Friday, February 5, 2016
GaETC Application to Present: NOW OPEN!
The application to present at GaETC is now open! Be sure to keep the deadline in mind while preparing, as it's different than past years. April 1, 2016 is deadline for both pre-conference workshop and concurrent session proposals.
Need Help Writing a Conference Proposal?
If you're interested in presenting at GaETC but aren't sure how to begin with the proposal, Kennesaw State iTeach is here to support you! The Instructional Technology Department will pay for your registration to attend this workshop taking place at KSU on March 19. Sign up below!
Sign Up for the KSU Conference Proposal Workshop
Please do not add your name to the list if you are not certain you can attend. You do not need to email Stephanee directly. We will provide her with a complete Fulton list.
Office of Educational Technology: National Education Technology Plan
In Fulton County, we're doing things right! The Office of Educational Technology released its National Education Technology Plan in December 2015, and it details the vision for using technology to support learning. Read the introduction below and then take a peek at the entire plan.
Thank you for doing the work you're doing to make this happen!
Vancademy Award Categories
In May we'll be celebrating the great work that has been completed by our Vanguard team members throughout the year. But first, we need some categories! Using the Padlet page linked below, share your ideas, serious and/or funny! As long as it's work appropriate, the suggestion is welcome! Once we've determined our categories, we'll start accepting nominees!
To make a suggestion, put your suggested category on the title line and your name below it!
February Reflections
Thank you to everyone who has already posted a reflection for February. Be sure to get yours posted by the end of the month!
Roving Reporter - School Spotlight: Dolvin Elementary School
Our first School Spotlight visited Dolvin Elementary School to showcase some principles of Personalized Learning. These segments feature Vanguard members Lauren Busing, Emily Davis, Megan Endicott, Tammy Felton, and Renee Morris, as well as some other great teachers!
Video 1: Choice and Voice in a Second Grade Classroom
Video 2: Art, Music, Choice in Demonstrating Mastery, Just-in-time Direct Instruction
Video 3: Instructional Coaching
Stay tuned for videos from our second School Spotlight which took place at Bear Creek Middle School!
Roving Reporter - School Spotlight: Dolvin - Choice & Voice
Roving Reporter - School Spotlight: Dolvin - Personalized Learning
Roving Reporter - School Spotlight: Dolvin - Instructional Coaches
Please try and participate in the chats. The more folks we have chatting, the better the conversation. So set a reminder and join us every Thursday at 7:30!
Stephanie Immel (@TeachingSteph) will host a chat on Direct vs. Indirect Instruction: Where's the Balance?
We Need You!!
We still have many spots available for chat moderators! PLEASE sign up to lead one of our Twitter chats!
Want to know about Getting Started with STEM? Then join Chanel Johnson (@TECHtilejunkie) to chat about it!
March 11, 2016
Bear Creek's Redefining Learning Conference
May 14, 2016
Vancademy Awards at Centennial HS
May 31, 2016
VanCon at Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center