Tipps STEAM Bits & Bytes
Weeks of October 28 - November 8, 2024
From the Assistant Principal
We've got a busy week ahead at Tipps! Next week is Red Ribbon Week (details below) and Halloween. The following week, Monday and Tuesday are holidays for our students. In between, all the learning and growing is still happening every single day.
Speaking of learning and growing ... that starts every single morning at 8:00, and it lasts all the way until 3:30. Our teachers pack each day with learning, and when students are late or leave early, they miss out on important parts of all that. We totally understand that things come up, but please try to make sure everyone wakes up with enough time to get to school and be in the classroom at 8:00, and please try to make appointments for after the school day. Also, please, unless they are sick, send your kids to school every day. If they do have to be absent, be sure to send a note when you child returns so we can mark their absence as excused.
We love spending our days with your kids and we love being a part of their learning and growing. Please make sure they're here everyday, arrive on time, stay all day, and are picked up on time.
Let us know if you need anything.
October 28 - November 1, 2024
Jag Store Week
GT Testing Week for 2nd Grade
Monday, October 28
- Rally in Red - Wear Red to kick off Red Ribbon Week!
Tuesday. October 29
- Drug Free from Head to Toe - Funny hats & socks
- Run Club after school
Wednesday, October 30
- Twin Day - Help each other make good choices!
Thursday, October 31
- Storybook Character Day! (no scary costumes, no toys)
- PTA Spud Luncheon for staff (see below for how you can help)
Friday, November 1
- Follow Your Dreams - wear school-appropriate pajamas
- 4th grade Symphony trip
November 4 - 8, 2024
Monday, November 4
- Campus Staff Development - No school for kids
Tuesday, November 5
- Election Day
- Campus Staff Development - No school for kids
- No Run Club
Wednesday, November 6
- Vision 2030 Day
- StuCo after school
- Battle of the Books after school
Thursday, November 7
- Report Cards
- College Shirt Day
Friday, November 8 - National STEM/STEAM Day!
- STEAM Clubs
Staff Kudos & Shout-Outs
Have you seen a staff member go out of their way, or be extra kind, or extra helpful? We would love to properly recognize them. Please fill out this brief form to thank them.
See the latest kudos below!
Kudos to...
- Mrs. Manzano from Jessica Myers: Thank you for your continued love for your students and parents! She sends home the key to the homework for moms that don’t know the new math :) and always makes Wyleigh feel encouraged! Thank you!
Just a Few Reminders
It is imperative that anyone who picks up your child in the car rider line has THIS year's car tag.
If you don't have this year's car tag, you will be directed to the office.
Please be kind to our staff on duty in the morning and afternoon. They are trying to enforce our safety practices.
Attendance matters--including tardies. Though you may think a few minutes of being late doesn't make a difference, it does. We begin instruction at 8:00. 2nd grade starts with intervention time. PK, K, and 1st begin with phonics instruction. Missing any part of this instruction can affect your child. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time.
Beanstack Information
Dear Parents,
MISD has purchased a new reading program called Beanstack. Your students will be using this program all year to get them excited about reading! It’s free to use, and you can access it through your child’s Classlink profile. If you have questions about logging in to your child’s Classlink, see the pics below. Please encourage your older readers to read at home, and please read to your younger students out loud. Teachers (as well as me, the Librarian) will also be logging minutes read aloud to students at school. Students will be recognized for their reading minutes at Pep Rallies once a six weeks, and through prizes throughout the year. Thank you for supporting our school, and promoting reading!
Mrs. Gansert
Tipps Librarian
How Are We Doing?
A "suggestion box" has been placed in the front office if you would like to leave us a note. You can also fill out the Google Form named, Leave Us a Note, below. We value your feedback!