February Counseling Corner
Helpful tips, tricks, and dates from the counseling office
Dear Students,
Hello Students!
This month’s edition focuses on teaching about grief and how to cope through the grief process. All of us will experience grief at some point in time in our lives, and I am willing to bet many of us have experienced grief and/or loss at some point over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the biggest misconceptions about grief is that it only focuses on people dying. However, grief is a natural response to any type of loss- and loss can be anything that has value to a person including people, objects, events, status, finances, etc.
See below for some helpful tips and coping strategies on managing grief. Your CHS counseling team is here to support you with your grief too! Contact us via email, or come see us if you need support.
Missed the January edition of our newsletter? Click here to review.
-Mrs. Perkins: Prevention Counselor (mperkins@colliervilleschools.org)
Types of Loss
Stages of Grief
Grief during Covid-19 may look like
Interested in learning more about coping with grief/loss?
Librarian Book of the Month:
Clap when you land: Elizabeth Acevedo.
In a novel-in-verse that brims with grief and love, National Book Award-winning and New York Times-bestselling author Elizabeth Acevedo writes about the devastation of loss, the difficulty of forgiveness, and the bittersweet bonds that shape our lives.
If you need to contact your counselor, you can visit the office during school hours, email (can be found on the website here), or call 901-854-2340. We are here to help you with academic concerns, social concerns, and emotional concerns- even when we are virtual!
12th grade- Counselors: Ms. Czosek (A-L) and Ms. Loeffler (M-Z)
- It is time to order your cap and gown and verify the spelling of your name for your diploma! May 13th is just around the corner and information about the graduation for the Class of 2021 will be coming out soon! Please click on the link to fill out this form tinyurl.com/2pju2yg6 (once per graduate) by next Friday, February 12th. If you need help figuring out your height and weight, stop by the counseling office!
- IMPORTANT! Graduation fees are 100 dollars and are due by March 26th. You can pay online or bring a check to Mrs. Czosek in the Counseling Office. Graduation is scheduled for 5/13/21.
- Continue to check your grade level Schoology for updates!
- In order to remain eligible for TN Promise, all students must file the 2021-2022 FAFSA by March 1, 2021. Keep in mind that students will need their parent or guardian's 2019 tax information to file. Please click here for additional information on the FAFSA and to view our FAFSA Filing Dashboard.
- Community scholarships have started being posted on the CHS counseling webpage & Schoology. Be sure to check them out if interested- they all have separate deadlines!
11th grade- Counselors: Ms. Krotzer (A-K) and Ms. Johnson (L-Z)
- Questions about what classes are required for graduation? Be sure to email Ms. Krotzer (Last names A-K) or Mrs. Johnson (Last names L-Z) for more info! We are here to walk you through the process! Courses should be selected by Wednesday Feb. 10.
- All juniors will be taking the REAL ACT FOR FREE at school on March 2nd. There is no need to register- CHS has already registered all juniors. Make sure you get a good night sleep, have a healthy bfest, and try your best! More info coming soon!
10th grade- Counselors: Ms. Smith (A-Johnson) and Mr. Moskal (Jones-Z)
- Questions about dual enrollment or what to take in 11th grade? Be sure to email Ms. Smith (Last names A-Johnson) or Mr. Moskal (Last names Jones-Z) for more info! We are here to walk you through the process! Courses should be selected by Wednesday Feb. 10.
9th grade-Counselors: Mr. Stevenson (A-Le) and Ms. Bittick (Li-Z)
Questions about courses? Be sure to email Mr. Stevenson (Last names A-Le) or Mrs. Bittick (Last names Li-Z) if you do! Course selections should be made in Power School by next Wednesday, Feb. 10. As a reminder, your counselor will be reviewing your selections to make sure you are on track for graduation!