January 2025 Newsletter
January Family News 25

A Note From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to 2025! As we begin this new year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've been on together and share my excitement for what's ahead.
Our school community continues to grow stronger, and I am grateful for the partnerships we have with each of you. Your support and involvement play a vital role in the success of our students and school.
January is a time for fresh starts and renewed goals. As we move into the second half of the school year, we remain committed to providing a safe, supportive, and engaging environment for all students. From academic achievements to extracurricular opportunities, there is so much to look forward to in the months ahead.
Let’s make 2025 a year of progress, growth, and success for all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or ways you’d like to be involved in our school community. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact.
Wishing you and your family a healthy, joyful, and successful new year!
Cindy Schmidt
Middle and High School Principal
Student Representatives of the School Board
Congratulations to Norah Renstrom and Kendra Westphal for being selected as the Student Representatives of the School Board!
End of Semester 1: January 17th
The end of the semester is just around the corner on January 17th, and we are making the final push toward a strong finish. This is a critical time for students to stay focused, complete assignments, and prepare for upcoming assessments. Please encourage your student to reach out to their teachers if they need extra support or clarification during these last few weeks.
Student Clubs and Groups
Dungeons and Dragons (D & D):
Meets on Tuesdays after school from 3:15 - 4:00ish.
Room 227. Anyone is welcome to attend. Knowledge Bowl
HS Knowledge Bowl is an academic competition where teams of students answer questions across various subjects, including science, math, history, literature, and current events. Teams compete in written and oral rounds, showcasing their critical thinking, teamwork, and quick recall skills. It fosters intellectual curiosity and provides a fun, competitive environment for learning.
We meet on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings at 7:30 in room 246 to practice. During January and February there are meets where students compete against other schools. Students can talk to Mrs. Ludwig if they are interested in joining, it's not too late!
HS Speech season at LSH has begun with practices daily after school! Coached by Ms. Lerud, Speech is an activity where students get to write and perform their own pieces. With an array of categories that allow students to act, debate, and speak on topics that they care about, Speech is a place for all beliefs and voices to be heard and valued. If students are interested, they can contact Ms. Lerud and register online. Tournaments begin in February and go until April! All tournaments are on Saturdays.
Magic the Gathering Club
Meeting Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm in room 212
We play Magic The Gathering (card game) usually playing commander format but also doing drafts and cubes. We are open to new players and willing to teach anyone who is interested. We have multiple ready-to-use decks for borrowing and have all the necessary materials. Come with your curiosity, try to win the battle, and be the last deck still standing. Email Mrs Richards for any questions and no need to sign up.
HS Unified Club
Our high school’s Unified Club is an inclusive program established through Special Olympics, promoting meaningful connections and opportunities for students of all abilities. As a Unified Champion School, we embrace the mission of fostering social inclusion by encouraging teamwork and collaboration between students with and without disabilities.
The club engages in activities, including running our school’s coffee cart (along with the HS Student Council), which provides hands-on experience, and leadership opportunities, and builds a sense of community. Our Unified club held its first advocacy assembly on World Kindness Day highlighting the importance of Kindness for all students. Unified Club members may also be interested in participating in programs such as Unified PE and Unified Bowling, which offer additional opportunities to connect, compete, and learn together.
Through these shared experiences, the Unified Club breaks down barriers, celebrates diversity, and creates a more accepting school culture. Together, we are building a school where inclusion is a daily practice, and every student feels valued and supported.
Unified Club members are committed to spreading inclusion of ALL students with and without disabilities.
Unified Club meets on Fridays during RISE to run the coffee cart (along with LSH Student Council) and also at other various times (Looking at meeting every other Wednesday during Lunch as well). The best way for club members to stay in the know is to join the Group Me app chat, where we send out reminders and all things happening Unified (message Ms. Anderson for LINK if serious about joining)!
Please contact Ms. Erika Anderson for more information at eanderson@isd2397.org and follow along on Instagram @lshunified for updates on all things Unified happening at LSH.
