Navigating the River

August 30, 2024
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMStheGOLDstandard
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
- September 2nd - Student/Staff Holiday
- September 3rd - 6th - Drama Club Tryouts (4:30 PM)
- September 3rd - 13th - Gifted Testing
- September 3rd - Football Game vs. South Forsyth MS (6:30 PM - Lambert HS)
- September 4th - 6th, 9th - 7th Grade Junior Achievement Field Trips
- September 5th - Lambert Connected Homecoming Parade for 8th Graders
- September 7th - 9th - TSA Field Trip
- September 10th - Lambert Connected Parent University (6:00 PM - Lambert HS)
- September 10th - Football Game vs. Piney Grove MS (6:30 PM - South Forsyth HS)
- September 11th - Patriot Day (Wear Red/White/Blue)
- September 11th - DECA/HOSA/FBLA Field Trip
- September 11th - Lambert Connected Unplugged Night
- September 13th - Band Rock-A-Thon Fundraiser
- September 17th - Constitution Day
- September 17th - Football Game vs. Otwell MS (6:30 PM - Forsyth Central HS)
- September 17th - HOSA Field Trip
- September 19th - 8th Grade Band Night (Lambert HS)
- September 23rd - 27th - Fall Break
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook and Twitter (X)!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riverwatchms
School Safety Request:
We would like to remind you that Riverwatch MS and Settles Bridge ES are closed between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM to foot traffic and vehicle traffic for business not related to school. Please help us keep our students and staff safe by adhering to our hours of operation and by spreading the word within your neighborhoods for any one that may not receive our newsletter!
Family Partnership Survey:
One of the biggest contributors to student success is engagement and partnership between schools and families. To help us with this, we're asking you to take a few minutes and fill out the Family Partnership survey. Your information helps us make #RMStheGOLDstandard for all stakeholders!
Family Partnership Survey - https://forms.gle/xaRbqDx5xTfQT3i26
A Note from Nurse Brenda:
Scoliosis screenings will take place in November for 6th and 8th Graders. If you do not want your child to be screened, please take a moment to fill out the Screening Refusal form and send it to Nurse Brenda (f40674@forsyth.k12.ga.us).
A Note from RMS PTSO:
Hello Riverwatch families –
Congratulations to our PRIDE and PANTHER level raffle basket winners! We appreciate all of our donors, and are so excited to thank the Ianovskyi family and the Roden family with some wonderful RMS spirit wear and treats..
One last reminder that this is the final week of the participation contest by grade level. All donations made through Sunday, August 31 will be credited to our competition to see which students will be enjoying ice cream treats on Friday, September 6th. We are currently at 152 families and $10,900 in membership donations- amazing!
Current family donation participation rates:
6th grade – 17% of students (you're SO close to 20%, PTSO believes in you!)
7th grade – 10% of students (congratulations on hitting double digits last week!)
8th grade - 7% of students (are you really going to let the youngsters beat you to the ice cream???)
Teachers – 78% of teachers
We are so excited up for our ice cream reward for the grade level winner, but please remember if we don’t hit 75% participation, only students whose families donated to PTSO will be able to partake in this fun treat. The deadline to have your donation counted towards ice cream party participation has been extended to August 31.
Visit the PTSO website at DONATE TODAY.
As a reminder, your membership fee is a tax-deductible donation to the RMS PTSO (a 501c3), and is eligible for corporate matching programs if your organization offers that. Membership does not obligate you to attend meetings, volunteer your time, or fund subsequent activities this school year. Thank you for your help in contributing to Riverwatch.
Direct Link to Website for More Informaiton: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/page/394
Every Day Counts and Attendance Matters!
For more information on the Riverwatch attendance policy, please click here!
Reminder: Student check-outs will not be permitted after 3:30!
Riverwatch Teacher of the Year - Ms. Suzy Ruckert!
Nominate a Deserving Faculty Member Today!
We've reached the end of our first month of school and we are ready to name our first Teacher and Staff Member of the Month. We need your help with nominating the deserving faculty in your student's life!
If your child is interested in playing intramural basketball or trying out for basketball, please see the attached flyer for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Yu at f38148@forsyth.k12.ga.us.
Don't Miss Out on the 8th Grade Field Trip!
Athletes of the Week:
Congratulations to our Athletes of the Week!
Football - Neo Kaluma
Cheerleading - Brooke Utley
#RMStheGOLDstandard Instructional Spotlight!
6th grade Earth Science students used clues to create models of the Milky Way galaxy with their teammates this week. Working collaboratively and authentic academic discourse makes the learning experience more engaging!
#RMStheGOLDstandard Instructional Spotlight!
Ms. Birch's 8th grade Health Science class traveled to Fernbank to see the Super Human Body: World of Medical Marvels exhibit! Making content relevant and applicable is part of what makes us #RMStheGOLDstandard!
Save the date! Lambert Band 8th grade band night will be Thursday, September 19th. This event is OPTIONAL for 8th grade band students.
Direct Link: https://forms.gle/7Mz3S2eBa29ekpCd9
In Case You Missed It:
From the Panther Pit Stop:
Important Information:
A Big THANK YOU to Our Partners in Education!
No business? No problem! Partners in Education covers businesses, families, and individuals. Our Partners in Education help the school by donating necessary materials, whether through a monetary donation or the items themselves! If you or someone you know would like to help us be #RMStheGOLDstandard, consider partnering with us!