The Palms Post
January 31, 2025
Memo from the Principal
Palms Families,
Welcome to the 2nd half of the school year! We are working through completing Reports Cards and parents should expect these to come home on Thursday, February 6.
Flyers for the Daddy/Daughter Dance were sent home on Thursday, January 30. Coming up, we have the World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser information coming home on Monday. This fundraiser replaces our Little Ceasar's Pizza kits which we've done for many years at Palms.
We are also starting some character building conversations with students with the focus on creating common vocabulary in our school, improving the culture at Palms, being intentional on building positive relationships, and giving the students and staff a platform for being proactive to understand ourselves and each other. Over the next two weeks, the theme will be around "LOVE." There will always be parents resources in The Palms Post, and we encourage parents to check out the resources. See the Character Building article below.
Please continue to check your child's backpack, The Palms Post, as well as the Palms PTO Facebook page for information. Looking further ahead, please take a look at the "FEBRUARY DATES & EVENTS" below.
If there are ever any questions, please call the Palms office at 810-676-1351. Always keep in mind that if we positively work together, then we will help each other Perform Achieve, Lead, Master, and Succeed. #BELIEVE
Mr. Mike Domagalski
Palms Elementary School, Principal
Perform - Achieve - Lead - Master - Succeed
Monday, February 3
- PTO World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser flyer comes home
Wednesday, February 5
- PLC Late Start Day (school starts at 9:40am)
Saturday, February 8
- East China Education Foundation Chili-Heart event - REGISTER HERE by February 6.
Monday, February 10
- "LOVE FOR LUKE" - $1 Donation to Wear Your Favorite Hat
Tuesday, February 11
- "LOVE FOR LUKE" - $1 Donation to Bring a Stuffed Animal
Wednesday, February 12
- Pupil Count Day
- "LOVE FOR LUKE" - $1 Donation to Wear Your Pajamas
Thursday, February 13
- "LOVE FOR LUKE" - $1 Donation for No Homework Pass
- 1/2 Day School - Dismissal @ 12:08pm
- Daddy Daughter Dance flyers due
Friday, Feb 14 - Mon, Feb 17
- Mid-Winter Break & Wellness Weekend, NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 19
- PLC Late Start Day (school starts at 9:40am)
Thursday, February 20
- PTO Meeting (4:30pm)
Friday, February 21
- Daddy Daughter Dance in Palms Gym (6:00-7:30pm)
- If a snow day on February 21, the Make-up Dance will be on February 28
- PTO World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser sales are due
Wednesday, February 5 - Late Start (9:40am - 3:39pm)
LATE STARTS: There are many “Late Start” Wednesday’s due to many 1-hour Teacher PLC Professional Development mornings. Those dates are noted in the District Calendar. Our Palms school times will be from 9:40am-3:39pm on those dates - SO PLEASE ADD THESE DATES/TIMES TO YOUR CALENDAR AT HOME!!! Other than Latchkey (planned at least a week in advance, 6:30am-9:40am), the school will not open until 9:40am on these dates. Please see the dates below!
- February 5, February 19, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28
Palms Positive Polar Pride Winners: January 27-31
Congratulations to our amazing Palms Polar Pride winners for the past week! Students were acknowledged by the Principal, Mr. Domagalski, had their picture taken, and given a small gift!
Palms Elementary Student Of the Month
Our FEBRUARY themes are LOVE & HUMILITY. Teachers will be looking for students that display these character strengths to award February Student Of the Month!
Mrs. Woodhouse's Young 5's Class Explores Teen Numbers
The Young 5's students have been actively exploring teen numbers through hands-on activities. They´ve been learning to write and count these numbers while focusing on understanding the tens and ones places. Using manipulatives like linking chains, they can visually represent numbers by making groups of tens and adding individual ones, which helps reinforce the concept of place value. This approach makes the abstract idea of teen numbers more concrete for the students. Way to go, Young 5's!