January 2025 LSH Student Support News (Click the link below)
General Exclusion Guidelines for Illness
- A student must be 24 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication prior to returning to school. A fever is considered 100°F or higher.
- A student must be 24 hours without diarrhea prior to returning to school. A student must be 24 hours without vomiting prior to returning to school.
- If a student has a rash for which the cause is unknown, check with your doctor prior to sending them to school.
- If a student is unable to participate in routine activities at school due to illness (ie. severe coughing, tiredness, etc.) they should remain home until 24 hours of symptom improvement.
The Le Sueur - Henderson Public schools will continue to follow the recommendations of the CDC for all known and reported positive COVID cases. It continues to be best practice to stay home and away from others when sick and/or symptomatic. An individual may return to normal routines if they have had 24 hours of symptom improvement AND 24 hours fever free (without the use of fever-reducing medication). It is important to recognize that one may continue to be contagious even when feeling better, therefore, it is suggested to take extra precautions when returning to normal activity(is. frequent handwashing, cover your cough, practice distancing from others, consider wearing a mask).
Students should be 24 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medications and be generally well enough to participate in routine activities.
Pink Eye
There is no exclusion for pink eye. As long as the student does not have a fever and is well enough to participate in routine activities they may attend school.
Strep Throat
Students should have 12 hours of antibiotics prior to returning to school. They also need to be 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications.
**** It is requested that parents report any contagious diseases to the school as soon as possible. If your student is ill with something not on the above list, the length of exclusion will be determined by the school nurse. ****
Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools Plan to Survey Students: Passive Consent Notice to Parents
Le Sueur-Henderson Schools is asking students in grades 5-12 to participate in the 2025 Minnesota Student Survey (MSS). Federal law requires us to notify parents of this school activity. The MSS is conducted in schools across our state every three years.
Questions on the survey are about many topics relating to young people’s lives. The survey asks about how well school is going, future plans, out-of-school activities, physical and mental health, relationships, substance use and more. High school students are asked about sexual behavior. This useful information about their thoughts and behaviors helps communities and schools develop effective programs and provide better services.
The survey is anonymous. To prevent individuals or families from being identified, students do not provide their names, student identification numbers or personal information.
The survey is voluntary. You may choose to have your child not take the survey by completing and returning the form below. Students may also decline to take any part of the survey or the whole survey. They are informed of that option by staff.
If you have questions about the survey, please contact: Katie Maier, MSHS Assistant Principal/Director of Learning and Curriculum, kmaier@isd2397.org
You have the right to review a copy of the survey. For details on how to do this, please contact: Katie Maier, MSHS Assistant Principal/Director of Learning and Curriculum, kmaier@isd2397.org
The Minnesota Student Survey will be administered to students on February 5th, 2025.
If you do not want your child to take the Minnesota Student Survey, please return the form below to: Katie Maier by January 24, 2025.
10 Best Educational Websites Teachers and Parents(Click the link below)
Mentoring Program Begins
The ALL IN Team (a leadership group of students in grades 9-12 centered on spreading inclusion and promoting school culture) has developed a Student Mentoring Program. The purpose of the mentoring program is to connect students with positive role models who can guide, support, and inspire them.
Students in the program will receive guidance from an upperclassman mentor giving them someone other than a staff member to go to for advice and support. Mentors will focus on student’s academic health, mental well-being, and building positive relationships.
Since space is limited students must be referred by a teacher to receive a mentor. Parents will be notified when the student is referred.
If you believe your student will benefit from a mentor contact one of their teachers.
Don’t forget to order school pictures
“Don’t forget to order school pictures at shop.jostenspix.com!” Be sure to include your event code: FE154524 or FE154424
Help Your Student Budget for the Future
Click on the picture for each link.
Upcoming Events
January 10: 2-Hour Early Release
January 17: End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
January 20: NO SCHOOL: Teacher Work Day
January 23: Blood Drive sponsored by TARGET