Welcome Back to School
School Begins August 20th
Parents, are you ready for school to start?
Is your family planning on attending the pool party?
Hello Huskies!
The Franklin County R-II staff is ready to welcome back our students and families! We will continue to work hard to provide a safe learning environment while focusing on building positive relationships with students, parents, and our community. The first day of school for the Franklin County R-II School District is Tuesday, August 20th. While the parents may be excited for school to start again, I am sure there will be some groans from the students! We will be ready for them!
School starts at 7:50 a.m. and dismisses at 3:00 p.m. The first bell will ring at 7:47 am and classes begin promptly at 7:50 am. Students that arrive late will have to be signed in at the office. When students arrive, they will go directly to the gym and sit with their class, or they should go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Students that need breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria. We will have staff members in the gym to help direct students.
New Faces at R-II
We are excited to welcome our new employees to the R-II family. A few of them have been members of our R-II family as students! Now....they are returning as employees!
- Brooklyn Covington will be teaching first grade this year. She attended R-II and graduated from New Haven High School. She has taught kindergarten at New Haven for the past two years. We are thrilled to welcome her back as our first grade teacher!
- Lauren Hoerstkamp will be our second grade teacher. She is a recent college graduate from MU. She completed her student teaching in the Washington School District. Ms. Hoerstkamp also attended R-II and graduated from New Haven High School. Welcome back to the R-II family, Lauren!
- Rachel Meyer will serve as our Special Education Director this year. She has previously taught special education in the New Haven School District. Her background and years of experience will be a wonderful asset to our district. Mrs. Meyer also attended R-II and graduated from New Haven High School. We are excited for her to return "home".
- Amy Johnson will be our new paraprofessional. Mrs. Johnson has spent many years educating her own children and is ready to share her talents with our R-II family!
- We are still in need of a part time Parents as Teachers educator. Please contact the school if you are interested!
Other Staff Changes:
Mrs. Tiffany Strubberg is moving from first grade to Title I reading. She is a reading specialist and will be able to help many of our students by improving their reading skills.
Mrs. Maggie Brune is moving from second grade to serve as our librarian and STEM teacher. She is very excited to introduce our students to robotics as part of the STEM curriculum this year!
Bus Routes
Pick up times will be shared at Open House on August 15th. You can call school prior to Open House to find out pick up times. Amanda's route will remain the same. Bob's pick up times have changed slightly for the beginning of his route. Please remember that pick up times are approximate and you should allow at least a week for the bus times to become routine. Questions or concerns can be directed to Mrs. Gerling. Mrs. Amanda Ritchie will be driving 2210 (GOLD ROUTE). Bob Schaefer will again be driving bus 171 (BLACK ROUTE). We have ordered a new bus for Bob and it should be in later this fall. We will notify families regarding the new bus number.
Bus Procedures
All students will ride their regular route in the afternoon unless the office receives a note or a phone call from a parent/guardian stating a change. Please make sure you sign and date the note. We do not rely on students for this information. Therefore, if you forget to send a note or forget to call the school, your child will be sent home as usual. Please contact school prior to 2:00 p.m. if there is a bus or pick up change. Please do not contact the classroom teacher regarding bus changes.
Morning drop offs: A staff member will be on duty for morning drop offs at 7:30 a.m. Please do not arrive earlier than 7:30 a.m. (Staff is not required to arrive until 7:30 am.) Buses unload from their morning route at the entrance to the gym so we ask that you do not block that area. Car rider drop offs should pull to the top office entrance. We will have signs out the first week of school. A staff member will be on duty to help students unload. They should walk on the sidewalk down to the gym entrance. If they need breakfast, they should go straight to the cafeteria. We ask that parents stay in their cars. If you would like to take first day pictures, please pull to the upper lot and park. Thank you!
Afternoon pick ups: Please form three rows and pull up to the signs at the main entrance to pick up your child after school. All students must be in their vehicle and buckled in before any vehicle is allowed to leave. We ask that you please stay in your vehicles and stay in your lane until dismissed.
