Haynesfield Happenings!
February 18,2025
Important Dates
Thursday, 2/20:
Bible Club (3-5/preregistered students)
Reading Buddies Party (K-2)@6pm
PTA @ 4pm in Library
Tuesday, 2/25:
Spring Pictures
Friday, 2/28:
Benchmarks begin (1st-5th)
Monday, 3/3- Thursday, 3/6:
Benchmarks (1st-5th)
Thursday, 3/6:
2nd/3rd Informance and Art Show
Friday, 3/7:
End of nine-weeks
Monday, 3/10-Friday, 3/14:
Spring Break/School Closed
Monday, 3/17:
Teacher Inservice/No School
Flex Day for pre-registered students
Wednesday, 3/19:
Report Cards
Thursday, 3/20:
Bible Release (3-5)
PTA @ 4pm
Parent Learning Night (3-5) @6pm
Monday, 3/24:
School Board Meeting @6pm
Thursday, 3/27:
Reading Buddies party #4 (K-2)
Read Across America
Read Across America coincides with benchmark testing this year. To help limit distractions, we will not do a full week of dress up days at that time. We will still celebrate and have dress up days; however, we are going to spread those out through the month of February. Please see below for detailed information.
A Word from Special Area
Counseling Corner
Hello Haynesfield Families.
Last week, the Children’s Advocacy Center met with each grade level to discuss safety awareness.
These are some of the things that were discussed.
- Know what’s Up: Students should know their personal information like, address and phone number and be aware that they should never share that information with strangers.
- Spot Red Flags: If they see something strange or suspicious, tell an adult they trust immediately
- Make a Move: If they see or sense something is wrong, remove themselves from that situation and tell a trusted adult immediately
- Talk it up: Student should use their voice when they know something is wrong
- No blame, No shame: students learned that if they believe that a situation is unsafe, it probably is. There is no shame in telling someone what happened and asking for help.
I encourage you to talk with your student about what they learned and asked them to show you the motions that go along with each of these safety steps.
Have great week!
Mrs. Combs