Dakota County 4-H News
Nebraska Extension - Dakota County
Angela Abts—4-H & Youth aabts2@unl.edu
Julie Boyle—Food Nutrition and Health julie.boyle@unl.edu
Tammy Dunn—Office Manager tpeterson3@unl.edu
Brenda Sale—SNAP-ED bsale@unl.edu
Dakota County 4-H
Email: dakota-county@unl.edu
Website: https://dakota.unl.edu
Location: 1505 Broadway Street, Dakota City, NE, USA
Phone: 402-987-2140
Facebook: facebook.com/UNLDakotaCounty
Twitter: @NEDakota4HExt
Follow us On Facebook and Instagram!
Instagram: NE Extension Dakota County
Dates & Deadlines
2 - Extension Board Meeting
24- January 1st - office closed for holiday break
1 - Office closed, Happy New Year
6 - Extension Board Meeting
10 - Award and Achievement applications due
TBD - Achievement celebration
The University of Nebraska is making a major change to all websites that are associated with the University.
Our Dakota County website is included in those updates. The site will look totally different. As our office is working to move content from one site to another, please be patient.
Not all links or information may be available immediately. If there is information you need contact Tammy.
The new site is expected to be live mid December. The web address will be the same.
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 4-H year is now open. Please enroll early. This helps your 4-H Extension staff prepare for the upcoming year. We need to update our mailing list and make sure we are sending information to you that pertains to projects you will be working on.
To enroll: https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in
VOLUNTEER ENROLLMENT IS OPEN. If you are a volunteer that works directly with our youth you will need to submit an enrollment in 4-H online and complete the new volunteer screening process.
Did you know that there is a Dakota County 4-H Council?
Does your club have a representative on the Council? There should be 1 adult and 1 youth from each club.
We only meet a few times a year to discuss our local 4-H programming, finances, fundraising and how we can best serve the 4-H program.
All 4-H club members and an adult representative are welcome attend.
Please check with your club leader and make sure your club is represented
The Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program encourages 4-H youth to engage in a variety of programs, projects, and activities that will enable youth to acquire skills and abilities that will prepare them for success in the future. The program is designed to reach and recognize all youth engaged in 4-H, from club members and campers to school enrichment, afterschool, and special interest program participants.
The program consists of six levels that require a young person to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. For each level, the Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H youth choose their goals. The accomplishments increase in quantity and difficulty for each level. At the beginning of the 4-H year, participants plan what to accomplish and at the end of the 4-H year, they report on their completed accomplishments. Successful completion of a level's Plan & Report form results in a 4-H youth earning that level of the Diamond Clover program.
County and State Fair are over for 2024, but that doesn't mean your 4-H experiences have come to a close. You have another step to complete. Get working on your 4-H awards & achievement records. While the Achievement Celebration will not be held until the first part of 2025, you can start compiling the needed information so its ready to go.
To find the application and other resources go to: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dakota/careerportfolio/
You can find more information for other awards, scholarships and opportunities at: https://4h.unl.edu/awards-recognition
The Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Orientation serves as an introduction to the 4-H Youth Development program in Nebraska. As part of the screening process, the orientation covers a variety of foundational and essential topics. Any interested individuals including current or prospective volunteers, are welcome to complete the orientation. However, all new volunteers serving in direct roles, such as club leader, project leader, or workshop presenter, are required to complete the orientation. Volunteers are also required to complete the orientation as part of the re-screening process.
The orientation covers:
- Welcome & Introduction
- What We Do in 4-H
- Volunteer Roles & Training
- 4-H Operations
- Risk Management for 4-H Volunteers
- Resources & Support for 4-H Volunteers
Each topic includes a 4-10 minute video followed by several knowledge check questions. The entire orientation should take approximately 45 minutes to complete and may be completed over multiple sessions.
Confirmation of Completion
Upon successful completion, you will receive a confirmation email. Your county Extension office will also be notified of your successful completion.