The parking lot attendant will dismiss car rider lanes once they are loaded. Buses will be loading at the top of the parking lot.
Early Dismissal:
Please be sure to fill out the EARLY DISMISSAL form that will be sent home. If school would need to be released early due to inclement weather, we need to know where we should send your child.
Back-to-School Forms
District policy states that a parent/guardian signature is required for over the counter medication to be given at school. If you want health personnel to administer Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, antibiotic ointment, etc. to your child, we must have a parent/guardian signature to do so. These forms will be available when the Lumen enrollment is sent out. Paper copies will be available at open house. Prescription medication can not be transported on the school bus. If your child must take prescription medication at school, please make arrangements to drop the medication off.
This year all parents will need to enroll all students online. The online enrollment is not just for new students. The Lumen online enrollment will be sent out the last week of July. Parents should watch for ClassTag notifications. Updates will also be on social media. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the office at 573-237-2414.
The handbook and other legally required notifications can be found on the website. The updated handbook will be uploaded to the website by August 15th. Please visit our website at www.fcr2.org to review these materials. The 2024-2025 Legally Required Notifications signature form will need to be signed before students can use any technology. This will be sent out digitally. Thank you for your cooperation. Students will not be able to use District Technology until this form is signed.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
The criteria for qualifying for either free or reduced price lunches are published in the New Haven Independent News and on our website. Applications will be sent home. Applications from last year are no longer valid, and you will need to fill out a new application every year. All information is strictly confidential. Our school’s federal funding is determined based on our free and reduced count. Any family that submits a Free and Reduced Lunch Application will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast will be offered every morning from 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. A student breakfast will cost $2.35 and lunch will be $2.85. Grades 5-8 may purchase extra milk for .50. Students may only purchase an extra milk if they have funds in their account. If a student brings their lunch and needs milk, .50 will be charged to their account. Candy, soda, and energy drinks are not permitted during lunchtime. Students in grades 5-8 will have the option to order a salad instead of a tray. If your child has a negative lunch balance, notices will be sent home weekly. Parents will be able to pay lunch balances through our SIS system this year. Mr. Shockley will have this information available at open house.
*We do require students to either get a tray or bring a lunch. If students bring a lunch, it should be nutritious. (A sleeve of crackers is not considered a nutrient rich lunch.)
Lunch menus will be handed out at open house!
Online Enrollment Is Open
Hello R2 families!
This is to notify you that online registration is now available through the Lumen Parent Portal. Returning families should already have access to the portal through information we emailed out last year. New families will get a separate email with their login information. Below you'll find instructions on signing in, filling out forms, and making lunch payments.
Portal Access Overview
Follow the steps below to get logged in to the Lumen Parent Portal.
URL: https://franklinco-mo.lumentouchhosts.com/light/lumen/signin
Location #: 3
Step 1. Click the URL
Step 2. Enter in 3 for the location, username, and password (if you don't remember these, contact us at the email or phone number below)
Step 3. Click on 'sign in'
Step 4. Read and accept agreement (if you haven't already)
Once you're logged in you'll be able to see specific information about your student(s) including grades, lunch balance, information, and registration forums.
Registration Forms
At the start of the year you will need to register your students online within Lumen. To do so follow the steps below:
Step 1. Find your student the home page and click on the 'View Student Summary' button
Step 2. If you are not already, go to the 'Student Registration Info' tab on the left hand side of the page
Step 3. Once on the Registration page, you'll see the forms you need to fill out, click on them and fill out.
Step 4. You'll find a lot of it is already filled out for you. When you complete the form, click on the 'Save and Finish' button at the bottom of the page
Once completed, the forms will go through a final check by our staff and then be approved. Thank you!
Lunch Payments
In order to view your student's lunch balance, go to the Student Summary page and then find the 'Lunch Info' tab button. Once there, you can view and add money to the account
If you have any questions or need any assistance call 573-237-2414 or email Conner Shockley - cshockley@fcr2.org.
