Carman Paw Print
March 28, 2021
Just a few important dates to remember in the upcoming weeks:
* Monday, March 29th our In-Person students WILL attend school. It is NOT a Virtual Learning Day.
* There is No School on Friday, April 2nd or Monday, April 5th.
We hope everyone had a relaxing and safe week! Please remember that if your child is experiencing any symptoms to keep them home until they are symptom free.
With CT Pride,
Updated quarantine guidelines
The St. Louis County Department of Public Health has released an updated isolation and quarantine order that is consistent with the latest CDC guidance. Parkway is adopting this new quarantine order effective immediately.
The length of quarantine for those who have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 has been reduced from 14 days to 10 days from the last exposure to the positive person, as long as the close contact remains symptom free.
If a student or staff member is currently under quarantine, this updated order applies to them and the length of their quarantine will be reduced to 10 days.
Similar to the quarantine guidance, those who test positive for COVID-19 will need to isolate themselves for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. If patients have no fever for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving, they can end isolation after 10 days. Until now, those who tested positive for COVID-19 would need to isolate themselves for as many as 14 days.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-'22 school year is now open
Online Kindergarten Registration is open! Simply click on this link to get started:
If you or someone you know needs assistance navigating online registration, please reach out to Mrs. Karen Regan at Carman Trails at 314-415-6104.
**Please note: It is not necessary for current Parkway students (K - 11th) to register annually. When a student leaves Parkway and later wishes to return, then the student will need to register again.
Gamers Wanted!
This week we introduced the students to how video games are made. We watched a short video about the different aspects of video game production. The students also had the opportunity to create their very own video game cover (pictured above). We ended the week with a Show N’ Tell of sorts. The staff brought in their collection of consoles to show the students how video games have evolved over the years. We also watched a video depicting the growth of video games from 1972 - 2019. The students were shocked to learn that there have been over a billion consoles sold to date!
Grab a Spot on Virtual Learning Days from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Join the Carman Trails Adventure Club family today!
Register now or call 636.891.6644 for more information.
Learning Experience for the 2021-2022 School Year - A Message From the Parkway School District
In the coming weeks, we will ask K-8 families to select an in-person or virtual learning experience for next school year.
Virtual Campus, a full-time virtual learning experience, will continue to be an option for the 2021-22 school year. Our decision to continue offering Virtual Campus is part of our long-term plan to offer options to meet the diverse needs of families and each individual learner. Some families have said they prefer a virtual learning experience regardless of the status of the pandemic.
We are excited to offer multiple learning environments and choices for families next year and into the future. In order to match student needs with excellent staff and design successful learning experiences, we need you to select your experience for next school year.
When do students and families make this decision?
Elementary and Middle - Parents will receive an enrollment form via email on April 6. Families will need to complete the form to select an in-person or virtual learning experience for their student(s) for the 2021-22 school year. The form is due by April 18. This enrollment selection will be for the entire 2021-22 school year.
Look for more information in the coming weeks about enrollment for 2020-21. We are planning a Zoom webinar for parents to learn more about the Virtual Campus learning experience in early April. Look for an invitation and more information during the enrollment period.
Carman Trails PTO is Looking for Parent Leaders to Fill PTO Executive Board Positions for the 2021-2022 School Year
Each year, the Carman Trails PTO elects its Executive Board for the following school year. We are currently seeking nominations to fill the seats of the Executive Board for the 2021-2022 school year. Board members must be the parent or guardian of a current Carman student. We are seeking all those who wish to be involved in the planning and decision-making process to help us achieve our goal of creating the best possible learning environment for all Carman Trails students.
In order to continue to provide fun family events, teacher and staff grants, staff appreciation, and school donations, such as supporting class field trips, we need parents to volunteer their time to be leaders in our Carman Trails community. We would love for you to consider using your individual talents and passion to fulfill one of our officer positions. You will not only be making a difference in our school and the lives of our children, but you will also be building lasting relationships with other Carman parents, staff, and administration.
