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September 2024
Lion Families,
Can you believe that we are already well into September and have had 22 whole days of learning!
The beginning of the year comes with a lot of communication from the school. Please make sure that your contact information is updated so we can inform you of important information. Also, please be sure to read the The Lion’s Share newsletter that will be sent regularly the first Friday of every month. Our amazing Community Site Coordinator, Ashely Royal will hold monthly School Community Council Meetings virtually on the 2nd Tuesdays of every month to review preterit information and answer any questions you may have. This monthly communication will contain information from leadership, links to grade level information and announcements from the CAMPUS. It will be sent to your email and available on our website. Please visit our website for all district and school updates, forms and calendar information.
Our Open House this year will commence collectively as a BH Campus, and will be open for your to tour and visit all K-12 classrooms. The campus will have numerous visitors housed in the 3 MPR's throughout the building along with the Science Bus in our back parking lot.
Roaring Forward,
Ms. Perry , Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Johnson 🦁
Please make sure you take time to review the following if you have not already:
Welcome from the Principal Team
New Scholar Orientation and First Day of School
Propel Braddock Hills NEW Start and End Time ~Updates for Propel Braddock Hills Only
Propel Schools Dress Code Information
Required Scholar Forms
Updated School Policies for Family Review including:
- School Visitation Policy ~Updates for Propel Braddock Hills Only
- School Community Civility Expectations
- Wellness Policy
- List of Healthy Snacks/Beverages For Scholar Celebrations
- Home and School Communication
Upcoming Dates:
K-3 Bus Safety Assembly- Penn Dot
Patriot Day- Sept. 11th
Fall CDT Testing Make Ups (English, Math, Science): Sept 17th
Constitution Day - Sept 17th
Open House (at BH campus)- Sept 27th 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Book Fair Sept 27th 5:00-6:30 pm
BH Campus SCC Mtg. Sept 27th 5:00-7:00 pm
Propel Braddock Hills NEW Start & End Time ~ Propel Braddock Hills Only
K-12 Scholar Family Pick Up and Drop Off
Campus Thruway- front- Closed for yellow buses and PRT
Campus Thruway - entry Closed for yellow buses and PRT. Enter first row of parking for MS/HS Pickup only
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for BHES
7:40 AM
Thru way in front of the campus will be closed. The ES front office will be closed during this time. Cars will not be permitted in front of the campus. Yellow school buses and PRT will permitted for pick up and drop off. The first row of parking will be reserved for parent drop off and pick up for MS/HS only.
7:45 AM-8:15 AM- Doors Open
Family Drop Off - K-12 Scholar Families ( Parents with scholars across the campus) will enter the parent drop off in the Scholar Entrance (side lot by playground) in a counter clockwise fashion for drop off. Parents are to pull all the way up to the drop off monitor, past the entrance to the school and remain in their car at all times. This allows for more cars to enter and leave the lot in a timely manner. PLEASE DO NOT STOP IN FRONT OF THE DOOR. This prevents the line from safely and efficiently moving cars through the lot. All scholar families K-12, will enter the scholar entrance and travel internally to their homerooms.
MS/HS Scholar only Drop off- Any MS/HS scholars who do not have siblings at the ES, will continue to be dropped off in front of the MS/HS entrance by parking in the spaces.
PRT- Scholar Families who ride PRT will remain together at drop off. ES scholars who ride with a MS/HS sibling will enter the MS/HS entrance with their sibling. They will complete morning check in and transfer internally to the ES for breakfast.
Yellow School Bus- MS/HS Scholars will be dropped off at the front of the building and ES scholars will drive around to the scholar entrance for drop off and morning check in.
8:15 AM Instruction Begins
Thru way will reopen to general traffic and the scholar entrance will close. All scholars entering after 8:15 will need to check in with the front office for a late pass.
3:00 PM Family Pick Up Line Opens
3:00 PM Doors Open
3:00-3:15 PM
Family Pick Up - K-12 Scholar Families ( Parents with scholars across the campus) will enter the parent pick up line by the Scholar Entrance (side lot by playground) in a counter clockwise fashion, same as for drop off. Upon entering the lot, parents should announce their scholar in PikMyKid. This alerts the staff that you have arrived and are ready for us to dismiss your child. ALL PARENTS OR WHO THEY DESIGNATE MUST USE THE PMK APP TO DISMISS THEIR SCHOLARS. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE AND YOUR SCHOLAR WILL NOT COME OUT TO THE CAR. Parents are to pull all the way up to the drop off monitor, past the entrance to the school and remain in their car at all times. This allows for more cars to enter and leave the lot in a timely manner. PLEASE DO NOT STOP IN FRONT OF THE DOOR. This prevents the line from safely and efficiently moving cars through the lot. This is a family pick up location. Once you dismiss your ES scholar, it will alert MS/HS staff to dismiss your older siblings for pick up. They will come out together for dismissal. This alleviates parents from having to travel to several locations to pick up all their scholars.
