Clayville Elementary School
February 2024 Newsletter

Summer is Almost Here!
Hello Families,
I swear we can smell the salt air of summer beach trips at Clayville! As we look into our final 10 days of the school year, we have so much planned (see list below). This newsletter is also jam packed with events we've just completed, and there are more we could add but we literally don't have room for! We'll keep posting updated pictures on our Clayville PTO Facebook page and our school website, so check in there over the next few weeks. Also stay tuned for a few topic-specific summer newsletters that explain summer learning in more depth, give you a preview of our new cafeteria programs, and invite you to summer and school-year volunteering opportunities.
Meanwhile, on the last day of school, we will have arranged a bounce house for students to jump in to celebrate all of their hard work this school year! Every class will be assigned ONE HOUR in the bounce house so 60 minutes is the maximum amount of time any student can earn. Students will get the whole 60 minutes to bounce if they attend school daily and meet all of Clayville’s behavioral expectations during the last two weeks of school, including at lunch, recess, in specials, and in the classroom.
Request: Help us "Bounce Into the Last Day of School" by getting kids to be at a normal bedtime! It is very difficult during this time of year, with the many events and later sunset, but we appreciate any and every effort to get kids to bed on a normal schedule because it helps them self-regulate during the school day.
Upcoming Events
Monday, June 3rd - Reading Week Begins!
Tuesday, June 4th - Book Fair Opens
Wednesday, June 5th - Len Cabral Storyteller Visit
Thursday, June 6th - Grads in the Hall and STEAM/Arts Night 6-7:30; Chorus Concert at 7pm
Friday, June 7th - 2nd Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, June 12th - 1st Grade Field Trip and Kindergarten Celebration (9:30)
Thursday, June 13th - 5th Grade Celebration (9:30)
Friday, June 14th - Last Day of School! Students Cash in Bounce House Minutes!
Looking forward to seeing you all at Arts Night!
Sarah Hess
Clayville Elementary School Principal
The students found a baby turtle on the field during recess. It was nice to see them enjoy the unique experience together. FYI - they did put the turtle back and they washed their hands!
What is Memorial Day?
Fifth Grade Boston Field Trip
Academic Updates
Spotlight on Preschool
Preschoolers sang songs and demonstrated their letter, sound, and number knowledge during celebration ceremonies on May 24th. Check our our video to see some beautiful moments with our littlest learners, including a visit by Glory the service dog. Thank you for all of your help Mrs. Barrows, Mrs. Floyd, Miss Piccolino, and Ms. Snavely!
Music Updates
Congrats 4th and 5th grade Chorus! Fantastic performance at Herbert Nursing Home
Art Updates
P. E. Updates
To end the year, PE students are playing games related to chasing, fleeing, and dodging. Additionally, students are playing manipulative skill games. All students had a blast at field day!
PTO Updates
Health Updates
From Our Social Worker, Ms. Swift
As we wrap up this school year, we are looking forward to a nice summer break and also the upcoming school year. In previous newsletters, we’ve talked about topics such as: kindness, safe internet use, self-care and mental health. We would like to hear from parents about topics that you would like us to cover in upcoming newsletters (in the next school year).
Please complete this google form when you have a moment, to let us know some topics you’d like use to cover in next year’s newsletters ⬇️
It has been a pleasure working with the students and families this year and we wish you a relaxing and enjoyable summer break!
Here are some tips to help smooth the transition to summer and to support children who may struggle with changes in routine.
Tips for a smooth transition times
Try to maintain similar sleep and wake times, even if it is a little later than times during the school year
Try to keep a little structure or routine built into most days. Checklists or visual schedules can be helpful and children (and adults) can get a sense of achievement and positive feelings by checking off tasks on the list. Think about writing a checklist in the morning, to outline some of the things you’d like to get done that day.
Incorporate both tasks/chores and fun activities into your child’s daily schedule (as appropriate for their age)
Spend time outdoors and minimize screen time as much as possible
Remember to get movement in every day, if possible
Look into fun events at the local libraries, parks, audubon society, etc. to keep your children busy and engaged in activities and with others
For Your Reference
We are delighted to invite you to a Conscious Discipline® workshop, hosted by RIPIN and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE). This workshop aims to provide you with valuable tools and practices to support your child's social and emotional development. Conscious Discipline will be offering a session in Spanish and a session in English. This training introduces parents to the adult-first, self-regulation program of Conscious Discipline® developed by Dr. Becky Bailey. Conscious Discipline® addresses the adults’ skills of self-regulation during upset moments with the child. In this training, participants will begin their journey in learning about the benefits of Conscious Discipline® through an overview of the program and examples of strategies that will help turn everyday conflict into learning opportunities. Registration is required. We look forward to having you at this enlightening session!
Need Help? Have Questions?
Call RIPIN | 401-270-0101
Founded in 1991, RIPIN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps thousands of Rhode Islanders each year with health care, special education, and healthy aging. RIPIN uses a model of peer professional support—more than three-fourths of RIPIN’s staff are caregivers of a loved one with special health care or special education needs. For more information about RIPIN and its mission, please visit the organization's website at www.ripin.org.