line
Note from the Nurse
Welcome back to BMSA Roaring Rockets! We are happy to all be back together and are excited for another awesome school year! As students get back into the routine of school, I wanted to remind you of the West Ada Illness Policy that will help you know when to keep your student home if they are ill.
Health Services | West Ada School District
Illness : When to Keep Students Home from School
Fever greater than 100.0 degrees: A fever lets us know that our body is fighting an infection. We are contagious during this time and need rest. Students should be fever free for at least 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours without vomiting diarrhea before returning to school to make sure they can keep food/liquids down.
Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.0 degrees: Students should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been on the prescribed antibiotics and are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Students should stay home if they have a new onset persistent cough in which they are coughing so much it keeps them from participating in class or disrupts their classmates. Student may return when their cough is no longer disruptive to the educational environment and/or the student is cleared to return to school by their health care provider.
There may be exceptions. Please contact your school nurse with any questions.
Nurse Shannon
BMSA Science of Flight Family Night!
Thank you families for joining us!
The "Science of Flight" was an inspiring and collaborative event for our BMSA community! Families, students and BMSA staff interacted to engineer, think critically, fostered curiosity, and build community.
Safety Drills
BMSA along with all West Ada buildings practices safety drills throughout the school year. These consist of monthly fire drills, an annual earthquake drill, and two lockdown drills per year. This week we will have one of those lockdown drills. We expect students to be silent and listen to their teachers directions during these drills.
BMSA PTO Food Drive
9/9 to 9/13
BMSA PTO is proud to sponsor a school wide food drive benefiting the Idaho Food Bank. September 9th through 13th students and their families are invited to participate by bringing in non-perishable items and placing them in one of the four food bins located in the study lounge. Below is a list of most needed items. Please remember we are only collecting non-perishable items at this time. If we fill all four food bins, PTO will host a dance party for students during lunch! Thank you for supporting this cause with us!
PTO Ice Cream Social Fundraiser
Please join us for an ice cream social at Stella's North Meridian located off of Fairview. September 10th from 4:30-9pm 20% of proceeds will go back to BMSA PTO. Just let them know you are with BMSA when you check out. These funds will help us support students and staff. We hope to see you there!
International Observe the Moon Night at BMSA
9-14 8pm to 10pm in the back field
5th grade is hosting Observe the Moon Night on September 14th!
No School Wednesday, September 18th
Playground Dutys Needed!
We are in urgent NEED of a playground aide, one hour per day, to help supervise children during the lunch hour. This is a paid position. If you or a family member are interested in helping BMSA in this way, please contact Mrs. Brown at and apply by clicking the link below:
4th & 5th grade Orchestra Parents
Community Happenings
Save My Family - West Ada Education Outreach
The impact of Social Media
Dear West Ada Families,
We are excited to announce a series of "Save My Family" events taking place at all West Ada comprehensive high schools and Renaissance this fall. These events are part of the live education initiative from Committing to 16, focused on empowering parents, teachers, coaches, and students with vital information and tools to protect our kids' psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.
Here are the dates and times for each school:
Centennial High School: September 3, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Rocky Mountain High School: September 10, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Owyhee High School: September 17, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Meridian High School: September 24, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Mountain View High School: October 1, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Eagle High School: October 8, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Renaissance/IFAA: October 17, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (White Cloud Auditorium)
Each event will feature an impressive lineup of guest speakers, including:
Dr. Condie, Child Neurologist at St. Luke's
Officer Gomez, Social Media Expert and School Resource Officer (SRO)
Agent Hart, Former FBI Agent and School Safety Expert
Nurse Kelli, Founder of Save My Family and Nurse Practitioner Student
These speakers will share their expert insights into the challenges facing our youth today and provide practical strategies to support their well-being.
We welcome all families in the West Ada School District to attend. Children are encouraged to join, especially middle school students and older, as well as any child with a cell phone. The content and discussions are relevant to all age groups, helping to equip our youth with the knowledge and tools to navigate today's complex world safely.
For more information about "Save My Family" and the mission of Committing to 16, please visit Committing to 16 - Save My Family. Additional resources for parents can also be found at Committing to 16 - Parent Resources.
We encourage all families to attend these important events and take advantage of the valuable resources and information provided. Your participation is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of our children.
Stay connected with us and follow Save My Family on Instagram for updates and more.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and community.
Best regards,
West Ada School District
Girls in Aviation Day September 21st
Children's Museum of Idaho Space Day September 24th 12-4pm
TavaCi School of Performing Arts -PTO
BMSA is excited to partner with TavaCi School of Performing Arts where students can learn how to sing and perform on stage outside of school hours! A trial class will take place Monday Sept 9th at Friendship Celebration (765 W. Chinden BLVD) at either 5 or 6pm depending on your child's grade. 10% of each BMSA student's monthly tuition ($49/month) will go back to BMSA PTO. Additionally, PTO is partnering with TavaCi to raffle off ONE free tuition for the entire year (a $440 value)!
To enter the raffle, simply purchase your choice of either 1 ticket ($1) or 15 tickets ($10). PTO will draw a winner on Sept. 11th during our PTO meeting.
For more information about the program please see the flyer attached.
*This opportunity has been approved by BMSA and WASD.
Parent Teacher Organization Information
Stay in the Know and Join BMSA's PTO!
If you are new to BMSA or a long-time family member, you know we love supporting our students, staff and community. We do so by embracing and celebrating individual strengths, networking to share resources, and organizing amazing events and activities that help unite our entire BMSA family. We are stronger when working together and we invite you to join our Facebook group, participate in PTO meetings, volunteer time, or simply engage in the activities we help to provide.
If you would like to help out with items, please comment here or email us at so we can arrange to get them from you.
Please contact us at:
School Counselor Newsletter
Contact Us
Principal Ms. Mittleider-
Secretary Mrs. Wilson -
Safe School Assistant Mrs. Brown -
Counselor Emma:
Location: 1825 West Chateau Drive, Meridian, ID, USA
Phone: 208-855-4430