"The Pack" Coyote News
Welcome to Tornillo PK-8! Vol. 17
Tornillo PK-8 Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower every student in our school through tailored experiences in blended learning and STEM-H that enable them to make informed decisions about their futures, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to attain their life goals.
We're glad you are here!
QT2: Week 9, Dec. 16-19
Happy Sunday PK-8 Coyotes!
We have four more days left before Winter Break and I want to ask for your help making it the BEST! We are super excited to kick-off our Winter Performances this week. Our teachers and students have been working so hard on putting on a beautiful performance for you.
Early Release & Smart Snack Exempt Day-Thursday, December 19
PK-8th Grade Students: 8:00-12:00
Just a reminder that that this Thursday is an early release for all our PK-8th grade students. Students will be released at 12:00.
This Thursday, is also a Snack Exempt Day for students. Please reach out to your child's teacher for "Winter Party" or gift exchange information. Please, no outside deliveries on Thursday.
Our weekly attendance was 94.52% for this past week. We did decrease from the week before so if your child is healthy, please bring them to school.
Below are a few reminders & updates for our campus.
Tornillo ISD Turns 100 Years old!
We'd love to invite you and your family to the multiple Centennial celebrations this winter season in honor of Tornillo ISD turning 100 years old! Over the next few weeks, our district will be hosting a tree lighting ceremony, Dinner Theater, the annual Community Luminarias, and student performances. Check out the flyers below for more information.
Laptop & IPAD Care
Parents, we have had an increase in damaged IPADS and laptops by students. Please remind your child about the importance of device care. Students use their devices daily and when it is damaged, they may go a few days without it.
Device Care:
-Keep Sticker Free
-Use Clean Hands
-Recharge your Device Overnight
-Keep Food & Drinks Away
-Device is only for student use (don't let others use your equipement)
-Report any damages immediately to the library
PK-8 Fundraiser - Fall Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Thank you for everyone's help with our Krispy Kreme Card Fall Fundraiser. Students, staff, & classroom winners will be announced this week.
PK-8 Attendance
We take a lot of pride in our attendance at our school. Please help us maintain it at 98%!
1. When your child is absent, please send the doctor's note or parent note within 48 hours.
2. A student will receive a tardy slip every time they arrive late.
3. When your child is absent, please expect a phone call from our front office or your child's teacher to ensure that your child is ok.
PK-8th Grade: 8:00-4:00 (Tardy Bell: 8:05)
Yeah! We're Ready for a Great Week!
Myrna Lopez-Patti, Proud Principal
Tornillo PK-8
What's Happening this Week at Our School
Mindful Monday, December 16
-Day 9 Dress Up Day: Pajama & Crocs Day
-Campus Faculty Mtg after school
-4th & 3rd Winter Performances, 2:30-3:30 (Building B Gym)
Thankful Tuesday, December 17
Day 10 Dress-Up Day: Candy Cane Day
-2nd & 1st Winter Performances, 2:30-3:30 (Building B Gym)
-Coffee with the Principal & Leader of the Pack, 5:00 at High School for all PK-12 students & families
-Alumni & Staff Reception, 6:00pm at Central Office
Wellness Wednesday, Dec. 18
Day 11 Dress-Up Day: Gift Wrap Day
-Winter Dance for all PK-8th grade students in Cafeteria (PM)
-Community Parade & Luminarias, 5:00pm at Central Office
Thoughtful Thursday, Dec. 19 - 1/2 Day Early Release for Students & Teachers
-Day 12 Dress-Up Day: Christmas Head Gear
-PK, Kinder, & Life Skills Winter Performance, 10:30am (Building B Gym)
-All PK-8th grade students released at 12:00pm
Friendly Friday, Dec. 20- Wellness Day, No School
- No School for students & teachers: Winter Break Begins
Great things happening at Tornillo PK-8!
Pictures with Santa! Happy Holidays Tornillo ISD!
Tornillo Centennial Dinner Theater
Thank you, Theater Teachers & Dinner Organizers!
Mrs. Pat Vega, Mrs. Micaela Alvidrez, Ms. Stephanie Mendez, Coach Vega, Mr. Reyes
Great job on a BIG Win JH Basketball!
How to connect to our school through Class Dojo & Power School Parent Portal
Help your child's classroom win a popcorn or donut party this week. Classes with 100% Class Dojo will win one of these tasty treats at the end of the week!
Student Uniforms PK-8
Student Pick-Up & Drop-Off Information
We're Here to Help!
Email: lopezmy@tisd.us
Website: www.tisd.us
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3300
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD