Happenings at the Hive
February 7, 2025
Dear Solon Stinger Families,
Grandparents & Special People Day is Almost Here! We are excited to welcome our students’ beloved grandparents and special people to Solon Robinson Elementary next week for a time filled with fun, laughter, and cherished memories! This special event is a wonderful opportunity for our students to share their school experience with those who mean so much to them. Guests will enjoy a variety of activities, including a Book Fair, a creative craft project, and a lively game of BINGO with a photo opportunity (please bring your own camera/phone for photos)! We ask that only adults attend as we'd like this to be a day focused exclusively on our students, not younger siblings. Thank you for helping to make this day special for our K-5 students!
Doors will open 15 minutes before the scheduled start times. A friendly reminder to our visitors: we kindly ask all afternoon guests to exit the building by 3:15 PM to allow for a smooth dismissal process. Also, we ask that students stay in school for the remainder of the school day as they will not be permitted to leave with their guests at the end of the event. Thank you for your understanding!
Thank you for being a part of this special new tradition. We look forward to celebrating this memorable day together!
Yours in learning,
The Solon Robinson Elementary Team
Upcoming Dates
7th - February/July Birthday Sundaes
10th-14th - Grandparents & Special Person Week
10th-14th - Book Fair Week
12th - PTO meeting - 4:00 PM (STEM Room)
17th - Presidents Day; no school
19th - La Quesadilla Dine to Donate
21st - Mentor Daughter Pajama Night
Friendship Candygrams
Our Student Council is once again selling their Friendship Candygrams next week!
Your child can buy Candygrams in the STEM from from 8:30am– 8:55am each morning.
The cost is $1 each and the candy this year will be Skittles.
Parents, if you would like to surprise and purchase candygram for your child, you can do the following:
- Stop by the office during school hours
- Send money in an envelope marked “OFFICE” on the outside
- Inside the envelope, please make sure to include who the Candygram is for (First and Last name) and teacher’s name if possible. If we only see first name (ex: To: Gabby, From: Mom, we would not know which Gabby to deliver the candygram to)
- If you purchase multiple candygrams for your child, we will spread out the delivery on different days throughout the week.
All proceeds from the sales go towards a monetary donation to St. Jude’s House in CP and other Student Council endeavors.
Girls on the Run
Calling all 4th & 5th grade girls! Registration lottery to join Solon’s Girls on the Run Club runs from February 3rdthrough February 12th. Scan the QR code at the bottom of this flyer to add your student to the lottery. A copy of this flyer and a call-out poster came home with all 4th & 5th grade girls last week. Registering does not guarantee your girl a spot on the team. Girls are chosen randomly from the lottery when registration closes. You can register for the lottery any time between February 3rd and next Wednesday, February 12th.
If your student was a part of Girls on the Run last year, an email with the registration link was sent to you. If you have questions, please reach out to Miss Leslie (LLeslie@cps.k12.in.us) and Miss Smith (CSmith@cps.k12.in.us) through e-mail or ParentSquare.
Scholastic Book Fair
It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From Feb10th-14th, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase benefits our school.
eWallets for Book Fair
Create a Book Fair eWallet for cash-free shopping.
Plus, you can share your eWallet link so friends and family can help your child find even more to read. Unspent funds from a past Fair? To transfer them to this Fair, log in to your Scholastic account and create a new eWallet—then your previous balance will be available to transfer as an eGift Card. When you fund an eWallet, you can also contribute to Share the Fair, the giving program that benefits kids in your school who need help buying new books.
No more bills stuffed into backpacks and lost cash! This also helps parents know where their money is going. Wishlists will be sent home next week. Fill out the list with what you would like your child to purchase and we will have someone help them find those items! Only eWallets accepted from students, Credit cards & Debit Cards accepted during Special People Day and Family Event.
Yearbook Sale
A paper order form went home with your child earlier this week.
You can order online by going to “inter-state.com/order” and use the Order Code “91331C” or send cash or check payable to “Inter-State” in the order form that went home. All orders are due by Friday, March 7.
Shoe Tying Club
Congratulations to the Kindergarteners pictured below who are now part of the Shoe Tying Club!
We are so proud of your practice and hard work.
Robotics Club
Congratulations to our Robotics Club for a fun, educational season. Thank you to Mrs. Coil and Mrs. Bodamer for coaching our Robotics teams again this year!
Stinger Tickets!
What's Happening in Library and Music?
Mrs. Coder's Library
Students are having a great time utilizing some of our new technology in library. Our kiosk is set up so students can browse our library catalog for interesting topics and read other student book reviews. We also received new read aloud books that students can follow along with during our silent reading time. Last week students completed a scavenger hunt to explore sections of the library they might not be familiar with and found some new books they want to read!
Mrs. Heridia's Music Room
We've been very busy in the music room over the past month or so. Our older students have had visits from Choir and Band to learn about opportunities in the middle school and high school. Our fifth graders are working to learn some more complex chords on their ukuleles and to tune their instruments. Our younger students are working on some instrument skills as well with our xylophones and start every class period with one of our Songtale stories.
PTO Corner
La Quesadilla Dine to Donate Night :: WED FEB 19 / 11AM - 9PM
La Quesadilla will donate 10% of DINE IN or CARRY OUT sales back to the Solon Robinson PTO simply by mentioning “Solon Robinson” when you order. This is an awesome way to support a local business while supporting us and eat delicious food. Win, Win, Win. Flyers coming home with students soon.
SAVE THE DATE: Mentor/Daughter Night
RSVP @ https://tinyurl.com/srpto-pjnight
**As a reminder, PTO events are only available to currently enrolled Solon Students. One mentor per student. Mentors must stay with the student the entire time, this IS NOT a drop off event.
Stay tuned. More information is coming soon.
Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, and Employee of the Year
Crown Point Community School Corporation is accepting nominations for the Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, and Employee of the Year who will serve during the 2025-2026 school year. Nominations begin February 1st and are open through March 1st.
Nomination forms and more information is available at https://www.cps.k12.in.us/leadership/teacheroftheyear
Big Steps, Bright Futures
Crown Point Community School Corporation is thrilled to welcome the future class of 2038! If your child will be five years old before August 1, 2025, and you live in the district boundaries, we invite you to enroll for kindergarten online on February 25th.
More information is available on our website at www.cps.k12.in.us/kindergarten.
Cafeteria News
Solon Robinson Elementary School
Melanie Pociask, Assistant Principal ext. 17103
Lisa Hovanec, Treasurer ext. 17000
Tina Rosenbaum, Secretary ext. 17002
Chrissy McNeil, Nurse ext. 17081
Email: bmerrill@cps.k12.in.us
Website: https://solon.cps.k12.in.us/
Location: 601 Pettibone Street, Crown Point, IN, USA
Phone: 219-663-2525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soloncpcsc