Special Education Teacher Training
A NEW DATE has been ADDED for Zoom training on
October 18, 2024
Are you new to teaching special education? Have you taught special education before, but never in the state of Iowa? Have you been teaching special education in Iowa but have had limited training in special education law, best practices or the ACHIEVE system? Join us as we dig into critical topics and how-tos that special education teachers in Iowa need to know!
This training for new special education teachers is a learning package that was developed through a partnership between the Iowa Department of Education and Area Education Agencies with the objective of providing consistent, statewide training. This learning is being delivered statewide through all 9 AEAs.
New Special Education Staff Training Plan
All special education teachers in the state of Iowa that are new to the field or who have not been trained in the ACHIEVE system are asked to engage in training.
*Teachers who serve learners who are 14 years of age and older (grades 7-12) are also expected to engage in Secondary Transition training.
Participants need access to the Iowa Educator Portal. Participants who are new to the Iowa Educator Portal should work with their administrator to ensure access is set up. Participants must have access to the Educator Portal prior to the class. Not having access prior to the class may result in participants being turned away as meaningful participation would not be possible.
Participants also need to bring a computer with a charging cable to the face-to-face trainings.
A NEW Virtual Date For Secondary Transition Teachers:
*The following training date is not suggested for all new teachers, rather, it is suggested based on grade level assignment.
*SECONDARY TRANSITION TEACHERS (teachers of learners who will turn 14 years of age or older) - ALSO WILL ATTEND A SECONDARY TRANSITION DATE:
New Special Education Teacher Training: Secondary Transition {Session ID # 49359}
Class Date: Friday, October 18
Class Time: 8:00am-11:00am
Registration ends at 11:59 PM on Thursday, October 17, 2024
Format: Virtual via Zoom will be emailed out to Registered participants
Need assistance registering in the system? Here are some helpful resources!
New Registration System: plaea.escworks.com
- Point of Contact: Christine Wells, Regional Administrator, cwells@plaea.org
- Instructor: Laura Reinders, lreinders@plaea.org