TCE Title l Annual Meeting Agenda
August 2024
At the bottom of this agenda, please help us by completing a short 4 question evaluation. Your child will receive a treat when completed.
Hello families of all our terrific TCE students! I am glad to welcome you to our school's Annual Title l meeting. You will be reviewing our school's Title l program. We will cover the following items that are important to you as parents. :)
What is a Title l School?
How does our school spend Title Funds?
What are our School's Title l Schoolwide Requirements?
What Curriculum does our school use?
What tests will my child be taking?
What is required by law for Parent & Family Engagement?
Does my child's teacher meet professional qualifications?
What opportunities does the school provide for Family Engagement?
What is a Title l School?
Title l as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) provides financial assistance to meet the needs of at-risk children. The goal of Title l is to support students in meeting the state's challenging performance standards.
How does our school spend Title l money?
How is Title l Parent & Family Engagement money spent?
As a District and in conjunction with federal guidelines, a small percentage of our Title l money is allocated to have a District level Parent Family Engagement (PFE) Liaison.
What are our School's Title l Schoolwide Requirements?
The purpose of the schoolwide Title l program is to improve the entire educational program in our school. This should result in improving the academic achievement of all students.
What Curriculum does our School use?
Catoosa County Schools use the state adopted standards as the basis of our curriculum. Currently the adopted curriculum is the Georgia Performance Standards of Excellence. Resources can be found at
What test will my child be taking?
Students in grades three through twelve take the Georgia Milestones assessment. Instruction is centered on the Georgia Standards of Excellence.
At the Elementary level, third and fourth grade students take ELA and Math. Fifth grade students take ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies.
WIDA (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment) - Our students with ELL (English Language Learners) services receive this assessment once a year to measure progress.
What is required by law for Parent and Family Engagement?
The Georgia Department of Education (DOE) and the Georgia State Board of Education recognize that schools, parents, and communities should have equal partnerships with shared responsibilities. The DOE's Family-School Partnership Program ensures that schools and districts meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 for parent and family engagement. These requirements include:
Building capacity
Schools and districts should develop strategies to build the capacity of parents and stakeholders to engage with the school and support student academic achievement.
School-parent compacts
Schools should work with parents to develop a school-parent compact for each child. This compact should outline how parents, students, and school staff will work together to improve student achievement and develop a partnership between the school and parents.
Written policies
Title I schools should work with parents and family members to develop a written parent and family engagement policy.
The DOE also encourages schools to use resources like open houses, parent newsletters, and parent portals to encourage parents to partner with schools.
Does my child's teacher meet professional qualifications?
As a Title l School, we must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications. All teachers at TCE are highly qualified in the contect area they are teaching!
Click the link to see the Right to Know letter that is sent home in student packets at the beginning of the school year.
What opportunities does the school provide for Family Engagement?
Resources to check out and take home
Lunch & Learn (these will take place throughout the school year)
Open House
Title l Annual Meeting
PAC (Parent Advisory Council) (coming in Sept.)
Volunteer Orientation (coming in Sept.) Help out by volunteering in the Family Center.
How responsive will the school be to my questions when staff is contacted?
You have access to all TCE employees via email on the CCPS website:
Go to "Schools" and "Tiger Creek Elementary" from the home page.
You can ask to schedule an appointment at any time throughout the school year.
Click the link below to watch a video with more detailed information.
Important School & County Documents
We welcome parent questions! We want to make sure you are well informed about the Title l program as well as the opportunities the school provides to get involved. Please take the short evaluation below and provide any questions you may have. Your student will receive a treat when you complete the form.