Bobcat Tales
June 6, 2024
TK/Kinder Registration: Open now
Continuing SLVE Students Online Registration: Open now
June 13th: Last day SLVE office is open
July 29th: SLVE Office reopens
August 8th: 1st day of school for students
A Message from Principal Ponza
Our last week of school was full of so many fun and special activities to celebrate the end of this school year. 5th Grade Advancement, Field Day, Boardwalk and bowling field trips, movies, pizza parties, the list goes on and on! As I was visiting the classrooms today students shared their excitement for summer as well as some big feelings around leaving their teachers and current classmates. Change can be a bit unsettling for some students, but also a great opportunity for a fresh start with new learning, new friends and new opportunities.This year has been full of new beginnings for SLVE. A new principal, new teachers and staff and new students and families. I feel so fortunate to be principal of SLVE. I'd like to thank all of our teachers, staff, students and families for working together throughout this school year to make our SLVE community strong. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, August 8th, for our first day of the 2024-2025 school year!
SLVE TK and Kindergarten Registration
SLVE new TK and Kinder student registration is open now. Please review the registration page to determine if your child is eligible for TK or Kindergarten and all the documents needed to complete the Enrollment Process.
SLVE Continuing Student Online Registration
SLVE Continuing Student online registration is open. Please be sure to complete the SLV online registration for students who will be continuing at SLVE.
At Home Summer Learning Opportunities
Summer Brain Quest Books
Summer Brain Quest Books were sent home with student report cards on today. Students who bring their Summer Brain Quest Books back to school in August will earn a certificate and 5 Bobcat pawprints.
Summer Lexia at home
Lexia log in information was emailed home on today. Student QR codes were sent home with the report card and a parent letter explaining our summer learning plan. Working on the Summer Brain Quest book, Lexia, and reading daily will be a great way for students to keep their skills strong and help to ensure they have a successful start as they enter their new grade level in August.
Bobcat Club News
Thank you to all the families who volunteered, donated, and attended events this year. We are so excited we raised enough money to keep our Life Lab program, ceramics, and art for our kiddos! Take a look at our year-in-review PDF. We hope that you will join us next year so we can continue to provide these programs for our children. Have a great summer!
June Triple P Parenting Classes
Triple P Positive Parenting topical workshop flyers for June are attached.
Información sobre programas en español disponibles en el sitio web.
Each flyer has its own unique link to register for each class, or go to https://www.first5scc.org/triple-p-classes and register on the website. All of these classes are on Zoom!
Workshops are all free, and grant funded by First Five of Santa Cruz.
Individual sessions are also available for free or sliding scale. If you are interested in a 1:1 session, please contact First Five of Santa Cruz at First 5 Santa Cruz County at (831) 465-2217 or triplep@first5scc.org and they will assign a practitioner that best meets your needs.
Cradle to Career
Cradle to Career Santa Cruz County (C2C) is a family advocacy organization and community connector that strives to uplift all families. Last year, C2C expanded from Live Oak School District to include four new school sites in SCCS, SUESD and SLVUSD. C2C staff are stationed at school sites to develop free programming including recreation activities, parent workshops, and advocacy opportunities for families. YOUR perspectives will help guide C2C’s plans for this academic year. Please complete the short 2-minute questionnaire below to share your input.
¡Complete la Encuesta de Primavera de C2C antes del 5 de Junio para la oportunidad de ganar un premio de la rifa! bit.ly/C2CES24
Please complete C2C's Spring Survey by June 5th for the chance to win a raffle prize! bit.ly/C2CSS24
¡Padres, hagan oír sus voces! Cuna a Carrera del Condado de Santa Cruz (C2C) le pide que comparta su opinión completando nuestra encuesta de primavera anual. Sus respuestas ayudarán a informar las prioridades, los programas y los eventos de C2C para el próximo año escolar en su escuela. Revisaremos los resultados durante el verano y trabajaremos con los padres, socios comunitarios, y miembros asesores para desarrollar nuestro plan de trabajo para el año académico 24-25. ¡Los participantes que completen la encuesta antes del 5 de junio tendrán la oportunidad de ganar oportunidad de ganar un premio de la rifa! La encuesta está disponible en inglés y español y le llevará menos de 10 minutos completarla. ¡Gracias de antemano por su participación!
Encuesta en inglés: bit.ly/C2CSS24
Encuesta en español: bit.ly/C2CES24
Parents, make your voices heard! Cradle to Career Santa Cruz County (C2C) is asking you to share your input by completing our Spring Survey. Your responses will help inform C2C's priorities, programs, and events at your school for the upcoming year. We will review the results over the summer and work with parents, community partners, and advisory members to develop our work plan for the 24-25 academic year. Participants who complete the survey by June 5th will be entered for the chance to win a raffle prize! The survey is available in English and Spanish and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation!
English survey: bit.ly/C2CSS24
Spanish survey: bit.ly/C2CES24