The Howler
Back to School Announcements

The Howler
November 1, 2024
Upcoming Dates for November
6-Second and Third Grade Trip to Aurora Fox Arts
11-Vision Screening for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th Grades
13- Eaglecrest PASS @ 6:00
14-Virtual PASS meeting @6:00
14- Veteran's Day Celebration
15-Colorado Avalanche Hockey 101- Grades 1st-4th
16-Timberline Craft Fair
20- Timberline Math Night K-5
26-Aurora Water-5th Grade
27-29- Thanksgiving Recess
November News: Honoring Heroes and Embracing Gratitude
Thank you for your participation in parent teacher conference and our book fair. We appreciate all of your support and connection with our school community. I’d like to remind you that this November, Cherry Creek Schools will have measures 4A and 4B on the ballot, which address potential funding and infrastructure needs within the district. These measures are designed to provide additional support for our schools, staff, and facilities. We encourage all members of our community to stay informed, learn more about the details of these measures, and participate in the election process. You can get more information about measures 4A and 4B at https:// cherrycreekfuture.com.
November always brings one of our favorite events, Honoring out Veteran's Community. On November 14, we will proudly celebrate and honor Veterans Day. At Timberline Elementary, we deeply appreciate the sacrifices made by our veterans and active-duty military members. To thank those within our community who have served, we warmly welcome them to join us for a breakfast, program, balloon launch, and a time to connect with students.If you or a family member are an active military member or veteran, we would be honored to have you join us! Please RSVP through this link. Doors will open at 7:30. Thank you for your service to our country.
Wishing you a wonderful November,
Mrs. Bowens, Principal
Weather Balloon Retrieval
We are excited to participate in our annual weather balloon project, allowing students to conduct experiments and observe Colorado from various perspectives. Our balloon will be launched on November 14, and we are looking for a parent volunteer to help retrieve the balloon once it pops and lands. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the office.
Dress for Weather
As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor activities. Students will continue to go outside for recess and other activities, so a warm coat, hat, and gloves are essential to keep them comfortable.
Math Night Coming Soon
Join us for an exciting Math Night filled with interactive learning games and activities for the whole family! Students and parents can work together on fun, hands-on math challenges designed to build skills and boost confidence. Don’t miss this chance to engage with math in a new way and celebrate learning together!
All students must be fever-free (fever = 100.4* or higher) without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours and feeling well enough to participate in school. They also must stay home until it has been 24 hours since their last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea and eating and drinking before returning to school.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact our school nurse: Gina Bighorn @ gbighorn2@cherrycreekschools.org or 720-886-3205
Would you like to celebrate your child's birthday or half birthday? Their name can be showcased on our marquee on the day of their birthday. All money will be used to support student activities like assemblies, PAWS celebration and prizes, and school fun. What an exciting way to celebrate their birthday!