Second Grade
September 20th
What We Are Learning.
Reading- Informational texts
Writing- Introducing Research Project
Math- Fractions: whole, halves, fourths, eights
Science- Types of Forces
Social Studies- Solving Problems in our Community
First Publishing Event
Second graders have spent the last three weeks working on writing a personal narrative. Today, students were able to share their stories with all of second grade.
Save the Date
September 24th- Hispanic Heritage Night 6:00-7:30pm
September 27th- No School
October 10th- No School Parent Conferences
October 14th- No School
October 18th- Early Release 12:00 PM
October 22nd- Trunk or Treat
Transportation Changes
Reminder, in the event you need to make a change to transportation please call the office by 2pm. You can let your child's teacher know as well but the official change must come from the office.
Come Celebrate Hispanic Heritage at ROE
There will be a concession stand and other food available to purchase.
Parent Volunteer Application
Schedules are approximate and possibles changes could be made based on school and classroom needs such as safety drills, assemblies, and testing schedules.