Paul Duke STEM Newsletter
October 3rd, 2022
Paul Duke STEM Juniors & Seniors:
Herff Jones will be on campus next week Monday (10/03) during lunch for class ring orders! We just need a $100 deposit for Ultrium rings to get your order started ($200 for all other metals) and we’ll walk you through the rest! If you would like to design or order your ring online, go to www.3rdascent.com today!
Teacher Wishes
Through our Teacher Wish program, you can support our teachers and staff in creating innovative learning experiences for our students.
There are opportunities for everyone to support a specific teacher or a specific school department with an array of items from the Sign Up Genius Teacher Wish List.
Thank you for your continued support of our teachers, staff and students!
Every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the history, culture, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central, and South America.
The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon B. Johnson; it was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period beginning on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.
September 15 is a significant date because it marks the anniversary of the independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.
This year, we will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month here at Paul Duke STEM High School to recognize the contributions of many Hispanic Americans in our country.
Please join us in the celebrations:
September 19 - October 14: Learn about Hispanic culture
Keep an eye out and listen to the Fact of the Day that we will be sharing each day to learn a little bit more about the Hispanic culture and about Hispanics’ contributions to our society. You can also see these facts posted throughout the school. Pay attention! These will be used for Trivia questions.
Wednesday, October 12:
All teachers will host traditional Hispanic/Latino games during intervention block.
Norcross Swim & Dive Team
Three Ways to Get Involved
- Participating in Project Based Learning Units (this involves coming to the school and providing relevant and timely feedback to students during the process of their projects and/or attending presentations at the conclusion of their projects)
- Hosting an Intern (every senior takes the Senior Experience and Exhibition (SEE) class. One of the options for a senior taking SEE is to find an internship. We need local businesses and organizations willing to accept a senior for an internship)
- Providing SEE Consultancy Problems (another option for students taking SEE is to stay on campus and become a consultant for a local business/organization. We are seeking problems that your business/organization might have that a group of students could solve)
The purpose of this form is to submit your contact information and level of interest in supporting students at Paul Duke STEM High School
We want to hear from YOU on the AKS Review!
Annual AKS Public Review
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) invites GCPS families, Gwinnett County residents, students, and GCPS staff members to participate in the school district’s review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum September 12 - October 6, 2022. The public may review proposed standards online, offering feedback on AKS that have been developed to align the curriculum with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and/or Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Click here for a list of the courses with AKS under review. To review the AKS and provide feedback, please click here to begin. Comments will be accepted through Thursday, October 6, 2022.
What: Annual AKS Public Review Opportunity
When: Now through October 6, 2022
Trivia Night!
Join us Friday, October 14th starting at 6:30 pm for a night of Trivia!
Form teams from your friends and neighbors (10 members or less please) to try and answer our Trivia questions and win some great swag, gift cards, and more!
You can register your team by clicking the image or here
Deadline to sign up is 10/13 at 8pm.
Snacks and drinks will be sold by the PTSA.
Let the fun begin!
At Paul Duke STEM High School, our mission is to ignite and foster success and creativity in all students through a challenging STEM curriculum, which connects students to their future through technology and relevant learning experiences. We do this through project-based learning, problem-based learning, integrated lessons, investigative research, and public performances.
We are excited to host Paul Duke STEM’s Student Showcase, which will happen on November 9-10 and November 15-16. This is an opportunity for our students to highlight and showcase their work and present their work to a public audience. All students at Paul Duke STEM will present one of their favorite STEM lessons in each of their seven classes.
We are cordially inviting parents, community members, and industry professionals to come and participate! You will be able to choose which classes you want to experience based on the schedule that day. During that time, we ask you to give presenters honest feedback on the content and presentation style. You can give that feedback in the moment, and we'll also have a tool you can fill out and give back to us. For more information, visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions please email Carly Scholz, carly.scholz@gcpsk12.org.
Title I ESOL Family Night!
All families are invited!
Come and learn about the ESOL program, Flex Friday, Parent Portal, Access Test, Summer School, and Graduation requirements.
*Interpretation will be available
Paul Duke STEM High School’s International Night is a great opportunity to showcase your family’s background and to teach others in our community about the many cultures represented in our school. Families may display crafts, flags, currency, stamps, clothing, maps and photos. Whether you’re Irish or Italian, whether your ancestors are Chinese or Cherokee: your family has an interesting heritage to share.
Parents are encouraged to support their children's efforts to educate one another on the unique differences in their own family's culture.
Please fill out survey here
Yearbooks are on sale!
The cost is $70 and will increase to $75 on 10/1!
Senior Tributes
Don't miss this chance to honor your graduating senior with a special tribute in the yearbook! This opportunity is only available until November 30th. Reserve your spot through www.balfour.com.
