Career & Technical Education News
A publication of ESC Region 11 • March 18, 2020
ESC Region 11 CTE
Special Edition
School Interruption Support for CTE
Ongoing support
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
CTAT Open Forum
Statewide peer support in CTE
Helpful information straight from TEA!
Texas Gateway Temporarily Under Maintenance
- The gateway closed for maintenance on February 17, 2020, has reopened!
- This provides CTE course resources.
- Site:
Click here for TEA's most recent IBC reimbursement release of information.
CTE Pathway Resources
CTE Teacher Contacts
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
CLNA due date is extended to June 1st
The CLNA is best completed in Internet Explorer, and narrative questions are limited to 1,000-character responses. There are resources, including presentation materials on the ESC Region 11 CTE website.
CLNA due date is extended to June 1st. Access to the Perkins V grant application for 2020-2021 requires submission and approval of the CLNA. The CLNA opened February 7, 2020, and both state-level and LEA-level data were released. LEAs that are members of a Perkins SSA will complete portions locally, and ESC Region 11 will complete portions as a group. If you have not supplied your district collaborative information, you must do so through this link.
If you plan to delay your submission, be sure you are aware of what is affected. Read Release
The CLNA-Special Collection (SC) 5600 is now available and can be accessed under the Special Collections tab in eGrants.
Accessing Perkins V Baseline Data
The Texas Education Agency is providing data to support districts with completing the CLNA. The data is available in the TEA Login (TEAL website) within the accountability application. Two data files are available for download under the College, Career, and Military Preparation (CCMP) tab within the accountability application:
- Perkins V CLNA Report (data spreadsheet)
- Perkins V CLNA Supplemental Report (PDF)
Town Hall Meeting with the Governor
Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Governor Abbot will be hosting a town hall on Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending, please see the link announcement for more information:
Lisa Karr, CTE Director for HEB ISD, has successfully submitted her CLNA and been approved by TEA. She is willing to share her info of what she has done. CTENT is hosting a 30-minute meeting via Zoom on March 20th at 8:30 a.m. for those who want to join. There will be a second meeting March 25th at 10 a.m. via zoom. The second meeting will show any CLNAs available again and allow us to spend an hour answering each other’s questions.
Professional Development Opportunities
CANCELLED - iWork: Externship 2020
Information From Us Regarding Coronavirus: iWork: Externship is Canceled Dear Employers and Educators, Following Governor Abbott’s Executive Order GA 08 and guidance received from our funding agency, Texas Workforce Commission, we made the decision to cancel our iWork: Externship initiative. While this was a difficult decision, we take seriously our role in supporting our community and health care professionals in the ongoing goal of containing the spread of coronavirus. Additionally, we are hopeful that this change will give educators an opportunity to enjoy their summer break in full and recover from the evolving events affecting school closures and their own workload. In turn, we hope the change affords our employers with the opportunity to focus on their own employees and business objectives. This initiative has been in the works for several months and reflected the shared efforts of scores of volunteers, employers, educators and community partners. We appreciate your understanding and value your continued partnership in future events. Thank you, Your Team at Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For the hearing impaired, call TDD 1-800-735-2989 or VOICE 1-800-735-2988. For more information, visit
Texas Farm Bureau’s Summer Ag Institute
Texas Farm Bureau’s Summer Ag Institute (SAI) for teachers is a four-day professional development opportunity that equips teachers with knowledge of how to incorporate agriculture into the classroom through extensive field experiences, presentations from agricultural experts, hands-on learning, and exposure to resources available for classroom use.
SAI registration is open to any active K-12 teachers across all subjects. All teachers receive 36 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) as authorized by the Texas Education Agency. The cost for SAI is $375; however, county farm bureaus across the state often sponsor teachers from their counties, covering the full cost of attendance, lodging, and most meals. No payment is due at the time of registration as we seek sponsors for registrants. Registrants are notified of sponsorship status soon after registration.
Attached is the flyer for SAI with the registration link included. Teachers can also register here:
IBM Technology Online and In-person Technology Resources
On-demand institutes that teachers can watch at any time can be found at this link:
Open P-Tech platform IBM created to supplement a teacher's curriculum:
2019-2020 MEETINGS
CTE Leadership Meeting Dates
Tuesday, June 9th, 9:00 a.m. - Noon CTE Leadership
Tuesday, June 9th, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. ESC Region 11 Perkins SSA Leadership
Do your students want to become teachers?
Texas needs teachers!
Local CTE Professional Organization
Scholarship Auction Postponed.
Details about a May date to follow.
CTE North Texas — Regions 10 and 11 (details on website.)
ESC Region 11 CTE
Career & Technical Education
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Twitter: @ESC11CTE