Bulldog Paw Prints
December 13, 2024
District 58 will begin residency verification after winter break.
If your family has moved in the past year, or if your student’s address information has changed in any way, please contact Amy D'Amico at adamico@dg58.org or call the Belle Aire office at 630-719-5820 to provide your updated information prior to winter break. In addition, if you rent a property, please make sure that the school has a copy of your most recent lease. You may email a copy of your lease to adamico@dg58.org or drop off a copy at our school office.
District 58 will open 2025-26 student registration in February, 2025. As part of the student registration process, District 58 works with a third-party vendor to verify that all students live within the District’s boundaries. After winter break, District 58 will begin the student address verification process. By starting this process earlier, we hope student registration will go more smoothly and more efficiently.
If our third-party vendor, Thomson Reuters CLEAR, cannot confirm that a student lives at their registered address, they will flag that student. District 58 will contact the student’s family and request additional documentation to confirm their address. A family will not be able to register their student for the 2025-26 school year until their residency is confirmed.
Keeping your child’s address information up-to-date will help make the registration process go more smoothly and ensure your child’s registration is completed without delay. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter! District 58 will share more information about 2025-26 student registration after winter break.
HVAC Update
The HVAC unit has been repaired, and all systems are running as they should. All students returned to their assigned spaces after lunch, and the afternoon ran as a typical afternoon. Thank you to District 58 and the maintenance staff for quickly identifying the issue and getting it fixed so quickly!
Downers Grove North Paid Us A Visit
The DGN ensemble groups were on a musical tour Friday as they visited a number of schools in local school districts. Mr. Piekarz, the director, has been a solid partner with us and several District 58 schools over the years, as he also leads the introduction to teaching program at the high school. It was fantastic to have him and the group with us, and the holiday music they shared was amazing.
Winter Parties
Our next classroom party for the year is quickly approaching, and many parents have already volunteered to help with that. Thank you in advance for your support! Those parents who have registered to volunteer will be the only parents supporting each classroom. Please bring a picture ID with you, and we will have preprinted guest badges ready for you when you arrive to help speed up the check-in process.
The winter parties are set to take place on Friday, December 20, and we will maintain the same procedures for this party that we had in place for the Halloween party (volunteer parents, if they so choose to provide a snack, may only provide fresh fruits/vegetables without dips/sauces and bottled water during the party).
Our parents will also be planning engaging activities for the students, and the students will have some fun details to share when they get home.
Winter Weather; Outdoor Recess
As the weather changes, I'd like to send a couple recess reminders your way.
-As in past years, we will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months so long as the weather permits AND so long as the real feel temperature is zero degrees or above. It will be important that students come to school dressed for the weather and that they have the appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear to stay safe and warm.
-At the times when we have snow, students will be able to head off of the blacktop to play in it. The key to that is that they are prepared. In order to play in the snow off of the blacktop areas, the students need to be wearing snow boots and snow pants/snowsuit.
Winter Weather Procedures in District 58
If winter weather requires schools to close, District 58 will promptly email and call all families and staff. The District will also post school closure information on the website, www.dg58.org, and social media channels.
District 58 has the option to use an e-learning day or an emergency day (also called snow day) during bad weather.
This year, District 58 will likely use e-learning days. E-learning days do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. District 58 needs to maximize the summer for referendum construction, so e-learning days would allow District 58 to keep on its construction schedule.
Learn more about District 58's winter weather procedures.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, December 16: 2:00 Dismissal
Tuesday, December 17: Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 4);
Wednesday, December 18: Lunchtime Book Club (Group 3B); All-School Meeting (wear team colors)
Thursday, December 19: Lunchtime Book Club (Group 3A); Young Authors Club
Friday, December 20: Classroom Parties; Last of School for 2024
*WINTER BREAK: DECEMBER 21 - JANUARY 5 (School Resumes on January 6)
January 6 - January 24: Winter Assessment Benchmark Window
January 17: Book and Puzzle Exchange
January 25: District Science Fair