CSD Board Briefing
December 19, 2024 School Board Meeting

Good Apple Awards
Cambrian would not be Cambrian with the generosity of others. The Governing Board and the Superintendent recognized individuals who have gone the extra mile for the children and staff of our district. Congratulations Good Apples!
Price: Lauren Drag, Kiley Salaz, Michelle Sanchez
Farnham: Christina Rodriguez
Steindorf: Eleisa Lee
Cambrian's December Good Apple Award Winners
Reclassified Fluent English Proficient Students
The goal of the Cambrian School District's English Learner Program is to support English Learner students to rapidly develop grade-level English language proficiency. The District proudly recognized students who have become fully proficient in English and mastered the state standards for academic achievement: Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) in the past six (6) months.
Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
The Governing Board voted to accept the consent agenda items. Items listed under the consent agenda motion are considered to be a regular course of procedure and are acted on by the Board of Trustees in one motion.
There is no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote unless a member of the Board, staff, or the public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the agenda. It is understood that the administration recommends approval on all consent items. Each item on the consent agenda approved by the Board of Trustees shall be deemed to have been considered in full and adopted as recommended.
Personnel Report
Measure R: Change Orders 6A, 4C, 7D, and 4E - Modular Classroom Projects
The Governing Board ratified the four (4) necessary change orders; 6A, 4C, 7D, and 4E, in connection with the Modular Classroom Projects. In accordance with the District's change order approval process, the following change orders are in connection with the replacement of the oldest portables located at Fammatre, Farnham, Sartorette, and Price Middle School.
The total change orders for larger modernization projects typically range from 6% - 8%. The attached change orders total a credit of $256,674.23 which represents a -3.68% change of the total contracts listed of $6,976,282.00.
For Change Order #6A, an additional change (different from the document posted below) was approved. The revision is for Galeb Paving Change Order #6A, PCO item #200, which should read ($203,280.00), and that brings the total of the change order to ($335,461.16).
6A: Galeb Paving CO credit of $335,461.16.
4C: McGuire & Hester CO $856.00
7D: Cupertino Electric CO credit of $2,500
4E: Scapes CO credit of $94,724.07
4C: McGuire & Hester CO $856.00
7D: Cupertino Electric CO credit of $2,500
4E: Scapes CO credit of $94,724.07
To review Change Order #6A, please click here.
To review Change Order #4C, please click here.
To review Change Order #7D, please click here.
To review Change Order #4E, please click here.
Measure R: Resolution 24-25-05
The Governing Board approved Resolution 24-25-05 and allowed Cambrian to continue working with McGuire and Hester and complete Increment 1 Sitework for Modular Classrooms at Fammatre, Farnham, Sartorette, and Price Middle School.
On May 18, 2023, the Board awarded McGuire and Hester (formerly named Casey-Fogli Concrete at the time of bid) for the Site Concrete Trades, for the Increment 1 Sitework for Modular Classrooms at Fammatre, Farnham, Sartorette, and Price Middle School based on their low bid. Due to required accessibility (ADA) upgrades for state certification, a 14.51% increase over the original contracted amount was required. A resolution is required to continue with McGuire and Hester. It has been concluded that their costs are reasonable and going out to rebid the project would delay the project and result in unnecessary expenses to the District.
To review Resolution 24-25-05, please click here.
Property Redevelopment: Exchange and Joint Escrow Agreement
The Governing Board approved the Third Amendment to the Exchange and Joint Escrow Agreement with Silverado San Jose, Inc. On March 17, 2022, the Governing Board approved Resolution 21-22-06: Intent to Exchange Interests in Real Property with Silverado Memory Care. The Third Amendment is to extend the closing of escrow from December 31, 2024, to on or prior to January 31, 2025, due the approval from the City of San Jose Planning Commission.
To review the third amendment to the exchange and joint escrow agreement, please click here.
Curriculum & Instruction: English Learner Program Update
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Mr. Linh Nguyen, provided an update on the English Learner Program. This included a review of Cambrian's goals, identification process, and the programs & services. Mr. Nguyen highlighted the program's overall achievements.
To review the English Learner Program presentation, please click here.
Budget: First Interim Report 2024-25
The Board, having reviewed the Interim Report, which reveals pertinent financial and budgetary information:
(1) approved the first Interim Report,
(2) found that the District will be able to meet its financial obligations through June 30, 2025, and the two subsequent fiscal years, and,
(3) authorized the Board President to certify and file a "positive" financial certification statement with the Santa Clara Office of Education.
Education Code Sections 35015 and 35035 (g) require school district governing boards to certify their district's projected year-end and subsequent years financial condition twice a year. The certification shall be based upon required financial and budgetary reports, cumulatively entitled the "Interim Report".
After reviewing the Interim Report, the County Office of Education can make one of three certification statements. They are: (1) positive certification, meaning the District is and will remain, financially solvent through fiscal year-end and two subsequent years, provided appropriate adjustments are made; (2) qualified certification, meaning that if certain events do or do not occur, the District will not be able to meet its financial obligations; and (3) negative certification, meaning that the District will not be able to meet its financial obligations through fiscal year-end or two subsequent years.
