Week at Windsor 12.8.19
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
Hoping this weekend's message finds you well! Here is ourWeek at Windsor.
Season of Giving
Thanks to all our families who participated in last week's Windsor PTA's Dine & Share raising monies in support of PTA. We also saw many used books come in to support our Wildcat Council's Book Drive. Finally, our PTA Windsor Cares Committee has been collecting food items and donations to support Windsor families during this holiday time of year. We appreciate all of who have helped to plan, supervise, or donate!
Dress for the Weather
Students should come to school appropriately dressed for outside weather, whether it be for morning arrival time or recess. We will always ask children to put on their coats/winter accessories when temperatures are below 60 degrees. (We stay inside when "feel like" temperatures are below 0 degrees.) We can only send students outside in what they wear to school. Please double check and reinforce your expectations for your child as they go outside during school hours. We appreciate your support!
Cold/Flu Season
We are seeing a few more instances of illness. Here is a letter with information and reminders. We will promote safe and healthy habits here at school as well.
Piper Boston, Principal @PrincipalBoston
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal @lindzana
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
You can tell the school year is underway. Our Twitter page provides lots of great highlights into each school day!
Author Visit with Ruth Spiro
Many thanks to Mrs. Komarek and the Windsor PTA for bringing author, Ruth Spiro to our school to meet with all grades K-5.
We so enjoyed hearing about her pathway to becoming a writer, her writing process, and highlights from past and new books!
Bears and Packers Friday Spirit Day
With them facing off this weekend, we are due for a Bears and Packers spirit day this Friday!
ABC/25 Get Burbed! Challenge
Click here for the official rules and entry form. All entries are due by December 18, 2019. We can't wait to see your creative designs! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the most recent race updates.
December Assessments
The District 25 assessment window for the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and FastBridge open on December 2nd. Students will be testing throughout the weeks leading up to Winter Break in both reading and math. Classroom teachers will help children know specific testing days. Here is a previously shared assessment overview letter with grade level information for your reference. Getting a good night's sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and coming to school on time help children be their best and maximize their learning potential every day. The District window closes at the end of December, so NWEA MAP results will go home with children in January.
Windsor PTA
We had a great time at the 2/3 Grade Movie Night. Thanks to all who helped to plan, chaperone, and participate! Additionally, we raised lots of money towards our Windsor holiday drive.
LOOKING AHEAD - IN DECEMBER… See website for flyers!
THU (12.12) – PTA Holiday Gathering - 6-9 pm, all are welcome so stop by and say hello at the Arlington Ale House, Downtown Arlington Heights.
FRI (12.13) – Chess Club Session II – 3:35-4:35 pm in the LMC. No Chess Club on 12/20.
MON (12.16) – Green Team Meeting – in the LMC, during lunch recess. Click to learn more, https://windsorpta.org/programs/green-team/
GIVING TUESDAY https://windsorpta.org/2019/12/03/giving-tuesday-2019/
Fifth grade families, here is a flyer regarding the end-of-year fifth grade memory slideshow. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HamZ0TLuPFZS8vjnudK0V6MRbAOxEJxknH8PVVWnRGI/edit?usp=sharing
Be a Part of Something Great! ABC/25
Ever wonder where those Coding Dash and Dots, BeeBots and Portable STEM Carts came from...grants made possible by the ABC/25 Foundation! The ABC/25 Foundation is a non-for-profit organization founded by a group of caring parents to give A Better Community for District 25 by fostering innovation, creativity and excellence in our schools. Over the past 24 years, the Foundation has raised and contributed over one million dollars to fund numerous projects and grants for District 25 which directly impact students and teachers!
Are you a member of the ABC/25 Foundation? If not, you're missing out on an amazing way to support the D25 schools! Proceeds from the $40 family memberships go directly to fund grants that allow D25 teachers and staff to access tools and resources that aren't available through curriculum budgets. Learn more about the wonderful things ABC/25 is doing in our community at www.abc25.org and become a member here! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to ABC/25 Windsor Liaison, Elyse Coval at elysecoval@hotmail.com.
District 25 Parent-Student Handbook
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.