Volunteer screening and orientation is repeated every five years based on geographic location regardless of when the original screening and orientation was completed. When it is time for re-screening and re-orientiation, volunteers will be prompted with instructions for completing the online processes. See Volunteer Re-Screening Schedule.
We are now accepting registrations for the 2024 Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort! Registration closes on Thursday, February 1.
This opportunity is designed to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H swine project by focusing on swine production, accurate record keeping, and industry knowledge and engagement by the 4-H member.
**NEW for 2025**: Exhibit their Farrowed and Owned project animals at any Nebraska county fair. Exhibiting at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair is optional. All cohort members will participate in an interview at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair. Join the first session in February for more details!
Visit 4h.unl.edu/farrowed-owned to get started.
High school seniors and juniors and college students with an interest and passion for dairy can now apply to be a dairy ambassador in one of eight states across the Midwest including Nebraska. The Dairy Ambassador Program is an educational and leadership opportunity for high school and college students interested in promoting dairy designed to shape future dairy champions who will promote the dairy community. Dairy Ambassadors will have the opportunity to connect with consumers and share dairy’s story while networking with their peers and industry professionals.
To be eligible, applicants must be (1) enrolled as a Nebraska high school junior (11th grade) or senior (12th grade) during the current year of application, or (2) college student enrolled full-time in a Nebraska post-secondary school for the duration of the appointment. Applicants are not required to have an agriculture background but must have a passion for dairy and the resources to communicate effectively through email, text messaging and in-person.
Eligible students can apply at http://www.MidwestDairy.com, in the Young Dairy Leaders tab/section, under Ambassador Program then select Nebraska. The online application (APPLY NOW) is at the bottom of the Nebraska Ambassador program page. Online applications are due DECEMBER 15, 2024. Selected ambassadors will be notified by JANUARY 10, 2025.
If you have questions, please contact Tracy J. Behnken, Manager, Farmer Relations at tbehnken@midwestdairy.com or 531-207-4291.
More details at: https://www.MidwestDairy.com
A multi-state extension workshop series for women in agriculture will offer strategies to evaluate and improve farm estate and transition plans.
“Leaving a Lasting Legacy for Midwestern Farm Women: A Succession Planning Series,” will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Central time on Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 at sites across Kansas, Nebraska and Indiana. The series is being produced through a collaborative effort by extension programs at Kansas State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Purdue University.
Topics covered will include motivation for succession planning, communicating with family, the financial aspects of estate and transition plans, and the legal aspects of putting a plan in place. A keynote speaker will be simulcast to every workshop location during each meeting, with time for questions and a hands-on activity for participants. A meal will be provided on each date.
“Planning for what happens to your things when you’re gone can be daunting, but it’s so important, especially in agriculture, so that the transition to the next generation goes smoothly,” said Jessica Groskopf, director of the Nebraska Women in Agriculture program. “This series will help women learn best practices and new strategies to help the transition and estate planning processes so they can take that back to their farm or ranch and help lead the way in creating or reevaluating their plans.”
Groskopf said the program’s structure is intended to strengthen networks of women in rural areas, which can provide opportunities for building trust and sharing information. “Connections are so important to rural women,” she said. “We have seen the benefits that come from knowing your peers, having a place to share difficulties, and mitigate the isolation that so many of us in agriculture often feel.”
The registration fee for in-person attendance is $60 before Jan. 13 and increases to $75 on or after Jan. 13. A virtual option is available for $75. Participants are encouraged to attend all four sessions. Registration information is available at https://wia.unl.edu/succession25.
Applications for the Regional Youth Leadership Advisory Team (RYLAT) are being accepted.
The program or group is the Regional Youth Leadership Advisory Team (RYLAT) with a focus to increase the understanding and awareness of career and employment pathways in agriculture and food systems and improve culturally responsive positive youth development practices to reach and welcome more diverse audiences into Land Grant University youth development programming. The application is open to all youth ages 14+ with a focus on bipoc (black, indigenous, people of color) participants.