The PTO holds four general meetings a year, and the Executive Board meets approximately four additional times as well. Board members are asked to attend all meetings as well as be a physical presence at PTO sponsored events throughout the year. All positions are open and available to accept nominations. Please review brief descriptions of each position below.
If you are interested in joining the Executive Board or would like more information, please contact Crystal Blaker, PTO President, at
Please submit nominations to no later than April 1, 2021 - or just click on this link to submit:
We are looking forward to the upcoming school year and all of the fun and excitement that goes along with it!
The PTO has not been able to hold our biggest fundraiser, Trivia Night, for the last two years. In efforts to raise money for the school, we will be offering you the opportunity to buy some of the auction items that were to be used at the events at a discounted price! 100% of sales go directly to helping our school. Items include gift cards, certificates for family fun activities, home decor, kids' items, ring cameras, and much more! It is an awesome opportunity to get a great deal on these items while supporting the PTO.
Keep an eye on the Carman Trails PTO Facebook page for more information and to see what items are available each week!
K-8 Summer School Information
Based on parent feedback, there will be changes to Parkway’s K-8 summer school programming to best support students this year:
Parkway will focus on academics this summer
By dedicating our Parkway teachers and summer school programs to reading and math intervention this summer, we can ensure students who need additional support are prepared to start the next school year. This also allows us to double the number of students we can serve this summer in academic intervention courses.
Families should have received an invitation if their child is identified as needing additional reading and math support based on academic performance this school year. If you did not receive an invitation, your child’s performance is on target, and/or they have not been identified as needing this additional support.
Camps and enrichment opportunities still available
Families who prefer enrichment opportunities and summer camps can enroll in Parkway-Rockwood Community Education for a fee. Registration for fee-based summer camps and enrichment courses opens on March 8 through Parkway-Rockwood Community Education.Transition programs will be offered in August
Jumpstart to Kindergarten will be offered both in-person and virtually to rising Kindergarteners and Welcome to Middle School will be offered both in-person and virtually to rising 6th graders in August. The programs will be offered from August 2-6, 2021 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Registration for these programs will open on May 1.
Counselors' Corner
Hi Carman Trails Families!
I know some of you may have had difficulty with the original link for the parent survey. I am so sorry! The link has been corrected and I would love it if you could take a couple of minutes to share your opinions with me.
In an effort to make the school counseling program the best it can be, I am asking for your help. I have a short survey that I would love if you had a few minutes to complete for me. It is strictly based on yours and your child's experiences with me as their school counselor. It is confidential and I am hoping for honest feedback to make sure I am delivering the most effective school counseling program possible.
You can click on this link to submit:
Mrs. Kiso's School Counseling Survey
Please let me know if you would prefer a paper copy to fill out and I will send one home with your child.
Thank you for your time! I appreciate it very much!
Warm Regards,
Tracy Kiso
Nurse's Notes - Information about Seasonal Allergies
Dear Carman Parents:
The link below is a detailed sheet of symptoms used to help you identify what illness your child may be experiencing (flu, cold, allergies, or Covid). If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 314-415-6110.
Thank you -
Nurse Melissa Hermann
In addition, please check out for the March Nurse's Newsletter.
Information provided in the newsletter includes:
Promoting Good Oral Health Habits
Ask the Experts: Eyes on Screens: Maintaining Your Kids’ Ocular Health in a Digital World
Stay Connected with These Updates!
March - National Music In Schools Month
March 20: First Day of Spring
March 29: In-Person Students Attend School in person
March 29: Vietnam Veterans Day
April - National Volunteer Month/National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 1: Last Day to Submit Nominations for PTO Board
April 2: No School
April 5: No School
April 6 - 9: National Library Week/Assistant Principal's Week
April 12: All Students Virtual Learning
April 19: All Students Virtual Learning
April 26: All Students Virtual Learning
Connect with Us!
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Twitter: @trailscarman