MyPayments Plus
Acknowledge Forms must be signed through MyPayments Plus account
Parent Portal
Click here to access to the Parent Portal
Please contact Ms. Dobbs if you need assistance
at 470-323-3625
Free and Reduced Lunch
SY 22-23 Online application now available!
The applications help our school receive additional funding allowing us to provide more for our students. They must be filled out every year
Apply ASAP!!!
The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. Approximately 1.5 million high school students enter the program each year. These smart and hard-working Trailblazers scored among the top 1% of the 1.5 million students nationwide who took the PSAT/NMSQT last year as juniors. The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test administered by the College Board.
Congratulations to Rohan Pai and Nathan Chen, Paul Duke STEM's National Merit Semifinalists.
GCPS Teacher of the Year Semifinalist
Teacher of the Month
Esther Kim
"She is an exceptional teacher, making us think outside the box with different perspectives by questioning and thus strengthening our viewpoints and making us realize how many sides can be seen if one looks at multiple angles. She actually tries to make it easy for us, not by lessening the workload necessarily but by thoroughly explaining her assignments as well as her thoughts, making it easy to understand her and her class. She also made me realize how important it is to write and think, which sounds strange, but said best by George Orwell, "If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them."
Staff Member of the Month
Gisela Fleites
"First for the Paul Duke Field Day! What an amazing fun day. We loved it. But not only that all the things you do to brighten other people's day. The little touches that show how much you care. She is truly a loving and kind spirit, and I am so thankful she is here at Paul Duke!"
Lunch generously sponsored by the Sama Family
Certified STEM School Banner
On Tuesday September 6th our school received the STEM certification banner from the Georgia Department of Education. Achieving Georgia DOE STEM certification, Paul Duke STEM is now.....
the LARGEST whole school STEM certified High School in Georgia
the FIRST Title I whole school STEM High School in Georgia
the FIRST majority Latino STEM High School in Georgia
the FIRST and ONLY non-criteria admission STEM High School in Georgia!
Thanks to the @gadoe_stem_steam for the support and recognition! #TeamGCPS Gwinnett Schools
Gwinnet County Youth Symphony
This past weekend, we had some of our string players audition for the Gwinnett County Youth Symphony.
GCYS is a honor orchestra group that only accepts the best players in Gwinnett County. They play professional works from the likes of Haydn to Rimsky-Korsakov
Maxwell Trinh- 12th Grade- Viola
Hyerin Chung- 10th Grade- Viola
Khang Tran- 10th Grade- Viola
Sophia Moreira-Chauvel- 9th Grade- Violin
Dylan Lenze- 12th Grade- Violin
Gwinnett County has purchased a wonderful college and career planner called Naviance. Counselors will be showing students all of the features in their classrooms, but as parents, you have access to explore as well. You will need to be logged into your student's Eclass page for access.
Please click on the links below for quick "how to" videos.
How to link your Common App to Naviance
Career Assessment and Exploration
*Click the link twice in order to open*
October 12 - Financial Aid Help Session - English only
When - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location - PDS Media Center (email will be sent detailing what to bring)
Audience - 12th grade students AND parents (no interpreters will be available)
Thursday, October 20 - Financial Aid Help Session - Spanish only
When - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location - PDS Media Center (email will be sent detailing what to bring)
Audience - 12th grade students AND parents (Spanish speaking)
Wednesday, Oct 26 - Purdue University
When - 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Location - Media Center
Audience - 10th - 12th Grade
Applying to a college who requires supplemental writing prompts? Take a look at this website!
Supplemental Essay Guide 2022-2023. Essays are listed by college with writing tips!
Love working on cars and want to make it a career? Check out Gwinnett Tech's diploma program!
The Care Team has created a wish list to help keep our "Need One, Take One" personal care supplies stocked. It's been a tough year, and some may find themselves having to pick and choose what makes it into the grocery cart each month. We have placed a bin in one of our girl's and boy's restrooms, hoping to share items in a more discrete way.
Thank you for your support of our students!
For only a $5 donation to the Counseling Care Team!
Form found in MYPayments Plus under School Fundraisers
Follow the Counseling Department on Instagram!
Community Service Opportunity!!!!
Norcross Elementary need your support to volunteer for Fall parent teacher conferences interpretation. Sign up here!
Certificate of Enrollment & ADAP
A Certificate of Enrollment is required to test for both driver's permit and driver's license. Students must submit a request form to receive this document. The request forms are available in the front office. The cost for this document is $3.
If you lost your ADAP certificate, you may get a replacement from the front office. ADAP certificates can be replaced for $5.
Please note there is a 48-hour turnaround for Certificate of Enrollment and replacement ADAP certificate requests.