Online Lunch Payments
To add lunch money to your students account, login to the Lumen parent portal and follow the steps below:
#1 Click on View Student Summary
#2 Scroll down and click on Lunch Info then click on Add Money By Credit Card
#3 From there you will have several payment options, choose the one that best fits you!
School and Parent Communication
Students in grades K - 8 will bring home a folder each Friday for you to go through together. This will include graded papers and notes from your child's teacher. Most of the District information will be sent via email this year. All middle school students will have graded work that is sent home. If you are not seeing graded work come home, please contact your child's teacher.
Student Planners
PTO has purchased a student planner for students in 1st – 8th grades. Your child will receive a new planner on the first day of school and will be expected to use it on a daily basis. Planners are also a good form of daily communication between the school and parents. Space is available at the bottom of each page for notes from parents or teachers. Please check your child’s planner daily. Lost or damaged planners can be purchased for $5.00.
School Messenger/Class Tag
ClassTag (School Connect) will be our K-8 communication tool. We implemented this tool last year and it worked very well. Please be respectful of our teachers' personal time. The Class Tag platform allows staff to set office hours. You may send emails or messages after office hours but an immediate reply should not be expected. Classroom teachers will hand out information about getting signed up.
School Messenger will be utilized by the office for phone blasts and mass emails. Please be sure we have a current phone number and working email on file. "Permission Click" will also be used this year. This option allows parents and guardians to fill out forms digitally. We need a primary email address per family. (One that is checked often.) If you are not getting notifications or need to change your primary email address, please contact school.
Bullying Report Form
We will be using a Bullying Incident Report Form provided by the Missouri School Boards Association that will be posted on our website and hard copies will be widely available in all classrooms and in the hallways. The report will determine if/when bullying takes place and is excellent documentation for repeated incidents by a student who engages in bullying behavior.
Background Checks
Background check forms are due back to school by August 30th. After that date, parents/guardians need to complete a background check on their own accord. The school district will pay the $15.50 fee as long as forms are turned in by 8/30. We will be running the background check through the MACHS name search portal. No form of ID will be required. Simply fill out the form provided by the district. All forms are confidential and kept in a secure location.
Cross Country-New Haven Middle School (7th and 8th)
Practices begin on Monday, August 12th, and will be held Mon-Fri 3:00-4:45 pm. We will meet at the NHHS track. Grades 6-8 are welcome to join the team. Athletes must have an up to date physical and annual paperwork turned in to participate. Contact Coach Wendy Scheer with any questions. wscheer@newhavenschools.us
R2 will provide transportation to students who wish to participate in Cross Country.
Our volleyball coaches are Heidi Groner and Brooklyn Covington. Volleyball practice will begin the first week of August. The volleyball parent meeting will be August 6th at 6:30 pm.
August 5th
B team 3:00-5:00 pm
A team 8:00-10:00 am
August 6th
B team 3:00-5:00 pm
A team 8:00-10:00 am
August 7th
B team 3:00-5:00 pm
A team 8:00-10:00 am
August 12th
B- 3-5 pm
A 4:30-6:30 pm
August 13th
A- 3:00-5:00
August 14th
B- 3:00-5:00
A- 4:30-6:30
The volleyball coaches will update you and hand out schedules at the first practice.
Beginning archery is taught during PE class for 4-8 grades. The club team will consist of 7th & 8th graders. More information will come home pertaining to archery.
FOOTBALL- Hermann Middle School
7th and 8th grade R-II students may play football with Hermann Middle School. Parents are responsible for transportation. Students must have a sports physical and proof of insurance. Schedules can be found under the sports tab on our website. (www.fcr2.org) Sports schedules will be updates as soon as they are received for the 24/25 school year.
Track- New Haven Middle School
Students in 7/8 grade may participate in track through a coop agreement with New Haven. Track will begin in the spring.
Handbook/CSIP/Community Engagement Plan
The Student/Parent Handbook has been updated. This information can also be found under the "For Parents" tab on our website. You can also access it by following this link https://bit.ly/3zXrvos.
