Jag News
Weekly Updates for August 31 - Sept 4
Message from the Principal
As we start week three, classes have established a routine with the students and they are getting deeper into their subjects.
There will be a virtual Greenback Night Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, September 15. More information will be sent out next week regarding our online PTSA Welcome Back meeting and how the virtual Meet the Teacher will work.
We are in the process of assigning rooms for our Phase 1 students. If you have been selected through the lottery for the ones who have responded that they want to return in Phase 1, then you will be contacted about the process by Thursday end of the school day.
Gary Comalander - Principal
Social Media connection at CTJ!
Social Media connection to CTJ! Most of the Johnson groups have their own Twitter handles but CTJ as a campus has a Twitter and Facebook account where you can stay connected with all the wonderful things happening at Johnson high school!
Twitter: @CTJohnsonHigh
Facebook: Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School North East ISD @JohnsonNEISD
Johnson Counseling Social Media info
Here is a great place to go where we will be advertising lots of scholarship information. Our Twitter account is: @CTJcounseling
Johnson HS information
Phase-In 1 & 2 Requirements for students
During Phase 1 & 2, students will be in a single classroom, no more than 5 students per room, with 1 teacher. The following are requirements for each student.
- You must bring your own device to work virtually in a synchronous time with each of your classes.
- You must bring the power cord to keep your device charged.
- Student must have earbuds or headphones to listen to their classes.
- While sitting in the classroom, students will be expected to wear their mask except while eating in a socially distance atmosphere in the cafeteria or courtyard.
- Students will go to the cafeteria for their lunchtime. Students may bring their own lunch or buy their lunch in the cafeteria from a limited menu. Seating will be socially distanced.
- Students will be in one specific classroom all day on M-W-F and another specific classroom all day on Tu-Th. It is based on having the same lunchtime as their teacher.
I have attached a copy of the Phase-In plan as it currently stands. Please understand that changes can be made as deemed necessary.
Student Parent Handbook Reminder
Emails to Teachers Hints
Student Information
Yearbooks from last year
We are excited that we were able to distribute over 700 yearbooks last week. While we know some parents/students were not able to make it by, as soon as we can distribute the remaining yearbooks we will let you know. Please understand that it takes a lot of volunteers and manpower to distribute the yearbooks curbside. Everyone that ordered a yearbook will get their yearbook. Please be patient until we can organize our next opportunity.
If you have any questions, you can email Mrs. Jewett at vjewet@neisd.net.
Attendance & Grading Info
Golf team tryouts
If you are interested in trying out for the golf team at Johnson High School please contact Mike Martin or Shawn Mahan for details.
Mike Martin – mmarti117@neisd.net
Shawn Mahan – smahan@neisd.net
Congratulations and Good Luck
Congratulations to Abhived Pulapaka for placing 3rd in Lincoln Douglas Debate at the South Texas Season Opener Online Tournament last weekend. Way to go!
Community Info
Jaguar Pride Association
Jaguar Pride Association - Merchandise and Membership
JPA is the athletic booster club for all sports teams at CTJ! Visit our new online Jag Gear store to help support each and every athletic program on campus. While you’re there, you can also purchase your JPA membership to further support our student athletes. Go Jags!
Agendas from our Theatre Dept
Jag Spirit Club Shop
Johnson Spirit Night at Willies
Hello Johnson community!
As we prepare to dive into September, Johnson Spirit will be having a Spirit Night at Willies!!! Please know, this event is completely OPTIONAL. The Jaguar Spirit Night is at Willie’s Grill & Icehouse San Pedro on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. Willie’s Grill and Icehouse is open for Dine-In at 50% occupancy, Curbside, Take-out and Delivery business. Spirit nights are still good to go with these major reminders:
- Top volume for dinner is 6:00-7:30 and call volume may be so large that some callers will experience difficulty connecting, please be patient with us.
- Online orders DO NOT COUNT toward spirit night (sorry!!!). Spirit night supporters must order over the phone or in-person AND mention spirit night If spirit night is not printed on the itemized receipt, you were not counted and we can’t add these tickets after they’ve been closed.
- All spirit nights during quarantine are “ALL DAY” spirit nights.
Thank you in advance to those able to support us during this very difficult and extraordinary time. We hope you all are remaining safe and healthy!!
CTJ updated Football schedule
JHS PTSA for parents and students!
The JHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is ready to Back the Jags and could use your membership and financial support. We encourage you and your students to join Johnson HS PTSA and back the future to show your support for Johnson High School and have a voice in the decision making. We hope you will join us in 'backing the future' of the Jaguars!
Johnson PTSA
Johnson HS Google calendar
Please go to the Johnson calendar to see all activities. Soon we are hoping that there will be many games, concerts, and events happening every week. There is always valuable information on our calendar for events and deadlines. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=isa.neisd.net_1b1jb7tbikidnid7amtotnjk0o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FChicago
Let’s have a great week and Go Jaguars!
Gary Comalander