Friday Flyover
Newsletter for HMS Families
Principal's Message
Happy Monday Hawk families!
A special shout out to our student's of month. We really appreciate all that you do to make HMS a great place. Keep up the great work!
Parents! Don't forget about our PTO Morke's Chocolates fundraiser. Orders are due Sunday afternoon...see information in our PTO Corner below.
If you are looking for something to do next Friday (Feb 7th) and Saturday (Feb 8th), HMS is presenting our grade level plays along with multiple other skits. The students have been working very hard. They would love to have you come see their performances.
8th GRADE PARENTS: If you were unable to attend the HHS informational night, we still have folders of information if needed. Please reach out to your 8th grade team for more information.
Have a great weekend!
This is your day!
This is your year!
This is your opportunity!
Take advantage of it.
We won't do it FOR you, but...
We will do it WITH you!
Food/Drink Delivery
We need your help! We have had an increase in number of deliveries (food/drink items) from Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. for students during the school day. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate deliveries of this nature for students during the school day. In matching the High School expectations, no deliveries of outside food are allowed unless approved by an administrator.
In the event a parent drops off food items for lunch, we will call your student down at their scheduled lunch time to pick up that item. We will not call students out of class for drink orders. Students can always receive a lunch from our cafeteria if needed. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity each day to eat.
Your help in this is greatly appreciated.
National School Counselor Week
Next week is National School Counseling Week. We at Heineman Middle School wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for all the support and guidance that our school counselors provide. Mr. Nordan and Mrs. Mansfield are a great source of encouragement, and we appreciate the time and effort that they invest in our students and staff. Their kindness, understanding and commitment to our students has made a real difference here at HMS.
Their positive impact means more than words can say.
Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board
The Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB) connects families with enrichment and educational events and programs in the community. Visit the district’s VBB webpage to learn about what’s happening for students and families in the community! To submit a program or event flyer for inclusion, organizations must be not-for-profit or a taxing body based in Huntley 158 boundaries or a surrounding community.
Multilingual Parents Committee (MPAC) Information
¡Atención familias de Huntley!
El Comité de Padres Multilingües (MPAC) de Huntley los invita cordialmente al taller titulado: Salud Mental: Cómo desarrollarla en casa para educar hijos felices, presentado por el psicólogo Ferney Ramírez.
En este taller exploramos cómo los padres pueden fomentar un ambiente familiar positivo que ayude a sus hijos a manejar las altas demandas escolares, desarrollar hábitos saludables, y mejorar la comunicación en casa.
¡No se lo pierdan! Este evento es una gran oportunidad para aprender estrategias clave que promuevan el bienestar emocional de sus hijos y el éxito en la escuela.
Fecha: Martes, 4 de marzo
Hora: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Lugar: Heineman Middle School
725 John Burkey Dr., Algonquin, IL 60102
Contacto: 847.659.615
New Safety Threat FAQ on District Website
As we begin the second semester of the 2024-25 school year, we wanted to relay some important school safety information to families. Over winter break, the district added a web page called Safety Threat FAQs. We hope this will serve as a resource for families to learn more about Huntley 158 safety and communication protocols in response to threats.
Heineman Homework Club
As a reminder Heineman students may attend homework club after school from 2:25 - 3:50 PM, Monday through Thursday. Homework club is a quiet space for students to complete individual work assignments and get extra support. Many students utilize this in order to get their homework completed or as a way to catch up with missing work. If your student is attending homework club, the expectation is that they have enough work to do for the entire time or until being picked up (car rider). If there is time remaining, we ask that students bring a book to read when finished with homework. In addition, as noted in the HMS flyover there are separate tutoring opportunities for students. They would need to fill out the form in the HMS Flyover. We do ask that they sign up before the end of the day and if they need the activity bus please sign up before noon (Heineman Middle School Website). We hope this provides clarity and we can continue to provide a productive place for students after school.
Inclement Weather Reminder for Families
As winter weather sets in, please take a moment to review our district's cold weather policies:
Outdoor Activities: Students will go outside when the air temperature or wind chill is above 15°F.
Dress for Success: Make sure your child is dressed warmly for the cold temperatures—coats, hats, gloves, and scarves are essential!
For more information, visit our website: huntley158.org/inclement-weather
Monday, February 3
Play Rehearsal-2:30pm to 5:00 pm-7th and 8th grade cast
Cheer Practice-2:30pm to 3:45 pm
NJHS Meeting-2:30 pm to 3:45 pm
7th Grade Girls Basketball Game-(Home) vs Bernotas-4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
8th Grade Girls Basketball Game-(Home) vs Bernotas-4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wrestling Meet-(Away) vs. Bernotas- 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Tuesday, February 4
Play Rehearsal-2:30 pm to 5:00 pm- All 6th grade cast
Cheer Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm at HCA
Wrestling Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:15 pm
Chess Club- 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm
Girls Basketball Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Bowling Informational Meeting- 4:00 pm at Hi Bowl
NIRSA Basketball- 6:00 pm
Wednesday, February 5
Play Rehearsal- All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cast-2:30 pm to 3:45 p.m.
