Volunteer Update
Tennessee 4-H Volunteers / March 2025
Volunteer Jam was a success! A big thanks goes out to the State 4-H VOLS Committee for their efforts in planning and conducting this event; and also to all the presenters and exhibitors! This event happened this past weekend, February 28 - March 1, 2025 at the 4-H Alumni and Friends Reunion in Lebanon. It was open to any 4-H volunteer, teen, or professional. Volunteer Jam featured educational workshops, displays, and other fun interactive experiences. There were 25 participants. To see what happened, see a full schedule.
The final preparations are in full swing for the 78th Tennessee 4-H Congress!
Tennessee 4-H Congress will be happening on March 9-12, 2025 at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro. Volunteers who will be participating can take a look at the orientation information to get an idea of what to expect at Congress. Contact your County 4-H Office for more information.
Download the 2025 Congress Volunteer Assignments here to find out your assignment at Congress!
Adult Volunteer Opportunities Available for Summer Camps
If you would like to volunteer for one or several of the many 4-H summer camping programs, contact your County 4-H Office for more information. There are many opportunities, from junior camp at one of the awesome 4-H Camping Centers, to the state summer camps (such as Academic Conference, Electric Camp, or Target Smart Camp). Summer is just around the corner, and there are deadlines for applying.
The Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports Program is in full swing, starting in March. It all starts on March 21-22 with the State BB and Air RIfle Jamboree in Murfreesboro. Other competitions are:
- April 11-12 - State Archery Jamboree - Cookeville
- May 3 - State Shotgun Jamboree - Nashville
Preparation is key for these events. Start early. Contact your County Extension Office for all the opportunities!
Get your youth involved in the next level of 4-H as a participant in 4-H Academic Conference. Youth will be involved in educational programming on the campus of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Delegates will receive extensive, hands-on training in project areas under the supervision of university scientists and specialists on the UTK campus. Youth will need to apply to be a part of this conference, and the deadline is March 31 to your County Office.
4-H Electric Camp is a fun-filled, rewarding adventure in electricity. Youth will explore the world of energy, electricity, energy conservation, electrical safety, and other basic sciences in fun-filled, “hands-on” learning activities. Participants will work with electrical specialists from across the state in learning centers. Each learning center will consist of hands-on activities to learn by doing. Contact your County Office to sign up. It’s an electrifying experience!
4-H Target Smart Camp is a program of Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports. It is for youth who are enrolled in grades five through nine. At camp, youth learn appropriate skills to succeed in a variety of shooting sports and related areas such as archery, riflery, shotgun use, muzzleloading, and outdoor skills. Programs emphasize safety, correct form, and responsible use.
Dates of Interest
- Agribition Livestock Judging - March 8 - Lebanon
- Tennessee 4-H Congress - March 9-12 - Murfreesboro and Nashville
- 4-H Beekeeping Essays Due - March 15 - State Office
- State 4-H BB and Air Rifle Jamboree - March 21-22 - Murfreesboro
- Senior 4-H Project Portfolios Due - April 1 - State Office
- State 4-H Archery Jamboree - April 11-12 - Cookeville
- State 4-H Sheep Conference - April 26 - Crossville
- Tennessee 4-H Chopped Challenge - April 26 - Murfreesboro
- 4-H College Scholarship Applications Due - May 1 - State 4-H Office
- Knoxville Spring Junior Cattle Show - May 2-3 - Gray, TN
- State 4-H Shotgun Jamboree - May 3 - Nashville
- 4-H Target Smart Camp - May 26-30 - York 4-H Center, Crossville
- State 4-H All Star Camp - May 31-June 1 - York 4-H Center, Crossville
- State 4-H Meats Judging - June 3 - Knoxville
- State 4-H Livestock Judging - June 4 - Knoxville
- State 4-H Wildlife Judging - June 4-5 - Location TBD
- 4-H Academic Conference - June 10-13 - Knoxville
- National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships - June 22-27 - Grand Island, NE
- 4-H Electric Camp - June 24-27 - Knoxville
- State 4-H Horse Show - June 24-28 - Shelbyville
- Tennessee 4-H Roundup - July 21-25 - Knoxville
About us
Email: dsarver@utk.edu
Website: https://4h.tennessee.edu/volunteers/
Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-974-2128
Facebook: facebook.com/Tennessee4H