Lakeside Office Notes
May 10, 2024
Save the Date!
May 17th: all media center books are due
May 20: 2nd gr field trip
May 20: 5th gr SPAM day 11:30-1:00
May 21: 5th gr field trip (half the grade attends)
May 21: 4th gr SPAM day 11:30-1:00
May 22: 5th gr field trip (half the grade attends)
May 22: 3rd gr SPAM day 11:30-1:00
May 23: 4th gr field trip
May 23: 2nd gr SPAM day 11:30-1:00
May 24: No School - Staff Dev Day
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
Dress code....
Specific info from the student handbook....
Shorts, skirts, and tops that expose the midriff, undergarments, or are deemed, by the administration, to be excessively revealing are not allowed
We ask that you observe the clothing your child wears to school to see that it is appropriate and in good taste for our school community. Students who are inappropriately dressed will be asked to contact their parent(s) to bring them more appropriate clothing for school.
Clothing that is fashionable may not be acceptable in the school setting.
PTO Information
Thank you to our fundraiser top sellers. An Anderson's Ice Cream Gift Card is on the way!
Lakeside: Tony D, Kya S, Georgia B, Masen J, Kendrick J, Harrison D, Henry W, Sophia H, Aiden N & Evan H!
Primary: Ayla A, Edward H, Calvin G, Carson G, Hazel P, Sawyer H, Reid R, Julian H, Carter O, Joie/Abra B
The current PTO President & Secretary terms are coming to an end and we are looking for two people to fill these roles starting in May! If you'd like more information on either role, please email clptopres@gmail.com
President key responsibilities: Organize PTO meetings, plan and execute fundraisers, help organize events as needed and communicate PTO information for weekly office notes.
Secretary key responsibilities: Take detailed notes during PTO meetings and assist with events when needed.
Our last PTO meeting of the school year will now be on Tuesday, May 21st (previously was scheduled for May 14th) at Lakeside at 6:30PM!
Community Education
Spring/Summer Catalogs
Click the picture below to view the online catalog!
After School Classes
Prices per class range from $35-$50 for the entire week. So for example, if you take six sections at $35 per class, your bill for the week of participation/care would be $240. Contact the Community Education office if you have questions or concerns or wish to learn more!
Kids Club
Community Events
Drop Off - Pick Up -Transportation Info
Morning Drop off information
Please use this LINK for morning drop off procedures
Curbside pick up
Pickup number tags need to be visible at ALL times during curbside pick up until you leave the parking lot.
Please review the LETTER from Mrs. Johnson and LAPD
Also review the Curbside pick up procedures
**Any transportation changes for students need to be communicated to the office by 2:45pm each day**
Transportation Questions:
There are three ways to connect with the bus garage:
#1) Phone: 651-213-2020
#2) E-mail: Wendy Armstrong at WArmstrong@isd2144.org
#3) Contact us form: https://www.isd2144.org/Page/479
Lakeside Elementary
Location: 29678 Karmel Avenue, Chisago City, MN, USA
Phone: 651-213-2300