Bobcat Family Connection
October 2024
🌺 Ashley Hult, School Counselor
Contact me at 520-908-5762 or email me
Counselor's Corner
School Counseling
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. After exploring feelings, students will review the cause and effect of bullying. At Banks, we say BOO to bullying by practicing preventative methods. Students learn ways to problem solve to work through peer conflicts. Healthy conflict and resolution skills include respectful problem solving methods, honoring personal space and boundaries, using assertive language and I Messages, and sorting out peer issues through Restorative Circles. Practice at Home: Look out for resources being sent home to reinforce healthy conflict resolution at home. These can be used when handling peer, sibling and parent-child conflicts!
If you need support for your child’s social-emotional needs or could use some resources, please reach out to me at any time. We have an emergency food & clothing bank at Banks, but I can also assist you in getting in touch with more resources if needed—We are a Bobcat Family.
To request assistance or schedule family or one-on-one counseling, please email me or call 520-908-5762.
Ashley Hult, Counselor
This month at Banks ...
Costume Parade
Our annual Costume Parade will be on October 31st at 2:00. We are asking families to send in unopened bags of individually wrapped candy to support this activity. The classroom that brings in the most ounces of candy will lead the parade!
Cyber-Safety Presentation for Parents
Join us on Monday, October 21st from 4:30-5:30 at Banks for this special presentation from Homeland Security. Childcare available if needed.
Project iGuardian™ is presented by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the primary investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Project iGuardian is designed to inform students, parents, educators, and law enforcement about the risks that children face in the online environment. This engaging presentation will cover tactics used by adult predators online, the growing crime of sextortion, the information devices give away about you and your child, and the newest apps, online games, and social networks children are using. There will also be example scenarios based on local investigations to help attendees better understand how children can be victimized online.
Family Resources
Family Resource Center TUSD Resource Centers offer free services and resources for all TUSD families! Visit nearby Southwest Center at 6855 S. Mark Rd. or call 908-3930 for more info! Services also include open computer sessions, food pantry, clothing, and assistance. Interpreting & child care is available for workshops.
Hiking Club News
Hiking Club forms are due ASAP. Join us on our first Family Hike at Banks Elementary on Thursday, October 24th at 4:30 pm. All are welcome with an adult chaperone on this first family hike. Our next two hikes are in November & December. Those hikes will be chaperoned and include bus transportation. You must sign up ahead of time to ensure transportation due to limited availability.
Holiday Help
If you are in need of help for the holidays, please contact Ashley Hult by email or call 520-908-5762.
Mexican-American Heritage Month
Mariachi performances from Davis Bilingual is on October 18th. The band will perform during Community Time at 9:30. Join us for this amazing celebration of Mexican-American culture!
PTO News
PTO now seeking new membership. Contact the school if you are interested in joining PTO!
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is October 23-31. We will host a Tobacco/Vape Prevention presentation from Pima County Health Department for 5th and 6th grade. 5th graders will learn about self-care strategies for handling strong emotions. They will learn about stress and ways to cope with it. 6th grade will learn about identifying bullying and handling peer conflicts. They will practice reporting bullying behaviors and participate in preventative activities that reduce bullying.
Student Council News
Student Council sign-up forms are due October 3rd. Speeches are October 16th!
Text Talk Act Presentation from Talk It Out for 5th-6th graders
On October 1-3 Talk it Out will be on campus teaching strategies to 5th-6th grades. 5th graders will learn about self-care strategies for handling strong emotions. They will learn about stress and ways to cope with it. 6th grade will learn about identifying bullying and handling peer conflicts. They will practice reporting bullying behaviors and participate in preventative activities that reduce bullying.
Up-A-Level Celebration
Students who go “Up a Level” in their benchmark scores will participate in a celebration activity at school on October 17th.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please consider joining our PTO. We are also looking for family members willing to volunteer their time at our school! Do you have a special skill, interest or talent you might be willing to teach our students? We’d love to see you involved at our school! Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering some time with us! There are lots of ways to volunteer. Sign up today!
Walk & Roll to School
Let’s do our share to reduce traffic pollution! Walk, ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, roller skate, or car-pool to school on October 18th! Students who participate will be entered into a drawing for a prize!
Family Engagement Events Around the District
Book of Life Event Thursday October 17 4:00-6:30
Join us for an evening of culture as we explore the Land of the Remembered. Enjoy watching the movie as you visit with our Silverbell Region Schools, TUSD Departments and Community Partners.
Computer Classes Thursdays 3:30-5:30
Join us on Thursdays to learn the ins and outs of basic computer skills. You can get support using apps, software programs, and the internet for job searches, research, or finding resources. You can also get help with resume building and much more! Walk-ins are welcome or give us a call to sign up at 520-908-3908
Diabetes, Hyperinsulinism and Hyperammonemia Syndrome October 22 9:00-11:00
Join us for an informative session where Community Health worker students will educate us about important health issues. Learn about the early signs and symptoms of these health issues to take control of your well-being and seek medical advice if necessary. Please call 520-908-3980 to sign up.
Family Resource Center (FRC)
Family Resource Center (FRC) services are available to TUSD students and their families, free of charge. Childcare and interpretation are available to TUSD students and siblings for most classes. Student classes will begin in September! The closest location to Banks is the Southwest FRC.
Other services include:
- Clothing bank
- Food pantry
- Help with TUSD forms
- Information and referrals
Guiding Good Choices Wednesdays 10:00-12:00
STEP is a five-week program for parents and caregivers with children aged 9-14. You will learn to promote healthy habits, set guidelines, manage conflicts, and strengthen family bonds. Attendance is important, as each week builds on the lessons from the previous week. Program materials and incentives valued at over $75 will be offered. Please call the FRC below that you are interested in attending.
Healthy Finances Workshop October 15 9:30-11:30
Learn how to create healthy finances for your family. Plan for your child's college education from birth through high school and prepare for your own retirement. Set achievable goals to attain financial health. Please call 520-908-3980 to sign up.
Line Dancing Thursdays 5:00-6:30
Join our beginner line dance class to learn basic steps, counts, and choreographed sequences. Dances will be set to different music. No class on 10/17 and 12/12. What a fun way to get moving! Please call 520-909-3980 to sign up.
Study Smart Tutors Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 or Thursdays 3:30-5:30
Study Smart Tutoring strives to prepare students for college, careers, and lifelong success. Through the Achievement Tutoring program, we can support students with math and reading schoolwork. We aim to provide tools so each student will improve and maintain their learning skills. This FREE tutoring service is available to TUSD students. Please call now to reserve your student a seat in this enrichment program. Please Call (303) 771-1160 x107 or email to sign up.
2Gen Finance Thursdays 5:00-6:30
Join us for this financial foundation program that Family Housing Resources is offering. Parents/Guardians and Children (10-17 years old) are encouraged to participate and learn how to move families toward financial freedom and generational wealth together! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Families that attend all three sessions will be entered into a free drawing held at the end of the last session to win a great prize! Please call the center at 520-908-3980 if you are interested in attending.