Cambrian staff presented the First Interim Report for 2024-25 for discussion. The full report is available for review.
To review the CSD Multi-Year Projections, please click here.
To review the first interim Board Packet, please click here.
To review the CSD First Interim Financial Report, please click here.
Budget: Advisory Committee Update
The Budget Advisory Committee was formed on October 2, 2024. The primary purpose of the Budget Advisory Committee is to identify and recommend strategies to reduce deficit spending by approximately $2 million for the 2025-26 school year. The committee explored cost-saving measures, and prioritized initiatives to maintain the quality of education while ensuring fiscal stability.
Chief Financial Officer, Dr. John Pappalardo, presented an overview of the committee and its work over the last two months to ensure the District remains fiscally solvent and protects high-quality classroom experiences for our students.
To review the CSD Budget Advisory Committee Update, please click here.
Budget: Annual Developer Fees Report 2024
The Governing Board accepted the report thereby making it available to the public as statutorily required in Government Code section 66006. Government Code section 66006 requires that the Board of Trustees annually review revenue and expenditures of money collected through development fees. Chief Financial Officer, Dr. John Pappalardo, reviewed the Developer Fees Annual Report.
To review the Annual Developer Fees Report, please click here.
Statement of Votes & Certificate, 11.5.24, Trustee Election Results
The Governing Board voted to accept the Statement of Votes, the Certificate of Election Results, and declared the final results of the November 5, 2024 election. Pursuant to Elections Code Section 15400, the governing body shall declare elected or nominated to each office voted on at each election under its jurisdiction the person having the highest number of votes for that office, or who was elected or nominated.
This was an opportunity for the Cambrian Governing Board to accept the Statement of Votes, the Certificate of Election Results, and declare the totals to be the final results of the November 5, 2024, election.
To review the certificate of election results for Dr. Beth Erickson, please click here.
To review the certificate of election results for Mrs. Janet Gillis, please click here.
To view the precinct canvassing results, please click here.
To view the district canvassing results, please click here.
Measure BB: Election Results
The Governing Board voted to accept the Statement of Votes, the Certificate of Election Results, and declared the final results for Measure BB of the November 5, 2024 election. Pursuant to Elections Code Section 15400, the Governing Board should accept the Statement of Votes and Certificate of Election Results and declare the totals to be the results of the election.
This was an opportunity for the Cambrian Governing Board to accept the Statement of Votes, the Certificate of Election Results, and declare the totals to be the final results of the November 5, 2024, election.
To review the certificate of election results regarding Measure BB, please click here.
To review the precinct canvassing results regarding Measure BB, please click here.
To review the district canvassing results regarding Measure BB, please click here.
Board Policy and Regulation: Intradistrict Transfers 5116.1
The Governing Board approved Board Policy and Regulation: 5116.1 Independent Study. One of the roles of the Governing Board is to ensure District Board policies are reviewed, added, removed and kept up to date in order to keep the District legally compliant. The Board shall annually review this policy. (Education Code 35160.5)
To review the draft of Policy 5116.1, please click here.
To review the draft of Regulation 5116.1, please click here.
Board Office Hours Update: December 9
The Board of Trustees provided an update on the recent open-door meeting with the community held at Fammatre Elementary School. The next Governing Board Office Hours will be:
Board Calendar for 2025-26
The Governing Board approved an option for the calendar for 2025-26 Board of Trustees meetings. During the annual Organizational Meeting, the Board determines its meeting dates for the following school year. The Board typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month excluding July and months where the schools are closed during the first or third week of the month.
There are three options to choose from: Option A: 19 meetings - with three meetings in September and one in October. Option B: 19 meetings - with two meetings in October on the 2nd & 4th Week {Instead of the 1st & 3rd}. Option C: 18 meetings - with one meeting in October.
The Governing Board voted to approve Option C.
To review the 2025-26 Board Meeting Calendar, please click here.
Election of Officers for the CSD Governing Board
Per Education Code 35143, the Board shall elect a president, vice president and clerk from its members for the 2025 calendar year. Mrs. Carol Presunka was voted in as president, Dr. Beth Erikson as vice president and Mrs. Janet Gillis as clerk.
To review Policy 9120 please click here and to review Policy 9313, please click here.
Naming of a Board Representative to the Santa Clara County Committee
The Cambrian Governing Board recommended that the incoming Board President, Mrs. Carol Presunka, be selected to vote in the election for members of the County Committee on School District Organization in 2025. California Education Code ยง 35023 requires that the governing board of each school district, at its annual initial meeting, select one of its members to vote in the election for members of the County Committee on School District Organization.
The County Committee Election ballot comes to each district in late October/early November and the board member indicated on this form will vote in the 2024 County Committee election.
The County Committee Board Representative is NOT a member of the County Committee and is NOT required to attend County Committee meetings.
To review the Nomination form, please click here.
To review the Nomination letter from the SCCOE, please click here.
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Cambrian School Board will be held Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in person at the Professional Development Center located at 4115 Jacksol Drive, San Jose, CA 95124 in Building 7, and can be viewed online as well. Agenda and login information will be available the week of the January 16th meeting. The meeting is open to the public.