Wanamaker Library Newsletter
March 2025
Thank You for a Successful Book Fair!
Once again, the annual Scholastic Book Fair held in February during Parent -Teacher conferences was a ton of fun and a big success! Despite a snow day in the middle of the week, we finished strong, thanks to the support of our school community.
The teachers came for a preview breakfast on the first day of the fair while the students previewed the fair during their library classes early in the week. The staff were treated to bagels and cream cheese, and fresh fruit while browsing the fair. Margo, WE's therapy dog, won the staff drawing for a free book. She had one book on her wish list-- Dog Gone It! Margo and her human, Mrs. Lang, are excited to use the stickers in the book with students!
Mrs. Armstrong, the library assistant, worked her usual magic and transformed the library with decorations that promoted the fair theme of "Paws for Books! Come. Sit. Stay. Read a Great Tale!" See the library entrance decorations above to view evidence of her magical touch!
A couple of contests livened things up as well--the students entered a guessing contest of how many Scooby Bones (cinnamon snacks) were in the glass container, and Connor (3rd grade) was the winner of the Raffle Basket giveaway. The basket was filled with paperback books of all reading levels and other fun miscellaneous items.
When asked what she liked most about the book fair, 4th grader, Emma, stated that she "liked seeing books there that she's never seen before and also that Wings of Fire #7 and #8 were there!" Ava, 5th grader, responded that she most liked "getting to look through so many different types of books to find ones that she would like." Longtime volunteer, Sharlene Christensen, said her favorite part of the fair was "helping the kids and looking at all the cool books!"
THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the book fair a success! The success of the book fair would not be possible without the support and enthusiasm of the entire WE community. The book fair always serves as a great reminder of how Wanamaker truly loves and values the power of reading. A special thank you to April Sidesinger, Volunteer Coordinator, and ALL the other volunteers whose help was greatly appreciated!
The Week in Pictures
Margo, WE's therapy dog, was the winner of the staff drawing for a free book. She had one book on her wish list--Dog Gone It!
Mrs. Medlicott, 4th grade teacher, fills out her wish list at the preview breakfast. Many parents generously purchase books from the teachers' wish lists for them to add to their classroom libraries.
2nd grader Liam shows just how serious one can be in filling out your wish list!
Connor (3rd grade) was the winner of the book fair raffle basket. It was filled with a variety of paperback books, and some fun reading "accessories" like bookmarks, an invisible ink pen, and a squishy pencil.
Displaying the theme of "Paws for Books", Mrs. Christensen, Mrs. Reinert, and Mrs. Armstrong are decked out in their cat outfits, complete with tail and all!
How lucky are we? Connecting with author Josh Funk!
It's a great day when you get to hear an author read aloud his newest book, before it's even been released into the world! The WE third graders got to do just that! They had a blast connecting virtually with author, Josh Funk, to celebrate World Read Aloud Day on February 5. Josh is the author of many picture books, including the Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast series.
Thank you, Josh, for sharing your time and expertise with us and making a difference with our students!
Beginning Researchers Learn About Pets
After the beginning researchers learned about the premise of research and listened to a fictional read-aloud about their particular animal, the students went to work using the database PebbleGo to do their own research about that animal. Each student shared a fact about their particular subject and collaborated on the final product. This information was used to make a hallway display that tied into our book fair's theme this year of "Paws for Books!" Great work, first grade researchers!
Featured Mustang Readers
Jensen was our first Featured Mustang Reader. His reading inspires his love for writing and drawing his own graphic novels!
Featured Mustang Reader Aspen stands by her library display of her favorite books before her peers check them out.
Emma shows off one of her favorite books as our Featured Reader.
Featured Reader Titan loves the HiLo book series!
Ruby's personalized poster lets everyone know that her reading also inspires her art.
Staff Relax and Create in the library!
After the 5th and 6th grade WE Book Club enjoyed making their diamond art bookmarks so much, we decided to invite the WE staff into the library to give it a go! One day after school those staff members who could make it, gathered to relax and create while enjoying each other's company. There were several bookmark designs from which to choose. Healthy snacks were available as well as some light jazz tunes. The bookmarks turned out beautifully!
Staff members relax and create after a day in the classroom!
Sarah's mandala designed bookmark is so pretty!
Book characters and Pringles---a winning combination!
If you're in need of an activity for your child over spring break, then look no further! In an effort to combine books and one's imagination, the WE library is sponsoring a Favorite Book Character Contest using a Pringles can as the body of the book character (it gives you a good reason to eat chips!)
Students will bring the contest details home the week before spring break. Projects should be turned in to Mrs. Reinert by Wednesday, March 26. A team of judges will choose the top 5 characters after viewing the anonymous entries. All entrants will receive a small treat.
Gather some supplies that you have around the house and encourage your reader to create their favorite book character! I can't wait to see their creations!
Upcoming Dates
March 12 & 13-- Student Council sells St. Patrick's Day accessories
March 13-- School-wide Spirit Day (Green Day)
March 14-- No School. Teacher Work Day.
March 17 - 21-- Spring Break
March 26-- 5th and 6th grade WE Book Club take a field trip to TSCPL. Be sure to wear your book club tee shirt!
April 4-- Battle of the Books meetings for Grades 4-6 during their lunch periods.
April 11 & 25-- Student Council meetings in the library at 8:00 AM.
April 18-- Annual inventory of the library collection.
April 22-- Student Council representatives and alternates to Rolling Hills Health Center to do an Earth Day activity with the residents.
We strive to make our library a welcoming place that fosters the love of reading and empowers the school community to become effective users of information.