C.H.S. Chronicles
Clifford H. Smart Middle School: May 13, 2024
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Wild Hockey Information
If you’re a female hockey player who will be attending Walled Lake Central, Northern or Western this fall, we’d like to meet you! The Walled Lake Wild United Girls Hockey team is hosting a Family Ice Cream Social on Thursday, June 6 at 7pm at Clara Miller Park off Benstein Road in Commerce. We’ll have a brief meeting to answer players’ and parents’ questions, as well as get to know each other. Please RSVP to Jody via email JodyRauhut@gmail.com or text her at 248-425-9516 and let us know how many people from your family will be attending so we can bring enough ice cream for everyone! See you on June 6!
Jody Darling Rauhut
WLN Media Center Para
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:10- 12:10
Tuesday, Thursday 10-2
Music Appreciation Club May Update
Thanks to all the students and their families who came out for the Mozart & The Seasons concert. How wonderful is was to have DSO's very own Concertmaster Robyn Bollinger preform as the soloist. She played beautifully along with an outstanding performance by the DSO.
We have one last concert to attend as a group: Disney & Broadway Favorites: The Magic Of Menken: Sunday, June 23 – 3:00pm
It is not too late to join now! After attending only 1 concert, your student membership will have paid for itself.
Cost: $25 per student membership unlocks one free ticket to almost every Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) 2023-2024 concert series in addition to the concerts listed above, and up to two companion tickets (bring or invite your parents/sibling/friend/teacher) for $5 each, access to the best seats, access to DSO Replay and online Live streaming performances.
See attached flyer and Music Appreciation Club Details Document and link to Google form for registration.
For more information please contact Monique Levu: monique.levu@gmail.com
Walled Lake Middle School Dance Team Tryouts
The Walled Lake Middle School Dance team is hosting their Auditions for the 2024/2025 Season! The team is part of an elite program which includes the Walled Lake Northern Varsity and JV Dance Teams. They attend multiple local regional competitions and compete nationally in Orlando, Florida.
Sunday, May 19 @ More Fit from 1:30pm-5:30pm
Tuesday, May 21 @ Clifford H. Smart Middle School from 5:00pm-8:30pm
Check out their Instagram @walledlakemsdance
Email walledlakemsdance@gmail.com with any questions!
WLCSD 1 to 1 Summer Chromebook Retention Program Information 2024
It is recommend that families pre-pay the 2024-2025 $20 insurance cost by May 29th to keep their child's chromebook for the summer. By making the annual insurance payment, you do not have to fill out any form, nor have to go through the process of picking it back up in the fall. Additional information below.
We will once again offer an optional Summer Chromebook Retention Program for students with district-provided Chromebooks. Signing up for the Summer Chromebook Retention Program allows students to keep their district-provided Chromebook over the summer and into next school year.
The Summer Chromebook Retention Program is open to students currently in grades 6 through 11 who participated in the district 1 to 1 Chromebook program, and who are returning to WLCSD for the 2024/25 school year. This program IS NOT available to elementary school students, students who are not currently participating in the district Chromebook 1 to 1 program, or students who will not be returning to WLCSD next school year.
In order to retain the district-provided Chromebook, families must prepay the non-refundable Technology Protection Plan insurance premium for the 2024-2025 school year no later than Wednesday, May 29 at 11:59PM Eastern Time. The cost for the 2024-2025 non-refundable Technology Protection Plan insurance premium is $20.
Payments should be made through eFunds. Families can access the eFunds program through the district website or through Family Access. Once logged on to eFunds, find the Technology Protection Plan insurance premium in Optional Fees that allows it to be added for each student in the family with a Chromebook.
Please note the Chromebook deposit of $50 is a ONE TIME FEE and was paid prior to pickup of the device. This fee IS NOT required to be paid annually. It will be refunded upon graduation or when the Chromebook is permanently returned. In addition, families who prepay next school year’s non-refundable Technology Protection Plan insurance premium DO NOT need to pay this insurance premium again during the 2024/25 school year. Premiums cover damage July 1-June 30 of each school year.
Summer Chromebook Retention Program Details
Students participating in the Summer Chromebook Retention Program will be allowed to keep their district-provided Chromebook for the remainder of the 2023/24 school year, throughout the summer, and for the 2024/25 school year. Families that prepay the non-refundable insurance premium will retain their Technology Protection Plan insurance coverage during the summer and throughout the 2024/25 school year as follows:
1st repair: Free
2nd repair: $20
3rd repair: $40
Additional repair deductibles will be increased in accordance with the Handbook.
Walled Lake Consolidated Schools is only able to provide limited support services over the summer. If a Chromebook has issues or is in need of repairs over the summer, families will need to complete a repair form for the technology support team https://forms.gle/og9WMTYaHJzHKwte8 for assistance.
By paying the non-refundable Technology Protection Plan for the 2024/25 school year, families will be agreeing to the terms in the WLCSD Chromebook Policy Handbook Agreement https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ivuL4JB6cdtPdXbeHqQMKUzUG2Vowlvi/view
If families leave the district prior to the end of the summer, they must return their district-provided Chromebook and all accessories, including case and complete charging cord, to the WLCSD Technology Department, located at 850 Ladd Rd Bldg. D, Walled Lake, Michigan 48390. NO
DEVICES will be accepted at a school building for return.
