Loya Primary: November 2024
Where our little Eagle Scholars take their first flight!
Mission Statement:
We, the faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary, are committed to creating a secure and positive learning environment in which students are encouraged to develop intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Vision Statement:
The faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary are committed to establishing a professional learning community that fosters trustworthy relationships while promoting high expectations; that will develop lifelong learners who are confident, competent and contributing members of society.
Loya Families,
What a wonder month we had in October, it was a short one, but a very busy one. Thank you to all our families who joined us for Parent-Teacher conferences. I was able to see all our little Eagles report cards, we are proud of them! We ask that you continue working with your little ones at home during the break, I have posted some links for you to use at home. Together we are building SEISD Champions!!
We are looking forward to seeing you for the Thanksgiving luncheon on November 14th, be sure to purchase your tickets by November 13th.
I want to personally thank you for your support, we have had amazing attendance for our family literacy sessions and our dress up activities days have also been out of this world. Thank you so much for all you do, TEAM Loya is blessed to have great families!!
Thank you for choosing Loya Primary!
Mrs. Julissa Esquivel
Proud Principal of our little Eagles 💓
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Health Corner: Comparison Chart
Support Us with Attendance!
Your child's attendance is so important for them to keep improving each day. We asked that you make Doctors appointments on Monday's or as late as possible in the day. We also need your support with not taking your children out early, unless it's an emergency. If they are ill, ensure you send a note with them when they return, otherwise it will be unexcused.
Mark your calendars
Special Dates
November 3: Time change, don't forget to move your clock a hour back.
November 5: Early Release @ 11:20 a.m. Our little Eagles will vote for our new library mascot: Election Day 2024.
November 5: Our little Eagles will also vote for the library Mascot. Will Clifford remain as their mascot or will Pete the Cat be our new one. Ask them about how they voted.
November 5, 12 and 19:College Tuesdays: Wear your favorite college t-shirt or colors..
November 8: Veteran's Day parade @ 9:00 a.m. The students will walk around the building to honor those who have served and continue to serve.(Students will remain in school, no early release)
November 8: PBIS movie night @ Loya Primary: 4:45 to 6:30. We will have a concession stand to purchase snacks to enjoy. Bring blankets.
November 13:SEISD Mission Progressing Together: Parent meeting @ Central office 8:30 am & 9:30
November 13: SEISD Board meeting at 5:30 pm at central office.
November 14: Thanksgiving Luncheon: See schedule below.
November 20: Parent presentation at 9:00 @ Loya Primary. Title: Parents are the best Teachers: Strategies to develop oral language skills at home/ Los Papas son los mejores Maestros: Estrategias para el desarollo de leguaje oral.
November 21: Santa Pictures: Students may dress up. Flyer coming soon
November 22: PBIS kid award, @ 3:00 pm, by invitation only.
November 26-29: Thanksgiving Break, rest and enjoy
December 3: Students return back to school! WelcomeBack!
*Parent opportunities
Join us for this session. Nove 20th @ 9:00 @ Loya Cafeteria
Early Release on November 5th @ 11:20
Veteran's Day Parade: November 8 @ 9:00 a.m.
Students will walk once around the building, then return to class.
PBIS Movie night fundraiser
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 04:45 PM
Lorenzo G. Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Save the date:November 14, 2024
Tickets are on sale for $8.00 for each person. Due to capacity and seating, only 2 tickets will be sold per each student. Tickets can be purchased from our cafeteria staff from 7:05 am to 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 to 2:00 pm. We only have 150 tickets left.
Tuesday-Friday. Tickets will also be sold during Parent-Teacher conference night.
Please bring exact cash only, thank you.
**Special Note: Loya Primary will be the only campus celebrating with the Thanksgiving luncheon on this day. Other SEISD campus will theirs on different days, please call their front office for more information.
Lunch schedule below
November 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am
Strategies to develop oral language skills -Estrategias para el desarollo de leguaje oral.
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024, 09:00 AM
Lorenzo G. Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Pictures with Santa: November 21st. Dress your best for Santa!
Click on buttons below to practice with your little Eagle during the break.
Special Dress Days
Students may wear any college t-shirts or college colors on Tuesday for the month of November! Our little Eagles have a bright future!
Super Hero Wednesdays!
Students may wear their favorite super hero shirt on Wednesday!
Spirit Day Friday
Wear blue and gold to show your school spirit! Go Eagles!!!
Parent Meeting(s) informational
Sign up to be a SEISD Volunteer!
For more information, contact the SEISD parent liaison: Mrs. Flor Sancez @ (915) 872-3900
Monthly Family literacy session.
- There will not be a family literacy session for this month.
Mission Progressing Together Parent meeting
November 13, 2024 @ SEISD central office @8:30 in english and 9:30 in Spanish.
Special Moments Captured in October!
Click on links below.
New SEISD lunch menu. Click below.
Click on buttons to get more information on Loya Primary
Military Connected Families
Military Liaison: Sylvia Graves, Social Worker
Email us: sgraves@seisd.net
Phone: 915-872-3940
EXT: 3616
Campus Nurse: Aida Russell
- Parents may contact our school nurse Mrs. Russell if you have any questions regarding their health or shot record.
- (915) 872-3940
- District Nurse Messina Holguin will be on campus as needed to assist with students.
Safety Drills
Beginning this month our students will begin practicing safety drills. Our teachers will practice with them so they know what needs to be done. For more information click on campus safety information below. We will have a fire drill and a lock down drill coming up soon!
Principal Reminders to Parents
Loya Family & Guest Parking
- Doors open at 7:05 am.
- All visitors will use the larger parking lot on Socorro Road.
- Gates will be open for all visitors, be cautious when driving in, look out for each other, thank you.
- It's important for your little Eagle to come to school everyday, we miss them when they are absent.
- If they are sick please call the front office, or send a note to the teacher.
- A Dr.'s note is required after the 3rd consecutive absence.
- If we do not hear from you, the absence will be counted unexcused.
- Campus phone number: (915) 872-3940
Connect with Teachers on "Class Dojo"
- Our Teachers will be connecting with our families using an app titled "Class Dojo", be certain to accept their invitation so they can communicate with you.
- Monthly Parent Newsletter from Principal Esquivel will be shared on the app.
Campus Information:
Principal: Julissa C. Esquivel ext:3601 julesquivel@seisd.net
Counselor: Mrs. Ceci Santiesteban ext:3627 csantiesteban@seisd.net
District/Campus Social Work & Military Liaison: Mrs. Graves ext:3616 sgraves@seisd.net
Instructional Specialist: Mrs. Maribel Vallejo mvallejo@seisd.net
Attendance/Registrar: Ms. Erica Almanzar ealmanzar@seisd.net
Campus Nurse: Mrs. Aida Russell arussell@seisd.net
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday
7:05 am - 4:30 pm
For Questions or concerns:
Email us: loya@seisd.net
Website: www.seisd.net
Location: Lorenzo Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 872-3940
Twitter: @Loya_Primary90