SUN School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
Our school is chasing positive climate, culture, and a sense of belonging for all. By increasing our positive climate and culture, staff will be excited about instruction and students will have higher engagement. This will lead to higher academic performance, which will open doors for all students.
We commit to:
- excellent instruction through universal use of three of our nine LSSD instructional strategies
- strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator teams
- achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
2. SBA: 66% of the students in grades 3-5 will be at or above grade level on the Math Smarter Balanced Assessment increasing our average from 55.71%. iReady: Currently 73% of the students at Sunnycrest are one or more grade levels below standard in numbers and operations as measured by the iReady diagnostic. We will work to decrease this percentage to 50% by the end of the year.
3. 90% of the fifth grade students will be at or above grade level on the Washington Comprehensive Assessment in Science increasing from 80.98%.
4. Our Panorama data shows that 60% of our students have a strong sense of belonging.We are chasing climate and culture both with staff and students. Our goal is to increase the percentage of sense of belonging to 70%. Additionally, by implementing Tier I expectations consistently across our campus, our goal is 80% of our students have 0-1 office discipline referrals as measured by SWIS.
While student growth at Sunnycrest is important for all students, the number of students attending Sunnycrest that are multilingual learners has grown. As we are implementing the teach 10 and reflect 2 strategy among our small group instruction within our LAP and ML work, we are monitoring the impact of this strategy on our students who are working to learn the English language.
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
Critical review of data, including formative and summative assessments in literacy and math, as well as accessing the progress monitoring tool in iReady. Much of this work will be done through collaborative educator teams.
Administration of iReady Growth Monitoring assessments and SBA interims to use as additional data points.
Our PBIS team will be monitoring and responding to behavior referral data monthly. They present this data to staff and use it to inform changes to systems, and support Tier 1 strategies.
Our behavior team will continue to meet weekly to monitor student referrals, help support behavior intervention, and to suggest/create modifications to fortify Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
Quarterly surveys to get staff input on climate and culture will be given and the results shared with staff.
Our Tier One Strategies -- we commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
- Positive greeting at the door
- Morning meetings
- Co-constructed norms
- Talk 10, reflect 2
Collaborative Educator Team Work
- Select/create common assessments
- Review data
- Create tiered instructions for students who haven't learned it "yet"
- Develop enrichment activities for students
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals that are
- Aligned to essential standards
- Provide differentiated instruction based on student needs
- Develop a sense of self-efficacy within each of our learners
- Utilize the CET's to support student progress
- Designed to support reflective conversations about progress
February check in
At the midyear point, here is where we are...
ELA Goals
iReady: To decrease the percentage of students one or more grade levels below standard in the area of comprehension of informational text to 50%.
Fall: 67% were one or more grade levels below standard
Winter: 47% were one or more grade levels below standard
Goal met!
New goal: 35% of students at Sunnycrest will be one or more grade level below standard in the area of informational text.
Math Goals
iReady: To decrease the percentage of students one or more grade levels below standard in the area of numbers and operations to 50%.
Fall: 73% were one or more grade levels below standard
Winter: 50% were one or more grade levels below standard
Goal met!
New goal: 35% of students at Sunnycrest will be one or more grade level below standard in the area of numbers and operations.
Goal: 80% of the students at Sunnycrest will have fewer than two office discipline referrals (ODR's) at the end of the year.
Winter: 90.84% have 0-1 ODR's
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year