What's Happening Around Wawasee!

✨✨New This Week!✨✨
Wawasee Sponsored Activities
Wawasee Early Learning Center is offering summer childcare for children ages 6 weeks old to 12 years old! Contact Trisha Trimble, Wawasee Early Learning Center Coordinator for more information! ttrimble@wawasee.k12.in.us
Please click graphics for more information.
Summer Lunch Program
We love serving our community and we want to ensure all families wishing to receive meals can do so. Meals are available at no charge for children and youth in your household 18 years old and younger. Parents or Guardians that want to pick up meals and take them home to their children will need to provide the names of the children in the household and will be checked by the food service workers. See the list below for dates, times and location where are can get a meal through the summer.
Around The Community
Women of Today
Wawasee PeeWee Football
Come Be A Warrior!!
Warrior Celebrations
Wawasee FFA
Three members of Wawasee FFA Chapter competed in the State Dairy Judging Contest on June 14th. The team placed 9th in the state out of 22 teams! The team consisted of Lucas Wilkinson, Preston Miller and Ava Mock.
Wawasee FFA
Congratulations to these FFA Members who placed first at the district level and competed in their respective state contests this week! Libby Haab-Premier Leadership Interview, Emma Jackson-Essay, and Keira Lortie-Prepared Public Speaking