Weekly Update
Updated as of 3/16/25
2400 Atlantic St, Las Vegas, NV 89104
Congrats to Staff/Teacher of the Month- Mr. Estrada & Mrs. Barnes!
Save the date for Best of KO- March 31st
Approved Standard Student Attire
Just a friendly reminder that KO students are expected to adhere to Standard Student Attire (SSA) daily. The exception to that is when there is a approved spirit day.
SSA approved shirts must have a collar and be in one of the following colors: khaki, navy, black, white, gray or green. SSA approved pants should be in solid colors of khaki, black, denim (jean), white or gray.
Items that are not approved Standard School Attire
Encore Act II Dates
Second semester (Act II) Encore Events are listed below. All tickets are sold online at: cur8.com/projects/KOArts
March 31- Best of KO Festival
April 22- Spring Film Festival
April 23- Modern Music Festival
April 24- Meet Your Major
April 29- Folklorico Concert
May 1- Mariachi Concert
May 6- Orchestra Concert
May 7- Art Show
May 8- Band Concert
May 13- Choir Pops Concert
Sports Info
Volleyball Schedule
Soccer Schedule
Home games are in yellow
KO Family Engagement / Compromiso Familiar KO
Parents Still Make the Difference
Order Your Yearbook!
Regular Bell Schedule
Reminders from the Student Success Office
Vaping: Vaping of any kind is strictly prohibited on campus. Any student caught vaping and hanging in the area of vaping will face immediate disciplinary action.
Restrooms: students are no longer permitted to use any hallway restrooms in the morning. This includes the restrooms in the 200, 300, 400, 500, and 900 halls. All restrooms in these respective areas will be closed from 6:30 a.m. and will reopen at 7:50 a.m. Students may use the cafeteria restrooms during these times
Theft: Taking any items that do not belong to you is considered theft. Any act of theft will result in suspension.
Dress Code: Hoods, hats, and headgear are not permitted on campus during school hours. Violators will face progressive discipline.
Tardies and Detentions: Every tardy will result in a detention. Students with outstanding detentions will not be allowed on the blacktop during lunches, be allowed to attend KO Knudson dances or any after-school activities. Students make sure to fulfill your detention obligations after school in the cafeteria.