Attached are the flyer and position description. Applications are due December 15th. We will decide and contact people quickly by December 20th. Participants can potentially be in this group for the next 3 years on this grant, but we may continue beyond that if there is interest. Expectations include meeting as a state group 4-6 times a year where they work together on a project and attend regional meetings with all participating North Central Region youth via zoom quarterly. We also travel twice a year, fall and spring, to meet as a RYLAT and have educational opportunities as a group. Spring will be March 14-17 in Washington D.C. at 4-H Ignite Conference.
Application link: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9uCebZftkPtJpe6
An informational meeting will be held November 14 at 6PM in the Dodge County Extension Office you can attend in-person or via zoom. The initial training is past, but you can still find out more about becoming a Master Gardener!
The Nebraska Master Gardener program is a horticulture related volunteer training program based in many counties throughout the state. It has been part of UNL Extension since 1976. Master Gardener volunteers are trained by UNL Extension faculty and staff. They contribute time as volunteers working through their local Extension office to provide horticulture-related information to their community. More specifically, they provide education about sustainable horticultural practices. Participants are required to complete 40 hours of training and 40 hours of volunteer service during the initial year of their involvement in the program. Master Gardener volunteers retain their certification through annual training and volunteering.
Master Gardener training sessions are held at county offices throughout the state. Classes begin in February or March, depending on the location. A minimum of 40 hours of educational training is provided. Most locations conduct training during daytime hours, but some offer evening classes.
Please contact Ian Peterson at ipeterson4@unl.edu for more information.
Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge applications now open!
Last chance for applications, please apply by December 15th, 2024 for the 2025 program year. For more information
regarding the Fed Steer Challenge, or to submit an application please visit https://4h.unl.edu/fed-steer-challenge
Virtual learning session about the Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge
To be held Wednesday December 11th at 7:00 p.m. CT/6:00 p.m. MT. We will discuss the program outcomes, deadlines, and answer any questions you may have. This session will be recorded and posted on our website. Join Zoom Meeting: https://unl.zoom.us/j/94582695213 Meeting ID: 945 8269 5213 or call in at +16694449171,94582695213#
The Special Garden Project is a way to offer Nebraska youth the chance to grow unusual and fun projects in their gardens.
The 2025 Special Garden Project will focus on the Goldie Husk Cherry. This old-fashioned fruit from the tomato family has sweet berries inside golden husks. The fruits have many uses and can be eaten raw, dried, frozen, canned, or made into tasty treats like pies, desserts, or preserves. (I assure you the husk cherry is different than a groundcherry, which is a weed in Nebraska, that looks very similar, but isn’t edible)
Youth are encouraged to enroll for Horticulture/Plant Science through 4-H Online. Youth will then have to reach out to their local Extension Office to sign up and order the seeds. It will be up to the county office to keep track of the youth that signed up and share the educational materials including the growing newsletter & evaluation (will be in the shared folder on the Special Garden Project website).
This scholarship is sponsored by NEBRASKA Women Involved in Farm Economics (NE WIFE). Nebraska WIFE is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving profitability in production agriculture.
The one-year $2000 scholarship is available to any woman who lives in Nebraska who will begin her FIRST year in a University/Technical/Trade/Community College in a field related to agriculture. The scholarship may be used at the school of the recipient’s choice in Nebraska.
Join us Dec. 7th from 9 a.m. to noon
for Winter Fest!
Are you ready for winter? Join us for the Haskell Ag Lab Winter Fest! This year's event will highlight winter preparedness, winter weather on landscapes, a wreath workshop, numerous youth activities involving winter weather, ornaments, games and more.
Join us as Kim Bearnes, Stanton County Extension Educator from the Nebraska EDEN Team, will lead a session in preparing your homes, vehicles, and yourselves for the winter season. This session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and resources necessary to help you face those Nebraska winter challenges safely and confidently.