The Summer Chromebook Retention Program is an optional program. Only families that prepay the non-refundable insurance premium ($20) will be permitted to keep their Chromebook over the summer. Families that choose not to participate in the program must return their technology equipment on one of their school’s assigned days, which will be communicated to students and families at a later date. We strongly encourage any family that MAY have a need for the Chromebook over the summer (Summer Tutoring, Summer School, etc) to choose to retain their Chromebook. The WLCSD IT Department will NOT be distributing Chromebooks this summer.
After June 7, the WLCSD IT Department will be disabling/locking Chromebooks of students that have an outstanding balance or have not paid to retain the device for the summer. We will not be able to accept any payments after May 29 at 11:59pm to unlock devices for summer use.
Families that wish to participate must pay the non-refundable insurance premium no later than Wednesday, May 29 at 11:59PM.
Date for collection of devices: Those not returning to WLCSD or those NOT choosing to participate in the Summer Chromebook Retention program ARE REQUIRED TO RETURN CHROMEBOOK, CASE AND COMPLETE CHARGING CORD (both ends). Students will be charged for any non-returned items.
Sarah Banks Middle School
June 4 (1st-3rd Hours) (6th gr-1st Hour 8th gr-2nd Hour 7th gr-3rd Hour)
James Geisler Middle School
June 4 (4th-6th Hours) (6th gr-4th Hour 7th gr-5th Hour 8th gr-6th Hour)
Clifford Smart Middle School
June 5 (1st-3rd Hours) (6th gr-1st Hour 7th gr-2nd Hour 8th gr-3rd Hour)
END OF YEAR DEADLINE for 1 to 1 Chromebook distributions (IT Department)
May 17 will be the LAST DAY we will be accepting requests for NEW 1 to 1 Chromebook distributions for the remainder of the 23-24 school year. Any new students that are in need of a Chromebook after May 17 should be directed to the loaner cart following each building’s normal procedures.
We are still accepting and addressing, for the remainder of the 23-24 school year, any repair requests for currently dispersed 1 to 1 Chromebooks.
It's hard to believe we are a few days away from the month of May. I've been reminding students each day to finish the school year off strong and that they should be at their best this time of year since they've had nearly an entire school year of support, along with consistent reminders of our academic and behavioral expectations.
Please reinforce the importance of your child giving their absolute best, both academically and in their interactions with peers and adults, along with having a strong finish to the school year.
Thank you for your support!
Nayal Maktari
Super Star Staff Awards from the FFE
Hello Walled Lake Families,
Support your favorite WLCSD Staff member with a nomination for a Super Star Staff Award from the Foundation For Excellence! Each $10 nomination gives the staff member a chance at one of two $500 cash prizes from the FFE and the Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union. The funds raised from the nominations will help the Foundation For Excellence give more money back to our teachers and students.
The Foundation For Excellence (FFE) is a non-profit organization that works with Walled Lake Schools to provide grants for classrooms throughout the district. These funds support extra literacy tools like decodable phonics books, STEM equipment for classrooms, additional instruments for music rooms, social emotional support tools, and many other things.
Nominations cost $10 and the staff member (teacher, administrator, custodian, parapro, bus driver, etc) will be given a certificate with a personal message from you as to why they are so special. They will also be added to a drawing for one of two $500 gifts that will be presented during Staff Appreciation Week (May 6 - 10).
To nominate a staff member follow this link:
(Once you hit "submit" on your form, a link to our Paypal page will come up on the confirmation response page. Please make sure you make your payment!)
Reach out to Jackie Gurwin, FFE Executive Director, at 248-956-2116 or JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org with any questions.
CHS Middle School Smart Start will be on Tuesday, August 20th from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Smart Start is our middle school registration day for all students. Students will get their lockers, schedules, books, student IDs and school pictures taken. It’s also a great time for students and family members to walk around the school and locate their lockers and classrooms.
Next year's 8th Grade Washington D.C Trip will be March 11th-14th, 2025.
Welcome to the new school year! Don't forget our GAP program- you or your student may have already received a packet at Smart Start. This Goal Achievement Program, or GAP, provides students with the opportunity to work towards and meet objectives throughout their middle school years in four main areas: Citizenship, GPA, Reading Hours, and Community Service.
All students are enrolled in the program from the start of the school year, and will be rewarded for completing their milestones. Please click on the tab below for further information. If you have any queries on this subject, please do not hesitate to reach out to Andi Parel at AndiParel@gmail.com.
Student Chromebook Support Request
This form below is for any student who is borrowing a district chromebook this year. You will fill this out when you need tech support for your chromebook. Please make sure to check your gmail after submitting for an email response from Mrs. Stasak or one of her interns within 24 hours of your submission. Thank you.
Please feel free to call our main office with any questions at 248.956.3500. You can also email us.
Principal's Secretary: MelissaWilseck@wlcsd.org
Building/Attendance Secretary: TonyaGray@wlcsd.org
6th Grade Counselor: JulieBraley@wlcsd.org
7th Grade Counselor: KathleenHoover@wlcsd.org
8th Grade Counselor: MaureenBratke@wlcsd.org
1/2 DAY DISMISSAL 11:40 A.M.
Smart Administrative Team
Dan Holland, Assistant Principal
Steve Spickard, Dean of Students
Please contact us with positive or constructive feedback, questions, and/or concerns.
Website: www.wlcsd.org/smart
Location: 8500 Commerce Road, Commerce Charter Township, MI, United States
Phone: 248-956-3500
Twitter: @CliffordSmart