Character Building at Palms
Dear Families,
Over the next two weeks, February 3 - February 13, our Palms students and teachers will focus on the character strength of Love. Love means you value close relationships with others and being close to people.
Love is shown through our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward those we care about. When we love someone, we comfort them, make them feel safe, support them during tough times, and often put their needs before our own. When someone loves us, we feel safe and secure and can be ourselves around them. We miss them when they are not around.
Love is important for our community and society. We all depend on each other for happiness and well-being. Love creates positive feelings, helping to reduce loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Without love, we can't form strong bonds with our families, friends, or communities. A world without love would be a lonely and unsafe place.
To practice and encourage the character strength of love at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below are links to this week’s P2 for Families lessons. Click on the grade level that best meets your child’s needs.
Pre-K–K - Grades 1–2 - Grades 3–5 - Grades 6–8 - Grades 9–12
Thank you for your support!
FREE high-quality PreK in ECSD!
Will your child be 4 years old by December 1st, 2025?
Then, it is time to sign up for FREE high-quality PreK. All Michigan 4-year-olds can now qualify, prioritizing families that need it most. Click the link below to apply. If you have questions, call the ECSD Early Childhood Center secretary, Chris Klecha, at 810-676-1010.
Palms Chartwells Part Time Food Service Position Open
Chartwells is hiring a Food Service Worker for Palms Elementary. Click on the following link for the application. If you have questions, please contact Julie Humphrey at 810-676-1112 or email her at jhumphrey@ecsd.us.
Palms PTO Information
- 3rd Thursday of each month: February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15.
- All meetings happen in the Media Center at Palms Elementary starting at 4:30pm.
- Child Care: The PTO works with the MCHS Student Government & NHS to have high school students available to watch younger children brought to a Palms PTO meeting.
President: Kelly Morrison, 586-873-5215, kmorrison1004@gmail.com
Vice-President: Orianne Myres, 810-278-1948, orianne84@gmail.com
Secretary: Robin St. Aubin, 586-822-8861, rstaubin615@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Shannon Perry, 313-570-2191, shannonmperry@hotmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Amye Kammer, 810-335-3097, aykammer@yahoo.com
PTO EMAIL ADDRESS: palmspto@gmail.com
PTO Facebook Page: "Palms Elementary PTO"
- Fundraisers: Fall Fun Run (Sept), Mum Flowers (Sept/Oct), Candy Sales (Jan), Spring Flowers (Apr)
- Cosmic Bowling Event - Friday, November 8 (5:30pm Check-In, 6:00pm start)
- Staff Dinner for Conferences: Monday, November 25 - 4:00pm
- Christmas Craft Event for Students - December 17, 2024
- Daddy Daughter Dance - February 21 (snow date February 28, 2025)
- Donuts with Grown-Ups - March 4 & March 5, 2025
- Mother-Son Event @ All-Star Sports - April 18, 2025
- Bus Driver, Latchkey & Custodial Breakfast - Tuesday, April 22, 2025
- Teacher Appreciation Day/Week: May 5 - May 9, 2025
- 5th Grade Party - Monday, June 9, 2025 (2:00-3:30pm)
- Palms Field Day - Thursday, May 29, 2025 (rain date May 30)
- Music Concerts (1st, 3rd, 5th grades) - Monday, June 2, 2025
STEAM Newsletters - January 2025
Here are the links to the JANUARY newsletter for STEAM class from Mr. Blackstock. Please click the link pertaining to your child's grade level to be informed on the "Happenings" in STEAM class.