Another session will be led by Ian Peterson, Horticulture Extension Educator, on winter weather on your landscapes. Winter weather brings about a time to see our landscape in a different light - snow-capped shrubs, rustling leaves still clinging to branches and wildlife scrounging around for seeds and nuts. Cold temperatures, temperature swings and storms also create potential risks for our plants. Learn about conditions such as frost cracking and plant heaving; what to do when heavy snow damages a tree; and preventative steps to keep your landscape as healthy as possible through the dormant season.
The wreath workshop cost is $30 per wreath. All other activities are free. All children must have an adult on site. Snacks will be available for everyone attending.
Register for the wreath workshop by November 29 by going to go.unl.edu/registerwinterfest24 or by calling 402-584-2261. Limited spots are available. No pre-registration is needed for the other activities.
Join us at the UNL Haskell Ag Lab, located at 57905 866 Road, Concord, NE.
From January through April, Nebraska Extension will be hosting traditional private pesticide training in your area. These training courses will be roughly 2 to 3 hours long and will cost $60. We are still finalizing those dates, so watch for more information in the coming months. Feel free to look for upcoming dates at https://pested.unl.edu.
Another option for recertification is to attend a Confronting Cropping Challenges meeting conducted by Nebraska Extension in December. These meetings will be held on the following dates in the area:
All meetings will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., with registration starting at 12:30 p.m.
December 3rd at the Eastern Nebraska Research Extension and Education Center near Mead
December 4th in Leigh at the Colfax County Fairgrounds – 4-H Building
December 10th in Randolph at the City Auditorium
December 12th in Neligh at the Antelope County Fair Grounds – Event Center
The Confronting Cropping Challenges meetings give you an opportunity to learn from the challenges you might have faced this past growing season by going more in-depth. Topics that will be focused on this year are dealing with soybean defoliation, volunteer corn, palmer amaranth and white mold.
At Randolph and Neligh, there will also be an opportunity to attend a manure use workshop the same day as Confronting Cropping Challenges. Discover how to determine a manure application rate and reduce your commercial fertilizer costs. See the flyer for details and locations. Pre-registration is required for these workshops by November 27 as they will include a meal.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability and Nebraska Extension will present a workshop in Dakota City for farm and ranch landowners, landlords and tenants who want to learn more about current trends in farm or ranch real estate, and best practices for managing or leasing land.
“Big Questions and Innovative Solutions in Land Management” will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dec. 17, at the office of Nebraska Extension in Dakota County, 1505 W. Broadway.
The workshop will cover topics related to Nebraska's land industry for farms and ranches. Those include evaluating current trends in land values and cash rents, lease provisions and legal considerations, proper communication strategies and considerations for successful land transitions. Workshop participants will also be able to find answers to common farmland leasing and land ownership questions.
Refreshments will be provided by Farmers National Company.
The program is free to attend. Registration is required by Dec. 16, by calling Nebraska Extension in Dakota County at 402-987-2140.
More information is available on the Center for Agricultural Profitability’s website, https://cap.unl.edu/land25.
This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2023-70027-40444.
Calling all teen leaders! Nebraska 4-H is seeking facilitators for this year’s Ag Innovators Experience, Protect the Plate. Application deadline for Local Teen Facilitators has been extended to Jan. 15, 2024. More information and applications are available at 4h.unl.edu/ag-innovators-experience.
The goal of the Nebraska Beekeepers Association Youth Scholarship is to support and encourage young Nebraskans who have a passion for beekeeping. By providing financial assistance through educational tuition and equipment, the scholarship aims to help young beekeepers expand their knowledge and learn new skills and experiences in beekeeping.
The application form and candidate essay must be submitted to the Nebraska Beekeepers Association no later than December 1. More information about candidate requirements and the application process can be found at https://www.nebraskabeekeepers.org/scholarship.
More details at: https://www.nebraskabeekeepers.org/scholarship
In case you missed it, we have the dates set for PASE 2025. The event is scheduled to be held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on East Campus. Additional information about these events will follow in the start of the new year.
Tuesday, June 17th and Wednesday, June 18th, 2025
More details at: https://4h.unl.edu/pase