Our Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) can also be viewed on our website. We will use this document to guide decisions for our district both financially and for instructional purposes.
Policy KH requires that we have a Community Engagement Plan. This year's plan was updated in July and approved at the BOE meeting on July 23rd. To view our Community Engagement Plan, click the link. https://bit.ly/3LABIdh
CSIP: https://bit.ly/3LzyxTb
Handbook: https://bit.ly/3zXrvos
Community Engagement Plan: https://bit.ly/3LABIdh
Facility Improvements
Tax Levy Hearing---August 27th @ 5:45 pm.
Oetterer, Kathy
Brune, Maggie
Colter, Erica
Covington, Brooklyn
1st Grade
Freitag, Erica
3rd Grade
Gist, Maureen
Hoerstkamp, Lauren
2nd Grade
Liggett, Sue
Science, 7th Grade
McLone, Lisa
Social Studies, 5th Grade
McIntyre, Jenny
Math/Algebra/8th Grade
Meyer, Rachel
Special Education Director
Pate, Sydnee
4th Grade
Poe, Megan
ELA/6th Grade
Poe, Teresa
Special Education
Shockley, Hannah
Band/Vocal Music
Strubberg, Tiffany
Reading Specialist/Title I
Walker, Ted
PE/SPED Teacher
Vandegriffe, Tandy
Chwascinski, Rhonda
Custodian/Food Service
Covington, Amy
Paraprofessional/Food Service Director
Engelbrecht, LuAnn
Part-time Interventionist (T, W, TH)
Fischer, Jill
Health Aide
Gerling, Carrie
Hoffmann, Karen
Board Secretary/Bookkeeper
Jasper, Beth
Food Service
Johnson, Amy
Madden, TIna
Ritchie, Amanda
Bus Driver
Schaefer, Bob
Bus Driver
Schaefer, Sandy
Custodian/Food Service
Shockley, Conner
Technology Coordinator
Board of Education:
Nathan Parmentier- President
Christy Groppe
Vice President
Kurt Koch,
Kelly Theiss
Jessica Toelke
John Nilges
Jenny Southerland
Open House/PTO Pool Party
PTO is hosting a Back to School Pool Party at the New Haven Aquatic Center on Friday, August 2nd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We hope to see you all there! PTO will provide hotdogs, chips, cookies, and drinks.
Open house will be held on Thursday, August 15th. You may visit your child’s classroom between the hours of 4:30 pm-6:30 pm. Families may bring in school supplies at this time.
Get the Lead Out
The Franklin County R-II School District has completed all testing required by state statute. All results are posted on our website. We used Occu-Tec to test our samples. We are compliant in all areas.
RSMo 160.077; Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act (2022)
Before August 1, 2024, or the first day on which students will be present in the building, whichever is later, each school shall:
- Perform all testing
- Make test results and any remediation plans, available on the school’s website within two (2) weeks of receiving test results
- Remove and replace drinking water coolers or outlets determined not to meet the EPA’s Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 (see exceptions in statute)
- If testing indicates that the water source (i.e. public water system) is the source of any contamination above the standard; a filter shall be installed at the water inlet into the building and at each water outlet inventoried too ensure standards are met, or provide purified water at each outlet o If testing indicates that contamination is caused by internal piping; the school shall install filters at each water outlet inventoried, or provide purified water at each outlet
A Note from Mrs. Oetterer
It has been a very busy summer! We have been working on facility updates, unpacking boxes, and getting rooms ready for our students. We aren't ready yet....but we will be! I am looking forward to having our students and staff back!
Our goal this year is to not only make students feel safe, but also focus on building positive relationships with our students and families! We want to provide an environment where students feel loved, respected, and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. The mission of our district states that we truly are BETTER TOGETHER! Together, we can empower our students to be the best versions of themselves. Communication is the key to success. Please feel free to contact me throughout the school year! koetterer@fcr2.org
Enjoy the rest of your summer! We will see you soon!
Mrs. Kathy Oetterer