GATES Family Newsletter
December 2023
Important Dates
June 5th: Senior BBQ and Last day for Seniors
June 7th: Graduation Rehearsal
June 8th: Graduation
June 17th: 3.5 Early Release
June 18th: Last Day of School, 3.5 early release
Early release Wednesdays: June 5th
Message from the Principal
Dear GATES Community,
This has been an exciting year for our students, families, faculty, and staff. Here are some highlights I want to share:
• We moved into our new building, designed just for our Gators! It has made a big difference in our learning community. Seeing students and staff connect daily is the highlight of my day.
• We welcomed 80 new students, which meant 80 conferences to ensure a smooth transition to our school.
• We started Mastery-Based Learning to make education meaningful and culturally relevant for every student.
• Our students visited post-secondary schools and job sites, hosted our first student-led resource fair, and participated in two Days of Service giving back to our many community partners.
• We're about to graduate 38 students, ready for life beyond high school.
These are just a few highlights I wanted to share, there are so many more. Please take a moment to ask your child what their personal highlights have been.
Thank you for letting us be part of your child’s journey. If you have any feedback or shout-outs, please email me at
Thank you!
GATES High School
Location: 4608 128th Street East, Tacoma, WA, USA
Phone: 253-298-4000