MES Family Newsletter
School Year 2024-2025
October 28, 2024
Thank you MES Community!!!
Thank you to our school community and beyond for your gracious support of our Boosterthon fundraiser! As you may know, this is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year and I am happy to say that we absolutely crushed our goal this year! Here are the final stats.
Total amount raised: $26,233
Students registered: 288 of 372 students
Students with pledges: 201 of 372 students
Countries: 2 (US and UK)
States: 28
Be an approved volunteer @ MES
Volunteers and Visitors
Families are encouraged to become active participants in their child’s education. Throughout the school year, many opportunities are provided for family participation and involvement. All adults attending for special school-based events where adults will be interacting with the students that occur within the school day MUST be APPROVED VOLUNTEERS. This is to ensure the safety of all students since the adults will be within the school and engaging with all students within a classroom.
If you are visiting the school for business purposes such as, register, withdrawal, drop off medication, meet with a teacher for a conference, where you will not interact with the student population, you are not required to be an approved volunteer, but must be scanned through Raptor to ensure safety of all students and staff as a Visitor. You will be accompanied by a staff member during your time in the school.
Both Volunteers and Visitors are to report to the front office at the building you are visiting, be prepared to sign in with the Raptor registration system and wear a badge while on school grounds. During the instructional day, we request your support in fulfilling our responsibility to maintain a safe environment which is focused on learning and minimizes distractions. Classroom visits are to be scheduled in accordance with the CCPS visitation policy.
Become a Volunteer
Calvert County Public Schools uses Raptor for visitors and volunteers to sign in and sign out. All volunteers will need to review the volunteer handbook and watch the volunteer training video before completing an Online Volunteer Application. Volunteers must be approved before they may begin service as a volunteer in any school buildings. Please note, the procedures for policy 8123 states that all volunteers must be at least twenty-one years of age unless he/she is the parent of a child in school.
The Online Volunteer Application works best on a laptop or desktop computer. Completing an application on a mobile device will not properly submit and could cause an issue with your application being received and/or approved.
- Read the volunteer handbook.
- Watch the volunteer training video below.
- Complete the online application. Be sure you receive receipt that you submitted your application.
Quarter 1 Report Cards will be sent home 11/8.
Contact your teacher if you would like a conference prior to November 11th.
From the School Nurse...
CCPS Guidance for Management
NEW Parent Handbook!
Did you always want to know what the dress code allowed or how to contact the office? Visit our new Parent Handbook filled with MES & CCPS information.
Please note if we do not have any documentation for an absence, it will be coded as illegal.
Attendance, Tardiness & Early Release
Attendance, Tardiness, & Early Releases Regular attendance at school is vital to your child’s educational development. School attendance laws in the State of Maryland require that children attend school regularly; students absent 10% or more of the total number of enrollment days are considered to have chronic absenteeism.
In accordance with CCPS Students’ Rights & Responsibilities Attendance Policy, schools will monitor student attendance, collaborate with families experiencing attendance concerns, provide resources and develop plans as appropriate. Students who are chronically absent will be considered for retention. When students are absent, you will receive an automated phone call to alert you to the absence.
Lawful absences: If a student is absent due to illness, or another legitimate reason, they must bring a written note signed by the parent or legal guardian, or a doctor’s note if they have been seen. The note must be sent in within three days of the absence.
Make-Up Work Requirements: It is the responsibility of all students, whether the absence is lawful or unlawful, to obtain and to complete the work provided by each teacher. All make-up work will be graded in accordance with the regular classroom grading policy if it is completed within the established timeline. Generally, students will have one day to make up work for each day of absence. Teachers are not expected to provide schoolwork before absences.
Tardiness (Late Arrival) & Early Release & Parent Pick-up All students arriving after the school start time MUST BE SIGNED IN by an adult in the school office. Students arriving after the start of the school day will be considered tardy. Students leaving before the end of the school day will be identified as having an early release. Please note: Unless it is a school or system wide emergency, parents must provide written permission for anyone to pick up their child from school. A written note is required each time your child is picked up by someone other than the parent or legal guardian, even if the person is listed on the Emergency Form.
MES @ Work! Look at us learning!
Birthdays at School
Student birthdays are very exciting and will be recognized by the classroom teachers and staff. We kindly request that, due to increased allergies, students with diabetes and other health concerns, non-food items such as pencils, stickers, trinkets, etc. be sent in to share with the class rather than cupcakes or other snacks. Please communicate with the teacher in advance if you are planning on sending items in to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Visitors at Lunch!
Lunch is a social time for all students to interact and share social time with their classmates. Our schools have limited space to accommodate adult guests for lunch with students. If you should wish to have lunch with your student, please inform the front office in advance. We ask that parent/guardians be an approved volunteer and only share food with your own child. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate guests for lunch on special event days or early/late arrivals/dismissal.
Tuesday Folders
Each Tuesday your student will bring home a folder with all their weekly work or assignments. In addition, any newsletters or CCPS information that is printed will be included. Please review and remove all the information in the folder and return it every Wednesday. If you have additional questions don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher.
Bus and Car rider Information
If you plan to pick up your child EVERY day from school and they will Not be riding the bus this school year, please complete the car rider form below and return it to the office.
If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment, we ask that you please do so PRIOR to 3:00pm as the office gets very busy just before dismissal.
Please note when you need another adult/friend or family member to pick up your child you must submit a note in writing to the front office in advance. We do not accept requests by phone. The person picking up MUST provide an ID.
If you need additional information related to someone other than guardian picking up your child don't hesitate to reach out to the front office or administration.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
Mutual is a PBIS school! Exciting things to come this school year with PBIS so be on the lookout for more information.
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive behavioral interventions and supports. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive system approach to help parents and school staff create and maintain a safe, supportive, learning environment, promote positive life skills and behaviors so that all children can succeed in school. PBIS is an approach that helps schools proactively teach students about expected behavior and provides supports to encourage positive choices.
Mutual’s PBIS at a glance
Mutual Elementary has a school motto which define our expectations for students, they are…
· SHOW kindness
· WORD hard
· STAY safe
PBIS is a schoolwide approach with interventions and supports that recognize students for meeting behavior expectations and following school rules. As one of our many approaches, we are going to focus on a character trait of the month. A different for each month character trait is selected and discussed through out the month as a part of character education. At the end of each month, teachers will nominate a student to be recognized as someone who showed to be a great example of the character trait.
Our character trait of the month, for October is Cooperation/Team
Teachers and staff will teach and have discussions on the trait throughout the month. please do so at home as well!
CCPS Flyers and Information
For information about family events and youth activities taking place in our community, visit Please note: These events and activities are not sponsored by the Calvert County Board of Education or Calvert County Public Schools. We provide equal opportunities to outside agencies to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district. It is important to note that hardcopy flyers will not b