Sherron My Thoughts
A Look at School from the Principal's Perspective
Volume One: Issue Two
"Help Me See This Another Way"
I say these words to Ethan Gaynor, our Middle/High School Principal at least once a week. I explain the issues we face over on the elementary side, give him my perspective, and then give him the opportunity to tell me that I am wrong. He listens intently. Sometimes he agrees with me. Sometimes he offers a different perspective, which helps me make decisions that will benefit HCS as a whole.
Along those lines, I understand that sometimes our HCS families may wonder why in the world we make certain decisions, create policies, change policies, etc. This page is dedicated to communicating to you the administrative perspective on things happening in and around our school.
Issue Two: Sherron My Thoughts on Parental Involvement
When does a joke become a dad joke?
When it becomes apparent. 🤣
When is a dad joke born?
Upon delivery.🤣
Early last year, after helping a teacher, she replied, “Thanks for looking out for me and being my school mom.” Such a sweet thing to say.
My first thought: Mom?? How about cool aunt? Older sister?
But I did the math, and as it turns out, I am old enough to be her mom. In fact, she is about the same age as my oldest son.
For those of you who may not know, I have two baby adults. Caegan, my oldest, is on the coaching staff for the UNCW Men’s Basketball program. Cameron, my youngest, is a student at UNCW. Go Seahawks! Here’s a picture, just because they are mine and I think they are handsome.
Over my educational career, I have been blessed to have my boys in the school where I worked for many years. I have been their teacher and their principal. I probably enjoyed that more than they did(they say I was tougher on them than the other kids).
One of the greatest blessings in my Hilltop experience is seeing so many great parents (or perhaps I should say “grown ups”….we have lots of grandparents, aunts, uncles, fosters, etc. who are doing a fantastic job of raising our Little Chargers).
Having worked in both public and non-public systems, I can tell you, from experience, that parental involvement improves education. Many public schools beg and bribe parents to attend functions, conferences, volunteer, etc. In my first year at Hilltop, we had so many parents offer to be involved somehow that I honestly didn’t know what to do with all of them.
So, I prayed about it. I read about it. I talked about it. After consulting with our leadership team, I believe we have come up with a great starting point for providing our valued HCS “grown ups” with a way to be involved with our students' educational experience.
We are ready to launch sign ups for our Hilltop Christian School VIP (Very Involved Parents) organization. If you have the desire to be involved with helping our school, this is a great place to start. Once we have an idea of how many parents would like to be involved, we will organize a meeting to brainstorm ways we might utilize the talents and willingness of our volunteers to best fit the needs of our school community.
We recognize the blessing that we have in our HCS families, and hope that you will help us make our school the best it can be. Whether you are the grown up of a K5 student, a high school senior, (or both) or anywhere in between, we invite you to become an official HCS VIP!
Click here to join the HCS VIP (Very Involved Parent) Organization.
Next Issue: Parenting Ain’t Easy. Stay tuned!
Ronda Sherron, Elementary Principal
Did you miss Issue One? Find it HERE.