Kindergarten/Young 5s - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UjJQ0i6MHZIsDzPj6KHSVLfq80GgLFhmhk2XjEv3HqM/edit#slide=id.p5
1st grade - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tXJjlEdKsug-bMSHACq03KH4781SmCJ4ZrUBxrEf1Uc/edit#slide=id.p5
2nd grade - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tVlL4tX2GXLjUbBIGqqxJTv1_VH0AQqA99a6L8ZVbMs/edit#slide=id.p5
3rd grade - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s2xFcrglBSzopWClR1qXt-NnN2z_bwP9qy80g_sMxUc/edit#slide=id.p5
4th grade - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GSdGnZ79hb9DxCxFRU17dxXtsZMwl9VvKi-2A5ti0KA/edit#slide=id.p5
5th grade - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16moSIhE6LbP_-b5OxYMPZ5w1NJJ4yCVj6uK4Qo5iGO4/edit#slide=id.p5
February 2025 Breakfast Menu
February 2025 Lunch Menu
Chartwells Information
Birthdays At Palms
- RECOGNITION: When a student has a birthday, they will be recognized during the morning announcements and given a birthday treat.
- TREATS/GIFTS: If parents would like to send in a birthday treat, we ask that the treat be pre-packaged, individual-packaged, and nut-free. Classroom supplies would be a great treat for the class as these are recommended as opposed to a food treat.
- TEACHERS: Parents should communicate with their child's teacher a week in advance on a birthday and agree on the appropriate treat/gift for the class.
Arrival, Dismissal, Safety & Security
- DROPPING OFF: Out of consideration for others, when dropping off students, please pull to the front of the drop–off area and keep the line of traffic moving.
- Please have your child on the RIGHT SIDE of the car when dropping off. This makes it easier and quicker.
- When students are dropped off they are to line up and enter the building at the south entrance, door #1.
- Mrs. Woodhouse’s Young 5’s students will line up outside the door to Mrs. Woodhouse’s room, door #1A.
- The office staff will sign-in the students if they are not here when the bell rings. Building entrance bell rings at 8:40 a.m.
- Classes begin daily at 8:45 a.m. and dismiss at 3:39 p.m. Students should not arrive at school before 8:30 a.m.
- Latchkey is available to parents who need supervision for their children before this time.
- PICK-UP: If you are picking your child up from school at dismissal time, grades K-5 will be dismissed out of the doors by the office, door #1. Parents will stay outside of the building during this time. If parents are a few minutes late picking up, students will stay inside the building to wait.
- If your student is leaving early for the day, please send a note with the student to let the office know. If you are picking up your student at the end of the day, they will meet you outside the doors at the south entrance (Door #1).
- The turn-around on the west side of the building (on Palms Rd.) will be for buses and staff parking only.
- Visitor parking will be located in the parking area on the south side of the building.
- As a matter of safety, DO NOT park along the sidewalk. This is a Fire Lane.
- If your child does need to be released from school during the instructional day, please notify the office in writing. Students will be called to the office when you arrive.
For the safety of your child and to avoid confusion, no child will be dismissed after 3:15pm on full days of school or after 11:50am on 1/2 days. Please wait outside to greet your child after school as this will ensure a positive and safe dismissal for all children.
Please be sure to check your child’s backpack for notes and homework assignments on a daily basis. We are looking forward to a very productive and exciting school year. Additional information is available in the ECSD Elementary Student Handbook.
Important Links & Documents for Parents
School Attendance
- If your child is going to be absent, please call the Palms attendance line, 810-676-1366. It is important that your child is present and on time for school each day unless he/she has a fever or is sick.
Palms Elementary Links & Info
- Palms Elementary Website
- Cafeteria Menus
- Skyward Family Access - LOGIN
- Skyward Family Access - HELP
- Volunteer Application
- Regular School Day: 8:40am-3:39pm
- PLC Wednesdays: 9:40am-3:39pm
- Half Days of School: 8:40am-12:08pm
- Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
East China School District Links & Info
- District Calendar Link
- ECSD Webpage
- Early Childhood & Daycare
- ECSD Employment Opportunities
- Latchkey Information
- East China Educational Foundation
- ECSD Calendar of Events
Please call the office at 810-676-1351 for any questions.
Emergency Information
Emergency Information
Emergency Information
Palms Information
Email: lglasgow@ecsd.us
Website: https://eastchinaschools.org/schools/palms-elementary/
Location: 6101 Palms Road, Ira Township, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 676-1350