Parking Information
Eligible licensed student drivers must provide proof of insurance, a valid driver's license, and a completed parking application. Click here for an application. Additionally, students must pay $70 for their parking pass. Click here to pay through MyPaymentsPlus. Students parking without a valid parking pass will be subject to disciplinary consequences including a boot on their car.
Work Permits
Are you planning on doing some community services but don't know where to start?
Contact Ms. Dobbs in the Parent Center or email at olaya.liranzo@gcpsk12.org
We need students who:
*Love their community
*Have a passion helping others
*Bilingual preferred but not required
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing
Routine COVID-19 testing (also called surveillance testing) can quickly detect individuals who are positive with COVID-19 and trace contacts who should quarantine. The testing, which is free and will be conducted on a weekly basis at the school, uses a short Qtip-type swab to collect a sample from inside the nose. This testing will allow GCPS to test, receive test results (within 24 hours), and notify individuals of a clinically significant reading. By participating, students and staff members can help to minimize the spread of the virus within our schools, which benefits us all.
Although participation in surveillance testing is not required for students or staff members, it is strongly encouraged. Participation will contribute to the success of this mitigation strategy and our schools’ ability to limit the spread of COVID and keep students learning in person.
Learn more about the COVID testing being offered to Norcross Cluster students and staff by reviewing our frequently asked questions.
Change Information
Parents, if you have any changes to your student's phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc. please note that these can be made by you in the Parent Portal. However, address changes need to be made at the school. Thank you."
Help Wanted!
Paul Duke STEM High School is looking for an addition to our amazing clerical team! Desirable qualities include good communication, organization and computer skills, willingness to work as part of a team and a desire to help students. Benefits include daytime work hours, 200 workday calendar and full-time GCPS employee benefits. If interested, contact Gisela Fleites at 470-323-3610.
Life 360
ife360 is a family communication, location and alert app for smartphones that allows users to share their locations with each other. Once set up on a phone, Life360 allows the administrating phone to set geo-fences defining chosen areas.
Screen Time lets you see exactly how much time your kids spend on their phones and tablets, the times of day they're most active, and which apps they use the most. You can also set app time limits, filter inappropriate content, and schedule "downtime" -- basically, shut down the device -- whenever you want.
Encourage your teen to put opinions in writing
Many teens are interested in solving problems and improving situations in the world around them. Whether the cause is the environment or money for a new school building, getting involved is a good opportunity for learning. When your teen shows enthusiasm for a cause, suggest writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. Your teen will get an outlet for self-expression and practice organizing thoughts in writing. https://tpitip.com/?32hS18608
To receive assistance with food, visit foodfinder.us
1:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Lawrenceville Branch (1001 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA 30044)
Norcross Branch (5735 Buford Hwy, Norcross, GA 30071)
You can find us on Facebook!
Parents, if you’re on Facebook, join the Paul Duke Stem High School (PDSHS) class groups, a virtual community hosted by the PTSA, open to all PDSHS families, we look forward to seeing you there to share information, opportunities and maybe even a laugh. Find the graduating class that corresponds to your students and stop on by
We look forward to connecting, and as always thank you for your support!
What is the PTSA?
The Paul Duke STEM High School PTSA brings parents, teachers, students and administrators together to promote education, expand STEM exposure and cultivate a strong community.
By working together through PTSA membership, volunteering, community partnerships, and financial contributions, the PTSA can help make a HUGE impact in every child's potential a reality!
Email us at pdshs.ptsa@gmail.com or check out our website at https://pauldukestemptsa.org
Earn Cashback When You Shop Like Normal
Get hundreds in cashback for you and your favorite cause when you shop at the brands and restaurants you know and love.
Join the movement on Givebacks and earn cashback while supporting Paul Duke Stem PTSA
Earn perks with the Desktop Chrome extension in just a few clicks: https://www.givebacks.com/join/PaulDukeSTEMPTSA
Take it mobile and earn even more!
You can support Paul Duke STEM PTSA and our school by shopping at Kroger!
Simply visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into your Kroger account, search for Paul Duke Stem HS PTSA either by name or SI217 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. If you do not have a Kroger rewards card, please visit the customer service desk at any Kroger. The closest Kroger to Paul Duke STEM High is at 3455 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Over the years, Publix Partners has contributed more than $30 million to over 4,500 schools giving back to support education. Simply sign up for a Publix.com account, select Paul Duke STEM, the enter your phone number at checkout. Please note that you have to re-enroll each year.
Donation to the PTSA to fill in the extra needs serving the teachers, staff, and students during the 2022-2023 first semester.
Diamond Partner ($5,000 Donation or more)
About us
Email: olaya.liranzo@gcpsk12.org
Website: https://www.gcpsk12.org/pauldukestemhs
Location: 5850 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 323-3600
Facebook: facebook.com/PaulDukeSTEM
Twitter: @Paul_Duke_STEM