Cheer Practice-2:30 pm to 4:30 at HCA
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball-(Away) at Lundahl- 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wrestling Meet- (Home) vs Lundahl-4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday, February 6
Play Rehearsal-All 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Cast- 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Cheer Practice-2:30 to 4:30 at HCA
Wrestling Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:15 pm
Girls Basketball Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Friday, February 7
7th/8th Grade plays- 2:00pm to 5:00 pm
Wrestling Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:15 pm
Girls Basketball Practice- 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Honors Choir-2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Peer Tutoring
The NJHS is offering Peer Tutoring to support students that may need extra help in various subjects. This will take place Monday through Thursday during Homework club. If your child is interested in Peer Tutoring, please click on the link below and fill out the form.
Athletics and Activities
Middle School Bowling
Informational Meeting:
Tuesday, February 4th
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Bowl Hi Bowling Alley
10520 Illinois 47, Huntley IL 60142
When: February 24th- April 9th
(No Bowling week of Spring Break)
Duration: 6 Weeks
Schools: Marlowe, Heinemann
5th Graders from Martin, Legee and Conley
Up to 36 students (1.5 hours)
@ Bowl Hi Lanes, Huntley
Bowls Monday’s, Wednesday’s, Friday’s
Time: Start. 4:00pm Finish 5:30pm
Over the period of 6 weeks, we will hold coaching days, bowl for score days, and some inter-club competition days. This schedule will be determined based on the number of kids signed up for the program.
Parents to drop off kids before start, 4:00pm
Parents to pick up kids at conclusion of bowling, 5:30
Group Leaders/Coaches:
Jacob Wagner – Boys High School Coach
Eric DeBello - Girls High School Coach
Jason Waters – Parent Volunteer Coach, Boys and Girls High School
Bowling Cost – $100 per child, Includes Coaching, Shoe Rental and all bowling during the 6-week program, To be Paid on 2/24 on first day of practice at Bowl Hi Lanes. Accept cash or check.
State Tournament:
We will attempt to have a team of girls (4) and boys (4) from both Marlow and Heinemann compete in Regionals for the IESA Bowling Championship (April 5th). Should any teams or individuals advance, they would compete in the State IESA Championship (April 11th and 12th)
We will set a qualification standard to determine which students will compete should we have an overage of boys and girls eligible per category. This will be determined by the total enrollees for the program.
Uniforms will be provided by schools for Championships
School has registered teams with IESA for Championships
Any questions can be directed to Coach Wagner through email
NJHS Application (Invitation Only)
Heineman Middle School is now a proud participant in the National Junior Honor Society. Our chapter is dictated by guidelines and criteria set at the national level. NJHS is a service organization with high academic standards and criteria. It is a society that participates in community projects and also promotes scholars and citizens at Heineman Middle School. We are currently taking applications, from our 6th and 7th graders, for the 2025-2026 school year. Students who are interested in membership need to complete all information in this application, including written essay responses. Students will be notified of acceptance by letter in March and will be invited to attend the induction ceremony taking place in May. There are three sections to the application. Be sure to copy the link found in Section 3 and email teachers for character reference.
You can use this guide to assist with your application. It defines what some of the questions are asking.
Email Ms. Franklin with any questions- Ms Franklin (NJHS sponsor) email
Attendance/Medical Notes
Please remember to send in a medical note for your child if they have missed school for an appointment. This helps us accurately track each student attendance properly and avoids unexcused absences. You may also email your note to our Attendance Secretary, Mrs. Lisa Meyers at limeyers@district158.org.
If you child will be out due to a vacation, please have them pick up a vacation absence form in the school office. This will help our office properly track attendance . These absences are considered unexcused per District 158 that follows the State of Illinois policies.
LAST CHANCE! ORDERS MUST BE PLACED THIS WEEKEND! Be sure to order some DELICIOUS Morkes Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Solid Chocolates, or Chocolate covered Caramel bars or Marshmallow pops! Check out the display in the library windows! (The Marshmallows are HUGE!!) Place your order to enjoy some treats (while supporting both Morkes and your PTO!) via our online Zeffy link! https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/2025-hms-ptos-morkes-fundraiser-superbowlvalentines-chocolates
Our Dance Committee still needs volunteers! Please email us at d158HMSPTO@gmail.com if you would like to help. Next planning meeting will be on Monday, February 24th at 6PM at Heineman Middle School. The dance will be Saturday, May 3rd from 7-9PM.
Setup/decorating will be after school on Friday, May 2nd. There will be other ways to help for this event, too! More details to come next week with donation options or if you have a business that would like to help sponsor this event, please reach out to d158HMSPTO@gmail.com.
Have you joined our Facebook page to see all the fun we organize throughout the year? It’s also a great place to find the links to volunteer or buy PTO fundraiser & event tickets! Search for HMS PTO Heineman Middle School or CLICK HERE. Current volunteering opportunities can also be found throughout the schoolyear at https://signup.com/go/JANJXJL. And as always, we can be reached at d158HMSPTO@gmail.com
- Sunday, February 2nd: Morkes Fundraiser Deadline to place an order
- Thursday, February 6th @ 8:30am at HMS: February PTO Meeting
- Friday, February 7th: Morkes Fundraiser delivery (during 9th period at HMS)
- Monday, February 24th @ 6pm at HMS: 8th Grade Dance Meeting
- Friday, March 14th 2:30-4pm: 7th Grade Hangout (ticket link available late February)
- Saturday, May 3rd 7-9pm: 8th Grade Dance
Mrs. Jeanne Salazar- Assistant Principal jsalazar@district158.org
Mrs. Shannon Seibert - Assistant Principal sseibert@district158.org