Bethel the Beautiful
July 1, 2024
Happy 4th of July!!
I don't know which is harder to believe, that it is already July, or that my son turns 15 today!!🎉 Time sure does fly! I hope you and your families are having a great summer so far and that you have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!
Afterschool - Week of July 1st - 5th
Monday, July 1st- 7am - 6pm
Tuesday, July 2nd - 7am - 3pm
Wednesday- July 3rd- 7am- 6pm
Thursday, July 4th - Closed
Friday, July 5th- Closed
The rate for this week will be $90 per child.
Lunch Menus for July
Calling All Kindergarteners
If you have a student that will be attending kindergarten, or know someone with a rising kindergartner, please have them come to our office and register if they haven't already. We are super excited about our 24-25 school year and want to get our kindergarteners all registered this week! Thanks!
T-shirts for Students in 2024-25
Help us give all of our students a free Bethel t-shirt!
Our goal by the beginning of school is to get enough sponsors to purchase t-shirts for all of our students this year! The business logo or name will appear on the back of all 550 t-shirts-- that's great advertisement!! We hope to wear the t-shirts throughout the year for different events, including field trips. Thanks for sharing this opportunity with your friends and family!! Copies of the form above will be in the office to fill out, or you can download it from the newsletter and bring it in. We appreciate your support!
Volleyball Camp at BMS
Library on Tuesdays
Come to the library on Tuesdays from 10am-3pm to check out a book and have fun doing STEM activities! See the flyer below!
We look forward to seeing you all!
Summer Camp
We would love to have your child participate in Summer Camp this summer! It's not too late to register your child! If you have any questions, please call the office. Thanks!
Gear Up
Please see the date for your child's grade level and more info. below
1st Grade- Monday, August 5
2nd Grade- Tuesday, August 6
3rd Grade- Wednesday, August 7
4th Grade- Thursday, August 8
5th Grade- Friday, August 9
Gear Up is like the optional "Jumpstart" that many of our students participated in last year. This year, however, we will not be assessing students, but will be having students move through STEM stations that peak their curiosity and are a lot of fun! Your child(ren) will have the opportunity to work with their peers and meet the teachers that are participating in their grade levels, while getting them excited about the upcoming school year. It is sure to be a lot of fun!! Hope to see your children there!
We are fine tuning the times and locations on campus for each day and will share that information with you soon! It will begin each day at 8:30 and last several hours...end times will be determined next week!
PTO Meeting August 22nd
Our first PTO meeting of the year will be on Thursday, August 22nd at 9 am in the school auditorium. We will be alternating between morning and afternoon meetings in hopes that all families will have a chance to attend the quarterly meetings. Notes from each meeting will be shared on the parent newsletter, along with any other pertinent PTO information. Our PTO did an amazing job last year and we look forward to another great year in 24-25! One thing some parents mentioned in our school survey is to have some PTO meetings and to share more about what PTO is purchasing and doing. That is our plans for this coming year--- super excited!!
Summer Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 8am - 4pm
Important Reminders
June 10- August 9 - Summer Camp dates (July 4 & 5 it will be closed)
August 5-9- Kinder Camp (rising Kindergarteners will attend 2 days) 8:00-11:00am
August 5-9- Gear Up back to school-- See info above
1st Grade- Monday, August 5
2nd Grade- Tuesday, August 6
3rd Grade- Wednesday, August 7
4th Grade- Thursday, August 8
5th Grade- Friday, August 9
August 19- First Student Day- 12:30 Dismissal
August 21- Kindergarten Orientation
August 22- 26- Kindergarten Family Visits
August 22- PTO meeting for all interested parents
August 27- 28 Kindergarteners start