C.R. GUMMOW PS Newsletter
February 2025

At C.R. Gummow, the staff is deeply committed to fostering an environment where every student can succeed. They understand that consistent school attendance is a critical factor in student achievement, as it ensures that students are engaged in learning, participate in activities, and build strong relationships with peers and teachers. The staff work diligently to create a welcoming atmosphere that encourages students to come to school daily, knowing that each day is an opportunity for growth. Their goal is to see every student daily so they can support their academic and personal development, ensuring no one is left behind. Through collaborative efforts, the school community aims to inspire students to take pride in their education and value the importance of regular attendance.
If your child is experiencing feelings of anxiety or nervousness about coming to school, please reach out to your child's teacher. Together we can work to find ways to help your child feel comfortable coming to school.
Just a few reminders based on the questions we received. When all buses are cancelled on any day:
- Hot lunch programs are always cancelled.
- All sports practices/tryouts are always cancelled.
- Class trips are always cancelled.
- Students are welcome to come to school or stay home - it’s your choice as a family.
- Parents can drop off as of 8:05 am when supervision begins.
- Students MUST be picked up by 2:40 pm.
- When a bus is cancelled in the morning, it will also be cancelled in the afternoon, regardless of the weather
If you are keeping your walking student home, you must report their absence through School Messenger.
You can report absences via:
- Phone system 1-844-434-8119
- SchoolMessenger App
- Website: https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/home
Black History Month
February is Black History Month - a time for intentional recognition of the achievements, contributions and lived experiences of Black communities. In our learning this month and beyond, we recognize the value of celebrating and highlighting Black History and Black Excellence every day. Over the coming weeks, KPR will be highlighting resources to support learning and growth as we honour and celebrate the history, achievements, and excellence of Black communities around the world.
Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28th, and ends at sundown on Saturday, March 29th. This is an important time in the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims. Ramadan is a time for fasting, spiritual reflections, prayer, doing good deeds, and spending time with family and friends. A prayer space is available for students who wish to pray. Students and families have been encouraged to let us know if there are any other accommodations we can provide to support their child(ren) during Ramadan.
Parking Lot Safety
- BUS LANE: Students get off the bus and say good morning to Mrs. Bell and Ms. Quigley! Our littlest students are walked to the kindergarten yard by an older student helper.
- FRONT ENTRY: This door is closed in the morning, and students are not allowed to enter the school through it unless they arrive after 8:20 or it is raining.
- FIRE ROUTE: This is a strict NO PARKING & NO STOPPING area.
- KISS & RIDE: This drop-off zone allows parents to stop their cars and let the children exit from the passenger-side doors to the sidewalk. Students can then walk independently on the sidewalk to the backyard. DRIVERS SHOULD NOT EVER EXIT THE CAR IN THIS AREA.
The grade 8 students are raising money for upcoming trips and will host a cupcake sale on February 19th. You can purchase cupcakes through School Cash Online, and all previous orders will be honoured due to the postponement due to a Snow day in January.
Families and students baking cupcakes, please ensure they are nut-free and clearly labelled if they are gluten-free.
We appreciate your support with this fundraiser!
Winter Concert
Due to a Snow Day, our Winter Concert was rescheduled and two performances happened on January 24th. We appreciate the time and effort that our staff put into planning and presenting our Winter Concert for families, showcasing the talents of some of our primary students. This event featured various performances by classes. It was a wonderful opportunity for families to come together and celebrate our winter season while supporting the students' hard work and creativity. The concert was a heartwarming and entertaining afternoon and evening for all attendees.
A special thank you goes out to our teachers who organized.
Drama Club
Our Drama Club group continues to meet weekly to rehearse for their upcoming production of 'Tales from Ovid' in March. Students continue to work on the set, blocking scenes and refining their lines. We look forward to seeing the script come to life early in March. Special thank you to all involved.
Jr. Volleyball and Basketball
Our teams are eagerly practicing for their upcoming tournaments. Our gym echoes with enthusiasm as the students work on their technical skills, and teamwork. Our coaches provide guidance and encouragement, helping the students improve their techniques and build confidence. It's a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn the value of hard work, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Thanks, coaches!
Outdoor Education Centre Trips
Classes have been visiting our Outdoor Education Centre. This is a great opportunity for students to have hands-on experiences investigating different science, social studies, or geography topics. We look forward to more trips as we move into the Spring months.
Ski/Snowboard Club
On Thursday, January 30th, students and staff enjoyed the first of three days at Brimicombe. The conditions were great, the sun was shining and everyone returned with a smiling face! Thank you to the volunteers who joined our crew on the hill. We look forward to many more memories being made this month (6th, 13th).
The students in the Drama Club are looking for community sponsors to help support their love of the performing arts. Producing a quality performance with sets, costumes and lights is what our thespians dream of, so please partner with us! We are calling on local businesses to purchase a $250 space in the paper and electronic programme for this year’s production of "Tales From Ovid". A PDF of this programme will be sent to every C.R Gummow family, as well as be shared at the community performance on March 5th, 2025. If you are a business owner and would like to support the C.R Gummow Drama Club, please reach out to Mme Meiliunas at natasha_meiliunas@kprdsb.ca. We look forward to working with you!
Kindergarten Registration
Online registration is now open for the 2025-26 year. If your child or someone you know has a school-age child, please encourage them to register their child for school. Having accurate numbers is helpful when we are planning for the upcoming school year.
New for the 2025-2026 school year, JK students must register at their home school and then are eligible to attend French Immersion in SK at C.R. Gummow. If you have questions regarding this process please reach out.
To register your child, please visit: https://www.kprschools.ca/en/our-schools/register-for-school.aspx
School Update
Special Education Model
Starting February 1st, we are slightly changing our Special Education Model. Mme. Marcon (mariefrancine_marcon@kprdsb.ca) will be your main contact for grades JK-3. Angela Emerson (angela_emerson@kprdsb.ca) will be your main contact for grades 4-8. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We are here to help!
Parent Community Council Fundraiser - Little Caesers Pizza Kits
The full menu of items available for purchase has gone home with the youngest child in your home. If you would like an additional flyer or need one, please let your child's teacher know and we can send one home with them. It is important to note that the school ID is not on the flyer, please see the photo, as it includes the school ID for C.R. Gummow to receive the proceeds of purchasing.
The last day to order is Feb. 9, 2025.
Other Important Dates
March 7-17 March Break
April 11 - PD Day
April 18-21 - Easter
May 19 - Victoria Day
June 9 - PD Day (yes, it is a Monday)
June 23 - Graduation
June 26 - Last Day of School
Attendance - If you need to report your child's absence, there are multiple ways to record this information.
Call 1-844-434-8119 or visit https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/account/login and set up a profile for KPRDSB or download the School Messenger app (available for Android and Apple devices).
Edsby - for school communication https://kpr.edsby.com/p/BasePublic/
SchoolCash Online - Pay for school lunch, fees, trips and more here. https://kprdsb.schoolcashonline.com/
Bus information - https://www.stsco.ca/
School Board Calendar - https://www.kprschools.ca/en/our-schools/school-calendars.aspx
Common Childhood Illness https://www.hkpr.on.ca/media/vcffjrzs/common-childhood-illnesses-reference-sheet-oct-2023-2.pdf
YMCA Before and Afterschool https://ymcanrt.org/child-care/
Office Staff
Principal - Kara Trumbley-Novak
Vice Principal - Robin Bell
Head Secretary - Vicki McNamara
Secretary - Katie Darling
Secretary (am) -
Chairperson of the Board - Jaine Klassen Jeninga
School Trustee - Terry Brown
Superintendent - Jamie Brake