October EPS Family News Flash
October 1, 2024
Dear EPS Families,
It has been a terrific start to the school year! Thank you to all who attended our events including school visitation, popsicles on the playground, the September PTO meeting and our Back to School Night! We look forward to continuing to welcome you into your childs learning community throughout the school year.
As we move into October, we will look forward to our Week of Respect and Character Kickoff, PTO Clubs, District Title One Meeting, School Pictures, Trunk or Treats, Fall Fun Fest, Dine to Donate and our Annual Pumpkin Carve Contest. Please see below for information on all of these events.
Our character trait of the month for October is Respect. We will focus on daily tips for respect, a school spirit week of respect and nominating kids of character for respect! Our monthly manner is using listening position. Mrs. Burns, our school counselor, will be visiting classrooms this month to teach a lesson on these important skills.
On October 29, our Central Office Team will be hosting an elementary community conversation for families at 6 pm. The event will take place at Slackwood School and will be a time for you to meet our district admin team, learn about district initiatives, and talk about all things elementary. We will have pizza and child care available. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScFGk90FSlIZDC-F8O23PjADCwzKMJVYC2RBQbZ1VoJmp0jrQ/viewform
We are excited for a fun month ahead, filled with lots of activities and learning opportunities!
Please reach out with any questions! aamiet@ltps.org
All My Best,
Amy Amiet
Spirit Days for the Week of Respect
Free And Reduced Lunch Application
Please log in to your Genesis Parent Portal to ensure that your Free and Reduced Lunch Application is up to date. If you allow them to expire, you will begin to incur costs for your child ordering lunch. We are able to provide paper copies through our main office. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Byrnes at jbyrnes@ltps.org and she can assist you.
Title 1 Night-Please Join Us!
Many hands make light work! Sign up to volunteer to help out with the events planned throughout the year. https://forms.gle/TsdCPpbAvwzwVfiY7
PTO Dine to Donate!
Trunk or Treat Events!
LTPD Trunk or Treat
This year, Lawrence Township Public Schools will be joining with the Lawrence Township Police Department and the Lawrence Township Recreation Department to help make THIS Trunk or Treat extra special! So, get your costumes ready for a spook-tacular night of tricks, treats, and trunks. See you there... if you dare! October 24 from 6-8 pm in the LHS parking lot.
If you would like to set up a display, register your vehicle here.
EPS/SWS PTO Trunk or Treat
This year the EPS PTO has joined up with the SWS PTO to host a fun trunk or treat event! Return the below form to participate on October 25, 2025 at 6 pm!
A Community Pumpkin Painting Event!
Picture Day Information
Picture day at EPS will be on October 16. Please see information below on pricing.
Join Our Early Childhood Advocacy Council!
LTEF Handbag Bingo-October 25
October Lunch Menu
10/2-Custodian Appreciation Day
10/3-Schools Closed in Observance of Rosh Hashanah
10/7-Week of Respect Begins/Wear Something Lawrence
10/8-Wear your favorite team spirit wear/District Title 1 Meeting @ 6:30
10/9-Wear your workout gear/Board of Education Meeting @ 7 pm
10/10-Wear something that reflects you, your family and/or your culture
10/11-Character Kickoff-Wear EPS spirit wear
10/14-Schools Closed for Professional Development
10/16-Picture Day
10/21-PTO Meeting @ 7 pm on Google Meet
10/24-LTPD Trunk or Treat
10/25-Fall Fun Fest and Pumpkin Carve Voting/Trunk or Treat at SWS 6 pm/LTEF Handbag Bingo @ 6 pm
10/29-Elementary Community Conversation @ SWS 6 pm
10/31-EPS Spirit Day (wear your spirit wear or blue and gold)