Erieview News
Good afternoon Erieview families,
Thank you for taking a moment to read the information for the Halloween parade Thursday, 10/31/24. We will start the Halloween parade at 9:00 am. If you choose to come and watch the parade, we ask that families line the front of the building, by the main doors, and wrap around the front circle. If the weather is not conducive to an outside parade, we will be inside. The decision for an outdoor or indoor parade will be made Tuesday morning and sent via School Messenger around 8:20 am.
Again, the parade will start at 9:00 am. The parade will end by 9:30. Students will return to their classrooms. An announcement will be made releasing students for the parade, beginning with kindergarten and working our way down the grade levels. Students will exit the building through the main doors and walk on the sidewalk around the bus loop and re-enter Erieview through the main doors. Thank you for standing in the grass of the bus loop creating a clear path for the staff and students to walk on the sidewalk.
If we are not able to go outside for the parade due to the weather, we will have the students do an indoor parade, so that the students can see each other’s costumes. Parents will be allowed in the building and will watch the parade from the gym.
While students are not required to wear costumes on October 31st, those students who do wish to participate are reminded of the following guidelines:
1. Please choose a costume that does not reflect violence. Inappropriate “props” such as plastic swords, guns, knives, and weapons of any kind are not allowed – even if they are a part of your child’s costume.
2. Students should wear their costume to school.
3. All costumes should maintain the integrity of our school dress code.
As a reminder, Avon Lake City School district has approved specific parties throughout the year that allows food in the classroom. All food must be store bought and prewrapped. Nutritional information needs to be provided on the package. No home baked goods will be allowed in the class. We also encourage take home treats instead of a food based item: pencils, erasers, stickers etc. If your child has a food allergy, please work with your homeroom parent/teacher to discuss the food options and discuss with your child what they are able to consume.
Thank you for following these guidelines to help ensure the safety of all our students. We are hoping the weather cooperates on 10/31/24 for our outdoor parade as everyone is excited for the festivities!
Melissa Isaly-Johns
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found for missing items. All items not claimed by 10/25/24 will be donated to charity.
Employment opportunities at Erieview:
Recess Monitor – Erieview (1 position)
WORK: 2.5 Hours per day / 5 Days per week
HOURS: 10:30-1:00
SALARY: $16.42-$21.69
To view the External Job Posting, please click below and you will be directed to the ALCS External Employment page on our school website.
Upcoming events:
10/22-Fire Safety~Smoke House~Avon Lake Fire Dept. Grade 3
10/22-Healthy Kids
10/25-end Q1
10/31-Halloween: parade 9:00-9:30 am
11/1-professional development day~no school for students
11/4-begin K.I.C. food drive for CRS
11/8-Jungle Terry assembly
11/12-PTA meeting
11/14- Marco’s Pizza box night ~grades 3 & 4
11/15-end of food drive
11/19-picture retakes
11/27-12/1- Thanksgiving break
12/10-PTA meeting
12/11-Holiday Shoppe
12/12-Marco’s Pizza Night
12/18-Holiday Concert
12/23-1/6/25-Holiday Break