MS/HS Scholar only Pick Up- Any MS/HS scholars who do not have siblings at the ES, will continue to be picked up in the front of the MS/HS entrance by parking in the spaces.
PRT- Scholar Families who ride PRT will remain together at pick up. ES scholars who ride with a MS/HS sibling will transfer internally to the MS/HS to meet their sibling and exit from the MS/HS to catch the bus.
**Note- Scholar entrance will not accept any parent walk ups to the door for scholar pick up. If you are coming on PRT to pick up your child, please contact the office. ***
Yellow School Bus- MS/HS Scholars will be picked up at the front of the building and ES scholars will be picked up at the scholar entrance.
Propel Schools Uniform Dress Code
When you selected Propel Schools as your partner in education, you did so with a clear understanding that scholars will follow a uniform dress code and that you will support your scholar by ensuring that their attire meets uniform expectations.
Propel Schools holds the expectation that scholars will arrive at school dressed in their school uniforms.
Uniform checks will be conducted daily.
If scholar attire does not meet uniform expectations, a parent/guardian will be contacted to bring appropriate attire to their scholar so that the scholar can begin or return to their learning as soon as possible.
The Propel Schools Uniform Dress Codes
for scholars in grades K-8 and for high school scholars
can be found on our website HERE.
Required and Optional Family Forms
The following links will take you to the required and optional scholar forms for parent/guardian completion. Propel Schools has transitioned to an online platform for form completion. Our forms can be accessed via desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or smartphone. When you complete and sign a form, a copy of that form will be sent to the email address that you provide. Paper forms are no longer available. To learn more about using ScriptApp to sign documents for Propel Schools, please click HERE.
Required Form- Emergency Contact Form (One form required for each scholar) - Every year, a new emergency contact form is required to be submitted for each of your Propel Scholars.
Optional Form - Scholar Photo/Video Opt-Out Form - This form is for completion ONLY by families who DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION for their scholars to be photographed/videotaped/electronically recorded for the use of Propel Schools Communication team for the purposes of public relations/marketing/social media. If you do give permission, no action is necessary. This form can be found HERE. Scholars named on completed forms will not appear in public relations/marketing/social media campaigns by our Communications Team.
- PikMyKid App Info below
Updated School Policies For Family Review:
Propel Schools School Visitation Policy - It is the expectation that parents/guardians will not enter Propel buildings without a previously scheduled appointment. This includes ‘drop-in’ visits to bring forgotten scholar items, notes, lunches, etc. In cases of forgotten scholar items, please call the school to make drop-off arrangements.
Propel Braddock Hills Campus ONLY - All visitors ( Deliveries, agencies, parents, and scheduled appointments) must check in with the security team in the high school entrance.
Civility Expectations - At Propel Schools, we create, maintain and share an environment of collaboration, open communication and respect. It is an expectation that all school personnel, staff, scholars, and scholars’ parents/guardians/families will act with civility in their interpersonal, school-related interactions. Under no circumstances will uncivil conduct at any school-related activity be tolerated. Please note: For the safety of our school community, telephone calls originating from Propel Schools or made to Propel Schools may be electronically monitored/recorded.
Uncivil conduct includes, but is not limited to: using an inappropriately loud voice; using profane, vulgar, or obscene words or gestures; belittling, jeering, or taunting; using personal epithets; using violent or aggressive gestures or body language; repeatedly and inappropriately interrupting another speaker; repeatedly demanding personal attention at inappropriate times; purposefully and inappropriately invading personal space; purposefully ignoring appropriate communications; wrongfully interfering with another person’s freedom of movement; wrongfully invading another person’s private possessions; threats or, any other behavior that inappropriately disrupts the school, the school office or school-related activities. Leaving/sending abusive, threatening, demeaning, or obscene mail, e-mail, text or voicemail messages.
Uncivil behavior reports shall be referred to school leaders for further administrative action, criminal prosecution, or legal action, which may include, but not limited to, a prohibition from any further participation in school-related activities and being excluded from Propel campus buildings.
Healthy Food and Beverage List For Scholar Classroom Celebrations
Home and School Communication
- Propel Schools Uses Connect 5 To Share Important Information! This letter will provide you with important information about our official source of Propel Schools information.
- Propel Braddock Hills Campus will send out a monthly newsletter from each K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. BH Campus will also share a trimester letter sharing a K-12 learning perspectives and community events.
- If you would like to meet with your scholars teacher, please call or email them directly to schedule a time that works for both parties.
- If you would like to meet with a member of leadership, please contact via email or call the front office to schedule a time
As we continue to live and teach our 5 Propel habits, (Own It, Walk Through the Door, Look in the Mirror, Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated, and Do Your Part), this year Propel is rolling out a house system district-wide. More information will be discussed during August PD’s.