MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Sunday, May 5th
Take some deep breaths! State testing is finally over, and we have only two more weeks of school left before summer! Yea! Be sure to finish strong and complete all of your assignments and assessments for the year by Friday, May 17th at NOON. All high school courses have a final that counts either 10% or 25% of the course grade. It is VERY important that those tests/ projects are finished! (Seniors' last day is Tuesday, May 7th, and all work is due by midnight.)
High school students who have taken AP courses this year will have their AP test over the next two weeks. See the schedule and locations below.
Go M@VS!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
May 6-7-- Senior Final Exams
May 7 through May 14-- AP Testing
May 7-- Last Day for Seniors- all work due by MIDNIGHT
May 8 @ 4:00-- Graduation Practice @ CGIS (seniors turn in laptops)
May 9 @ 4:00-- MVS Graduation @ CGIS
May 13-17-- 9th-12th Final Exams
May 17-- Last day of School- all work due by NOON
May 17 or May 20-- All students turn in laptops and textbooks
May 21 to June 14-- Summer School: Grades 2-7 @ CGIS (by invitation only)
May 21 to June 14-- Summer School: Grades 8-12 @ MHS (by invitation only)
To view all MVS events, click here to see the website calendar. https://mvs.maryville-schools.org/about-mvs/calendar
AP Testing for Adavanced Placement Classes
AP tests will be taken with our sister schools, MJHS and MHS. These schools host some tests on their campuses, but some are held in local churches. Please note the location of your test below. If reporting to a school for testing, please report to the front office and let them know that you are an MVS student and are there to test. End times are best estimates. Students will be allowed to text their parents or leave (if driving) if their group finishes testing early. Please make sure students eat breakfast or lunch before coming to test. There will be no snack time, nor meal service.
What to bring in an AP test-- https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/what-to-bring-on-exam-day
AP Calculator Policy-- https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/calculator-policies
Dual Enrollment Grades
If you completed a DE course this spring 2024, please provide Mrs. Davis in the front office a copy of your UNOFFICIAL college transcript by May 13 (Seniors by May 7). Maryville College students can print this from their self-service account. Pellissippi students can print this from their My Pellissippi account (see directions below).
The below pictures are from a current senior's My Pellissippi account.
- From your MyPellissippi home screen, select "Student Self-Service."
- Indicate "More Options," then "Student Records."
- On the "Student Records" menu, scroll to the bottom to select "Transcript-Printable Version."
MVS National Honor Society
We would like to recognize our first inducted member of the J. D. Giffin Chapter of the National Honor Society, Olivia Brewer. Membership in the MVS chapter of the NHS Society requires juniors and seniors meet enrollment and GPA standards (minimum WGPA 4.0) , as well as service, leadership, and character requirements. Way to go, Olivia!
Enrollment for 24-25
You are currently enrolled at MVS, thus you are automatically enrolled with MVS again for next year unless you decide to make a change or Mrs. Bishop recommends you make a change based on your performance this year. If you wish to withdraw from MVS to attend another school for 24-25 please email jennifer.davis@maryville-schools.org to let us know. Then, you will need to come into MVS to sign the withdrawal form and let us know what school you will be attending next year. Note- MVS tuition students wishing to enroll in another Maryville City School must apply for tuition with MCS.
As you are considering what school looks like for your student for next year, please consider how this year has gone. If your child has flourished at home with the reduced stress of not being in an onsite school and shown the ability to be responsible for their own schoolwork, then sounds like another year at MVS is a great choice! If your student has struggled this year with task completion, failing grades, and attendance issues, then consider if any of these were better when attending an on-site school or if these things are struggles regardless of the environment. Either way, we will continue to work with your student to help overcome these issues.
Choosing MVS Classes for 24-25
MVS students in grades 8 through 11 will need to choose their classes for next school year. For core classes (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies), your current teachers have recommended what classes would best suit your academic skills and further course of study. In high school, you also have to have a Focus Area consisting of three classes (see here for more information-- page 13). You have received an email with teacher/ admin recommended courses and a link to make your choices. Before you choose, be sure to read about each course in the MVS Scholar's Prep Guide and make sure it is something you are interested in and ready for. If need the email sent again, please email Mrs. Davis jennifer.davis@maryville-schools.org
It's Almost Graduation Time!
Seniors and senior parents, please click below to see important information about graduation and wrapping up their high school careers!
Summer School: Grades 4-7
For students in grades 4-7, Summer School is a great way to strengthen reading and math skills that were not mastered during the regular school year. Students are invited to Summer School based on teacher recommendation, grades, and assessment scores. Invited students in grades 4-7 will attend Summer School in person at Coulter Grove Intermediate School. As soon as we receive more information on Summer School, we will send it out directly to the invited students.
Summer School: Grades 8-12
In high school, students must earn certain credits to graduate. (See list of graduation requirements here on page 12). To earn a credit for a course, a student must pass the class with a 60/D average or better. If the student fails the course with an average below 50, the entire course must be taken again, and some entire core courses can be retaken in summer school. If a student has an average between 50 and 60, then the student may have the option of taking an abbreviated core course during summer school, just focusing on the deficient standards, to recover the credit and receive a passing score of 60/D for the course. For more information on credit recovery, see here on p.17.
Thus, you can look at your student’s current averages and consider if he/she will be getting information about Summer School. Summer School for grades 8-12 will take place on-site at Maryville High School. Courses available at Summer School are only the core graduation requirements including English, math, science, and social studies. As soon as we receive more information on Summer School, we will send it out directly to the invited students.
College & Career Corner
If you missed the Senior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation and MVS Senior checklist.
If you missed the Sophomore/ Junior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation.
Parks & Rec Summer Information
Click on the picture below for more information on Parks & Rec Summer Activities.
Procedure Reminders
Ready to Start Driving?
Students must request their 1010 Form before going to the DMV to receive their Learner’s Permit. Please call MVS or email Jennifer Davis. 1010 forms are given based on the previous 9 weeks' grades. If you are failing multiple classes, you are not eligible for a 1010 form until your grades are brought up to passing. The 1010 forms are good for 30 days during the school year.
Turning in Late Work?
If you are turning in any late work, be sure to always contact your teacher after submitting the assignment. Teachers are not notified when a student submits assignments after the due date, so they may not know you even turned something in.
Feeling Sick?
MVS Contacts
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkeeper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.