Gator Bites
August 15, 2024
Principal's Corner
Now that all of our students are in the building, the school is officially underway. Welcoming our wonderful young people into the building is always a highlight and we have been so impressed. Our students are amazing people and we are excited to watch them grow this year.
Next week will be Back to School nights. Grades 6-8 on August 21 from 6-7 pm and then grades K-5 on August 22 from 5:30-7 pm. We look forward to seeing all our parents.
Thank you for the extra patience as we add new people and new processes to our carpool. We are excited to partner with the City of Littleton and traffic engineers to increase the safety of our school carpool. In addition to adding some more flashing school zone lights in the future, the City just completed a crosswalk from our south west corner to Campus Way. There will be a new process coming for drop off and pick up in the near future - stay tuned! We are trying to partner with the City and our Neighborhood to reduce the foot traffic on Mineral Ave. As a reminder school gets out at 3:20 pm and having alternate pick up locations that are closer to our school and keep kids off Mineral Ave. We will always run the carpool queue as currently constituted. Put together a pick up plan with your children and make sure they know where you will be each day!
Let’s make the 24-25 school year the BEST YEAR EVER!!!
Go Gators.
Please take a moment to view the carpool videos in the link below. We ask that everyone has their patience hat on the first week or two of school, as we have new families and a new kindergarten class!
Placard Request
Click to fill out the Placard Request Form
Morning Carpool
Click to view the Morning carpool tutorial.
Afternoon Carpool
Click to view the Afternoon carpool tutorial.
Carpool Connections!
- In search of LA family who lives near Colorado/Dry Creek or Heritage Greens neighborhood and is open to ride sharing. Emilyballard@gmail.com 720-427-5030
Hot Lunch Reminders
If your student is planning on getting hot lunch, PLEASE help them re-learn their student ID number. You can locate the student ID number in Infinite Campus, by clicking on their profile.
To view the menu and add funds to your students' account (for purchase of additional entrees), you must create an account or login to your account with School Café. For additional information on how to create an account, add students and add funds click here.
Colfax Marathon!
The Littleton Academy Gators received at check for $1000 for finishing 15th overall in the Colfax Marathon Relay public school/government employee division. Great job Mr. Graeber, Mrs. Kaye, Mr. H, Mr. Beacom and Mrs. Weeber!
August 23, 2024
6:00-8:00pm 6th Grade | 6:00-8:30pm 7th & 8th Grade
Middle school students join your friends for food, music, and fun in the LA Courtyard!
Ticket Prices are: $10 by 8/22 and $15 on 8/23 at the door
All students need to turn in a permission slip.
Please note that all phones will be checked in at the beginning of the dance and checked out at the end. The dance is for LA students only and no guests are permitted. Each student will need to be checked in and out.
Volunteers are needed to donate snacks and/or help with the dance!
Before and After School Care
Littleton Academy offers before and after school childcare through AlphaBest Kid Care. To view hours of operation, pricing and to register your child please click the button below.
If you have registration questions you may call 1-866-7750.
Summer Challenge
The summer challenge continues through August 30th! Click below for details, links to challenges and game board!